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Gearing up for the continuous release of tracks for our latest Album, "Songs for Wild Children"  This project is very dear to our hearts and includes moments we shared over the microphone with our son Izzy. Let's face it sharing a tiny house home recording studio/play zone with a toddler can be frustrating, slow moving and grueling at times. We have had many moments filled with tears from the deficit from one another we experience while working. Izzy loves to listen after all is done, but the reality is that most days he's begging us not to make music, to stop singing, to be quiet so that we can give him Love and Attention...and so the days roll on....
The parent guilt is real! And so the Creator angst builds as less important projects get pushed back, and back (echoing across canyons) Balancing and juggling everything we need to survive/thrive while working a 40 hour week and trying to be creative...and run the farm animal sanctuary and just be able exist has taken me to some very emotionally dangerous places as I heal from childhood trauma and the symptoms that come from that, aka depression/anxiety. The journey has been long and yes the good moments have been better than any we've ever experienced along with deep lows that catapult us into re-connecting with our highest selves.  This project has been really joyous for me and that in itself has been very healing and the fact that our son was a part of this project makes it super special and I know that it will be close to my heart for the rest of my life. Listening to the tracks we have finished so far, looking back I can tell that the memories we're making today will be precious in the future as we cherish these short moments with our kid as he becomes an adult. It's bittersweet watching someone grow up and we hope that these songs are going to help all who listen connect with those memories of their children when they were young wild and free.  ~ Abe



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