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2021 brought lots of changes for us. We spent a total of about 15 to 20 days together last year. Abe’s work schedule has been busy busy on all faces and the toll it took on our family was real. Too many days of working all day only to go work on chimney, climbing trees and clearing lots until dark and on weekends. Those close to us will know of the famed 3 months of no weekends for Abe. It was awful to say the least. He suffered. We suffered as a family. The strong desire to record all those songs in the waiting drove us to create their realities and we’re glad to see them earthside but the toll was paid and some foundations crumbled as a result. We’ve always been interested in seeking knowledge and trying new things. Starting around Thanksgiving Abe started participating in extracurricular crafting activities…Doctors orders! It started with some light recycled candling for relaxation and snowballed into distilling our own Essential oils and hydrosols. Music is Life! Music was not an option, I asked. Although we live for music…music is very much focused heavily in work. Hours of practicing,editing, recording, you get the idea… it’s exhausting, fun and relaxation are not always guaranteed. So it was a no go as extracurricular bonding time. We quickly assessed and jumped on the opportunity to use up all those old candle butts we’ve been saving. It felt good! It felt amazing! We failed many times, and still it feels wonderful! We decided we needed to be able to make our own oils and well, it went on from there. Here we are and I’ve asked Abe if I could offer up some of his heart creations, although the hoarder in me thinks I need to have it all. His creations are beautiful! They smell wonderful! I’ve been dousing myself in herbal waters and testing out all the candles and am totally in love! Even more in love with Abe! Everything his hands touch becomes art. Our Patrons can definitely expect to get some of Abe’s crafting goodies in the mail this year for sure! Here’s a link to his Etsy where I’ll be adding all the creations he’s willing to part with😆

Abram’s Apothecary


“I want you to amass a hobby store worth of crafting supplies until you heal. Pick anything you’re interested in and dive in. ”

~ Advice from a therapist…



Rowan Velasquez

Love the new hobby. Just ordered some candles from Etsy! Bravo Abe!