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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: More info about Lori Loughlin and "OPERATION VARSITY BLUES"! ("I don't want your life! ...") Another classic 80's tune for this ONE-HIT WONDER WEDNESDAY! And, an interview with ERIC BUTTS, the STAR WARS super-fan, about the trolls who attacked him online, and the good folks who rallied around him!


David edwards

im sure the tv show about the Graphic novel is an adaption of a UK show that was made a few years ago

Christopher Edwards

Lol i mean Ralph makes fun of celebs all the time and himself. I wonder the difference between that and joking on someone about crying over star wars. I've said on a different note i feel it's somewhat of a sheltered life to weep over a trailer. I got goosebumps hearing Luke's voice and Palpatines laugh but christ i wasn't crying over it lol. If someone dies or gets diagnosed with like cancer i get it but i get the joke about being less manly due to a trailer. Shit I've got friends in the military who got less choked up coming home after being deployed for 2 years