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Hello all! I figured it's about time for an update. You may have noticed I've been quiet for a little bit. It's been a busy couple weeks for me and I've been using every undedicated minute to work towards finishing my current project. Too many Holidays! And why does half the planet have their birthdays around this time of year? Anyway, I'm just finishing up another werewolf video. It's not what I had originally planned to release this month but I switched gears as I figured I could get it out faster. (I do that a lot.) I'm really trying to keep my releases fairly consistent for you guys. If animation just wasn't so damn time consuming...

Anyhow... I had hoped for the end of this week but with all the bs I have to take care of here (you know, all that inconvenient life stuff.) and Fathers Day weekend it looks like early to mid next week for the release.



Hell yeah, take all the time you need, your werewolf transformations are always the best!


Also, Leviathan, Nadeza Fox wants your permission to remake Chaos 4 through video, sound, and voice editing, could you allow her to do so?


I'll be looking forward to it. sure it'll be great!