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> Interrogate Jates

You nod to Myla and tell her that you trust her. "Finally! So how are we going to do this?" You shake your head and tell her you want to question him first. "What? Why?" She looks a little annoyed. "The little shit is just going to lie to us! There's no point in-" You stop her and tell her that he may not have been the one to write the letter, and we may have a bigger problem if he was just part of the plan. She calms down as she thinks about it. "I... But that would..." You ask her to go find something like a ledger that you can compare the handwriting to while you question him. "... Alright, fine. If there's other people involved, then it just means a bigger meal. But I wanna hear what lies he spits out first." You turn to Jates.

You make sure he knows that yelling or resisting will only make things worse for him. He nods and you remove his gag. He coughs for a bit before speaking. Myla had stuffed a sock in his mouth. "You... You don't need to find anything to compare." He looks at you with defeated eyes. "I did it. I wrote it."

Myla kicks him over again. "Why?! Why did you do that?!" She's fully angry again. "Why would you be so stupid?!"

"I... I buy supplies from Nysk." He says weakly. "She gives me a good price, and I don't question where it comes from. But... I don't do it cause I want to." He has tears in his eyes. "They keep traders from coming to the town. I have no choice. If they found out that I knew who killed Konic and let them get away..." He starts crying, unable to continue.

"So in then end, you're just looking out for yourself!" Myla yells at him. "Instead of having a spine, you choose to help those who are you primary problem! You're such a worthless pile of..." Myla trails off, too angry to keep talking. You signal her to try and calm down as you question Jates more.

"I-it's true." The innkeeper manages to say. "I'm a coward. B-but I'm just an innkeeper! I can't defend myself from them! No one here can... Nobody here wants to help them, but we have no choice. Those who go against Nysk always disappear..." He looks up at you. "Wh-what are you going to do with me now..?"

Myla looks at you with rage in her eyes. "I've made my choice." She slams her fist on the table. "He's guilty! And a coward! If we let him go, he'll just rat us out! You know what you have to do..." She glares at you. "This is the last time I'm going to say it. He's not leaving this room. You keep trying to protect him and you can join him."


You're going to have a very hard time if you want to convince Myla of anything at this point...



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