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This song was actually born of a request that never was to be but we're so glad the prompt was made because it caused us to write this whole song. This winter we lived with a very large orb spider who suddenly disappeared, leaving behind one very cute and tiny replica of herself in the greenhouse.  Orb/jewel/cat spiders usually die in the winter here leaving behind their very durable egg sac.  This orb spider never had an egg sac that we saw which we found unusual because even outside we have been able to track who has eggs and who doesn't, they're not shy creatures and pack a powerful wollop if you get too close, but generally are slow moving and docile.  The spider that lived with us in the house built some amazing webs for us to see, she frequently reused threads to put on additions to her snares.  She kept away black widows, flies and more. But mostly she brought health and abundance to our home.  If you have an orb spider living in your house, count yourself lucky to have such a peaceful and diligent warrior at your side.  I remember a morning where she had built her entire web across the door to the greenhouse, low and right across the walkway. The morning sun caught the threads and bounced into my eyes, which was the only reason I did not walk right into it.  Abe gently removed each thread across the path and reconnected them to screws in the ceiling.   One thread could not stretch, it just kept breaking every time he tried to make a connection. We decided to leave it as is for fear of damaging the main web.  The next day we woke up to the thread attached in the exact spot Abe was reaching for. She had connected two pieces of threads, wound together in the middle and then stretched to the screw head.  At the end of her line was extra rope, neatly wound up into a tiny oval of carefully kept building material.  She was not the only orb spider we found living amongst us, while cleaning one day I  accidentally swept a walnut sized orby off the shelf egg sac and all. At the time it was still summer and so I carefully removed her and placed her outside on a table where I had encountered orb spiders before.  The spider that lived with us was found way too late int he year to be exiled to the outdoors.  We accepted our house guest for the season and watched her grow. Her single offspring has been living in the greenhouse on the raspberry bush.  We also have one resident cricket who has serenaded us all winter.  It may be time to hook up the mic and collaborate! 
