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    A maid and knight of the Enchanted Castle hotel. She takes great pride in her job and works earnestly to bring a smile to her customers' faces. Unfortunately, she struggles to keep her appetite under control and tends to grow clumsier as she grows hungrier. Dedicated as she is, she takes rejection and criticism quite harshly, and is at her weakest after taking a blow to her self-esteem.

    Due to a quirk in her production, she has a remarkably slow metabolism for a vessel, which allows her to safely carry other vessels inside her and protect them from harm. However, it also slows the speed she can absorb her prey, decreasing her speed as their mass gets added to her body and weighs her down. In addition, she retains most of her preys' nutritional value, making a curvy Château an almost irresistible treat for a hungry predator. 

Château's art and design were both created by the incredible Artist-san. Please check them out and follow them on Aryion!




OMG, as expected from Artist-san, She looks so fantastic!


Can’t wait for the next update


when will be the next update?


I'm currently hoping to get it out on the 20th, though it is possible it will be delayed a little bit beyond then.


Can the BGM for battles be set to be self-selected? I prefer the first version

keep going

I can't wait to get to the next version.