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Ice Cream Stand is our Original Murder Ballad. A very tragic and true story unfortunately. Something we don't talk about in public is that Abe actually drove by this poor young man's body as he was lying in the street covered in a t-shirt surrounded by police officers. They were on their way prior to his death due to the automatic security alarm he (an unarmed man) set off while breaking and entering an empty ice cream stand in the middle of the night during closed hours and attempt to steal a cash drawer containing something around $150. The owner and the local authorities received notification from the owner's mobile security app, that there was an intruder and he then drove with a loaded gun to confront the young thief as they made their way to the scene as well. As the young man ran away the owner shot him once in the shoulder/chest and then again in the back. This same day this young man died, his wife went into labor with their first child. She was devastated. It was this point in the story that made us both stop and ask, "What was in the Ice Cream Stand?" The unarmed man was small, a short frail man in stature, a child of the town, a kid who grew up there, someone who everyone knew. He was not known for being dangerous, just troubled. We don't see his behavior as menacing , it seems to have been cultivated out of a place of fear and desperation. The owner was released of all charges. He is a wealthy and well connected business owner. The unarmed man (the thief) is poor, struggling with addiction and preparing to become a father for the first time, there was no peace and no judge or jury to protect him. Breaking the law in this case stealing, is not reasonable cause for execution. We believe he deserved the chance to redeem himself, change, heal and grow and learn to be a father. He was a caring person who was loved by everyone he met.



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