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Okay, so at this point I'm feeling pretty confident in saying that I should have the next werewolf video squared away and posted by tomorrow evening. This one has given me a little trouble but I've just about got it squared away. I had a bitch of a time with the voices on this one so I decided to revert back to subtitles rather than waste more time with it. I kept running into bad keyframes a lot as well. I'm starting to suspect it's Poser 12. I've been experiencing a lot of weird saving and keyframing issues since I upgraded from Poser 11. Also some genius at Bondware Inc decided that the undo function should also work on your last save. Brilliant.



I didn't see the lastest video, but my personal opinion is base on chaos chapter 4 part1, you combine both transformation and story together and your doing very well, so I hope you can continue to do it in the future's work...because, I am really don't like part 2 since it lose the story


Saucin’, guess it’s Halloween already😏