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    A gorgeous vessel renowned worldwide for her looks and personality. While she is not the first companion-type vessel produced, others of her kind are generally built to be quite amenable to humans, resulting in them coming across as somewhat unnatural in their affections. Unlike her fellows, the proud Sampo unit must be properly courted before she will grant her favor and will bear no tomfoolery of any kind beforehand. As a result, there are countless instances of down-and-out people purchasing a Sampo model, only to be forced to get a job, exercise, and start taking care of their hygiene before she'll even allow them to lay a finger on her. Remarkably, it seems like no matter how hopeless a person is, she will never give up on anyone and will always push them to be someone who is worthy of her affection.

    Despite their peculiarities, vessels are biologically almost completely identical to human beings, with each line sharing their DNA with a human "parent." Though they won't suffer the same harmful effects, they can feel hot, cold, and even sick just like us. Additionally, while vessels in the field require an enormous amount of energy to operate effectively and must regularly eat other people, those outside of combat are able to subsist just fine on a normal, human diet. Perhaps the strangest fact of all, those that get pregnant will still give birth to absolutely normal, human children, as if their "parent" were the one that mothered them herself.




This game's got some interesting lore to it. I don't usually gravitate to tsundere characters, but Sampo grew on me pretty quickly. Overall, I really admire the effort made to make each unit feel distinct in both appearance and personality.