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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: Hear how lucky GARMY members escaped the clutches of the Grim Reaper! A "sweet" tune for ONE-HIT WONDER WEDNESDAY! And, what the hell was up with Peter sticking his wife in that pumpkin?! (Not cool.)



May Day is also Lei Day. C'mon.. doncha wanna get lei'd?🤙🏾

Laura Dobberstein

I'm so far behind! But I wanted to tell you my near-death experience. The summer after I had my daughter, I ended up in the ER with severe pain in my stomach area... or maybe heart... I wasn't sure at the time. It turned out to be my gallbladder. They assured me the surgery was very safe... so off I went. When I woke up, I felt woozy and dizzy. I could only think, "something's not right"- or maybe it was a nurse who said that? It was all a blur. I remember hearing, "CODE BLUE" and my head dropping towards the floor as I slid back into the darkness. Turns out, they had nicked my artery on their way out from removing my gallbladder. They hadn't noticed and had already sewed me up. By the time they went back in and repaired it, I had lost 2-3 quarts of blood into my abdomen and required a transfusion to live. I've been told I almost died twice that day... so I'm pretty lucky to be here. That same day, a politician got his gallbladder removed, but he did die. Moral of the story? Don't believe 'em when they say it's a "routine" surgery. BTW- to add insult to injury, my insurance charged me as if it were two separate surgeries-- both with $3k deductibles... plus the $3k I still owed for my c-section 3 months prior. Wish I lived in Canada.