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We're preparing to release Part 1 of our documentary with Healing States 365: Titled "What is Healing?".   We've been busy scoring this one for the past 5 years, not an easy task. Along the way we have had several "WTF were we thinking with this track" moments and we've deleted and changed so many things in 5 years.  It's really hard to watch 6 hours of footage all the way through without getting distracted so we've been picking up fixes left and right as we wrap up.
Coming into Part 2 of this documentary we started to feel like our brains needed a montage to rest on, to reflect on all the information that has been laid out and to feel our hearts for a little bit.  We sort of stumbled into writing this one. Scoring can be a lot easier as well because there is less of a need for lyrics. This guitar track is one Abe recorded for another video that we've been working on and this seemed so appropriate for our Part 2 montage.  BTW Part 2 might be 2.5 hours longs so a rest from talking is really really important.   "Be Well" is what we've been calling this soundtrack.  This is a sample recording that we'll use to compile the completed song.  It's 3:00 minutes exactly which is a reflection of the time restriction from our other video. Working on this documentary has been so profound or us in many ways.  We've had no time restrictions because we all agree that this information needs to be heard. Karen Harris and the 365 Team have been super supportive of our visions for  this project and have basically trusted us with their sacred footage from the beginning.   To say the least, the relationship has been good to us (as we tear up).  We'll save most of those details for our release post.  Hope you enjoy this song!



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