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I mentioned a while back that I wanted to redo my old Sonic drawing tutorials. Sadly, I still have to replace my computer and a lot of my hardware, so I had to make do with using my tablet so I hand wrote my notes. I'll type them out and explain more here. These will be three tutorials with probably three parts each: Males, Females, and Others.
First up is drawing Sonic boys. I will talk about my thought process in drawing close to canon interpretations of Sonic and the gang. These are my ideas and are by no means and end all be all. You are of course, more than welcome to do as you wish. ;)

Drawing Sonic Dudes

How I Draw Sonic Characters: 
Step 1: Base: This base structure can fit most "Sonic" male characters, like Sonic, Espio, or Infinite to name a few. 
They usually stand at three heads tall, meaning three of their head shapes can stack up and be as tall as them. I use a circle just to put the head in place as well as a bean shape for the body. Most male coded characters tend to have broader chest/shoulders and more narrow hips/pelvis area. 
*I tend to draw the torso a little longer, because it's easier to pose that way. 
The torso is still than the head for characters like Shadow or Silver. Vector and Big have longer ones but I'll get into them in a later Part. 
I rarely draw it out, but I try to keep some basic anatomy, like the rib cage and pelvis, in mind when posing. 
I've also illustrated some basic shapes for hands and feet. 

Step 2: Shapes: I start blocking out stuff more, still keeping it rough though. This is where I get basic proportions down before I finish up. 
To draw the muzzle, I usually use a circle in the middle and round shapes around the edges. It just helps me keep the shapes the same when I have to draw them over and over. 
I've also illustrated different spike shapes for Shadow and SIlver and some basic shapes for Espio. This stuff comes with practice, but once you get this basic body down, you can pretty much draw anyone from Sonic to Knuckles to Metal Sonic and Emerl. It's just a matter of learning their own individual details to tack on. I'm not saying all the characters are exactly the same, but they seem to be slight variations of the same basic anatomy.

Step 3: Details: Here's where I'll pull up some refs and get all the details down.
Arms and legs start narrow and and widen at the wrist/ankles.
*I usually like to make subtle differences between guys' and gals' hands, but that's totally a personal preference.
Fun Fact * Every character has their own canonical shoe bottom design. Some are more complex than others. Some of my notes in drawing the comics are regarding these >.<

Here are the steps for Sonic side by side. Hopefully my incoherent rambling makes sense. It's hard to break down something I usually do without thinking.

Is there a specific character you find difficult to draw and want to see my step by steps for? Let me know! 




Specific characters huh? Fiona or rouge would be cool!


Very well done tutorial!