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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: Terrifying Tales of SEX INJURIES! Spectacular HAIKU poems from the GARMY! More of EDDIE'S DRUNK THOUGHTS! And, Drew Daywalt tells the behind-the-scenes story of his first best-selling children's book, THE DAY THE CRAYONS QUIT!


Greg Cowen

FYI.. Paris hilton trademarked "thats hot"... pretty sure thats what eddie was trying to reference at the beginning of the show.

Angela K

I can’t get my feed to refresh anymore on my podcast app. URL code isn’t working 😒


Some folks are saying they having issues with new TRR episodes not downloading onto your podcast apps. (iTunes is especially screwy.) Try this fix: Delete the RSS feed for THE RALPH REPORT from your app, and then RELOAD it. Here's how to do it and where to find your RSS feed: <a href="https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866-How-Do-I-Get-and-Use-My-Audio-RSS-Link-">https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212055866-How-Do-I-Get-and-Use-My-Audio-RSS-Link-</a> LMB! -RG