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Note: In sandbox mode, the 'P' key will now open the debug menu while in free-cam mode.

Change list:

Gameplay changes:
- Added new vessel: Sampo
- Added new vessel: Chateau (IMPORTANT: Chateau's weight gain is not fully implemented yet)
- Added new class: Carrier
- All characters now have weight gain (Except Cornucopia)
- Custom squad selection implemented. Squad members will be highlighted and cannot be fed to other units
- Units will now carry over their stats from the lobby into battle. Units retain half of their weight between lobby and battle scenes. In addition, all pending digestions will be completed and the list of units digested will be updated
- Units lost in battle will now be removed from the lobby
- The battle will not be counted and the game state will remain the same if the player loses or manually returns to the lobby
- Units can now be locked
- The player can now replenish all vessels at any time from the lobby menu
- Banners added for mission start/clear/fail states
- Clearing or failing a mission will now cause all allies/enemies to immediately digest their prey before returning to the lobby
- Added a new "Hard Mode" map to use upgraded units on. Note: This map hasn't been extensively tested or balanced in any way.
- Pressing 'O' while in sandbox mode will now delete units
- Various bug fixes

Other Stuff:

- Characters' scale in-game is no longer dependent on their source image
- AI has been reworked to allow for more complex decision-making. This is important for future enemies, but the effects of this are very minimal, at the moment


Vessel Tactics v0.03.zip



I found 3 actions that can cause bugs:skipping too often ,not having a place to puke, enemies trying to eat more than their capacity. But other than that, it was great.New girls and squad is good .Besides,I like especially weight gain and associated speech.Thanks for all your hard work. But sorry, my English is not good, this is machine translation.


i not see a game link is it already in game just need to download the latest link or did link follows ?


Absolutely amazing update! Great job!


The update is amazing, the weight gain is *kiss chef*!! Thank you a lot man!!. I really like Chateau and Sampo, mostly Sampo, my new favorite. While playing the new map with them, i found a bug. If Chateau carries an unit (In my case i made 2 Schrodinger enter her belly) uhh, others vessels when they cancel their actions with the right click, will teleport automatically to Chateau belly even if they hasn't been eaten by her. Also if that happens, she will no longer stop enemy movement and will skip turns automatically even if she's in conditions to fight (This one i am not 100% sure. I saved her with Theano and after that the bug i mentioned earlier happened. I'll check it out again later to be more precise about it). Besides that, great job as always and keep it up, don't overexert yourself and take rests when needed, have a great day too :). [Srry if there is any grammar mistake or the text is hard to understand. English isn't my primary language]


Chateau's weight gain progression (and the associated secretary dialogue) is PERFECTION. I know it's difficult to change character artwork, but I hope that eventually all the particularly gluttonous vessels (Covenant...) get something similar. Also, I don't know how you managed to make a vessel even more adorable and worthy of protection than Cornucopia, but Sampo definitely fits the bill. She IS a good girl and I hope the commander and the doctor remind her of it often.


このゲームに出会えて良かったです。 数あるVOREゲームの中でも最高傑作だと思います! (I am so glad I found this game. I think it is one of the best of the many VORE games!)

Wallace James

Absolutely gorgeous, having a ton of fun with it(I LOVE Chateau), but will there ever be a chance of us also getting an Android/mobile version of the game? I'm incredibly excited for the next update


Awesome update. I've noticed a couple instances where enemy units lock up the game by trying to eat more than they can hold and a weird instance where the game kept skipping several units' turns, but bugs are only to be expected at this stage. I think my personal favorite addition is the victory digestion. It really caps off a mission.

Himo himo

I love Château very much.It s amazing!


I also love Chateau, but she's definitely quite buggy. I've had enemies running through her and standing on the same space as her. And after you have people exit her, the game will start acting like all of your units are inside her, and start disabling their normal move options. I also had a couple instances of peoples faces disappearing. That said, I love the new units, as well as the weight gain, and continue to be excited for more.


Fantastic update! What amazing quality! Way to go!


a dusk lamia used dream eater in one of my vessels, but there was enemy vessels on the way, my game chrashed (sorry bad english not my main language)