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We wrote Look Up around 2014 during an excursion to song school! We camped under the stars for days and wrote songs in the light and sat at the gate and ran security from midnight to 8am.  It was a sad and trying time although being surrounded by so many musicians and artists fueled our souls through it all.  Highlights for us were when Steve Martin jumped in line to the outhouse bathroom with everyone backstage. I remember the panicked look in his body guards eyes. Were these folk music loving hippies going to attack? Maybe very unlikely.  We did laugh in unison at this very unexpected turn of events. Everyone standing in line, the cooks and servers at the staff kitchen, the backstage lurkers who snuck in through the river.  We stood in the lunch and dinner line with several of our idols. We got to know each other deeper, we got to be with and hug friends for the last time, although we didn't know then they would be leaving this world. This time marks a very heartbreaking and transformative time in our lives.  It means a lot to us to share it with you all down almost 7 years later.  
