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Wanted to get on and let everyone know that this months music video will be late...again. But we have a great reason. We've had to buckle down and focus on a project that was loooong over due and so we have basically been put about 5 weeks behind schedule.  We like deadlines and the excitement of the hustle, but this is a bit excessive even for us.  We've poured our heart and soul into editing and scoring this video and its partner "Part 1".  It's been a journey full of many road blocks and malfunctions but in the end we're glad that we took the extra time to make it just right. It's a milestone for us and the biggest project we've ever taken on.  We're so happy that we get to share this with you because so many of our videos never get seen except by the people who commissioned them. We've made some pretty epic wedding videos let me tell you! This documentary has brought about many changes in our lives and it has affected us deeply. It challenged us emotionally and physically. The footage we sifted through was vast, the first rough cut was over 6 hours long. There were times when we were editing blind because the size of the file caused the screen to freeze constantly, we followed the audio waves and hoped for the best cut.  Anyone see "Exit Through the Gift Shop"? The film maker Karen Harris likes to refer to us as her midwives and that is exactly what it feels like. They had a year's worth of footage and were struggling to piece it all together.  We worked into the nights and maneuvered this creature through a giant maze of road blocks and unexpected curves and the day we finally finished was messy, emotional and exhausting for everyone but we had our baby. It's been a wonderful relationship with Healing States 365 and the trust they gave throughout this whole process has been outstanding. We are so happy and proud that we got the chance to be a part of this project. But we're beat up for sure, super tired and very ready to get back to our music. This documentary marks the end of an era of commercial editing for us and it feels so good to have something this important be the milestone marker for that accomplishment.  


Healing States 365 - Part 2 (What is Healing? Documentary)

Healing States 365 is a documentary about what it means to heal? What is healing? This documentary is about exploring alternative practices and personal stories about health and healing of the mind, body and spirit. Themes: What is Healing/How do we heal?, Trauma Based Therapy, Trauma Based Addiction Therapy, Energy Healing, Reiki, Yoga, Alternative Medicine, Animal Therapy, Meditation, Spirituality and Religion. Healing States 365 documentary about "What is healing? is the product of a cross country journey taken by Karen Harris and Jennifer Ippolito in search of different methods and modalities that people across the United States have experienced and continue to practice. It's a story about how we heal ourselves and our communities. visit us at: healingstates365.org


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