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We've received some reports from Garmy members who use the RSS feature that new episodes are no longer appearing in their podcast app. 
While we haven’t changed anything on our end, we know that apps change their feed ingesting regularly and we want to share how we have been able to resolve it so far for the Garmy generals that have contacted us.
If you're are having this issue, you may be able to resolve it by un-subscribing and re-subscribing with the RSS link that appears in the Overview section of the creator page. 
(That is found by logging onto the Patreon.com WEBSITE, not the app.)
Here are some helpful RSS instructions and troubleshooting advice:





Maria Adams

I simply use the Patreon app on my iPhone, zero issues.

Kris Buker

I'm using Podcast Addict and i havent been able to get the RSS update to work. It just keeps telling me 'Broken RSS feed: At line 1, Column 0: syntax error'. Anyone have any suggestions? I'd rather not do a new app if i can help it.