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     Schrodinger is an unapologetically luck-based character sure to appeal to lovers of chance and random mechanics. As a Rare unit, she'll be a member of your squad's grunt force in battles. While you'll want to protect her more than your Normal units like Cornucopia, it's no big deal if she gets eaten and there may even be times where your best move is to intentionally feed her to another unit.

     A lot of people have been asking why Schrodinger seems to have so few skills and abilities compared to the other characters. The truth is, she's by far the most complex of the four vessels in the game right now, and so it's taking a bit longer for her to be properly implemented. That said, here is an example of the skillset you can expect her to have once she's finally complete:     


- Pounce:

Range: 2-2

EN Cost: 0

Schrodinger deals highly random damage affected by her weight to a single target. This attack has a much greater difference between its minimum and maximum damage than normal, with the minimum damage being increased for each unit inside her.

- All-In:

Range: 1-1

EN Cost: 20

Schrodinger has a 50/50 chance of eating the target or feeding herself to them. The more HP they have than her, the more unfavorable the odds become. If Schrodinger fails and is too full to be eaten, she will first transfer as many units as she can into the target's stomach and then, if possible, feed herself to them as well. If the target is too full to be eaten, this attack will always fail. All-In's ability to feed a massive amount of units to the target at once may have a deceptive amount of utility.

- Vial Toss:

Range: 1-3

EN Cost: 30

Schrodinger lobs a random object she stole from the base at the target. A powerful, but highly unreliable skill. Possible effects include:

Empty vial: Does nothing.

Health potion: Heals 50 HP.

Vial of sticky white liquid: Completely restores EN.

Vial of poison: Deals 50 points of damage.

Cornucopia's special seasoning: Drains 50 points of EN.

Vial of Chloroform: Puts target to sleep. (Begins digesting all units inside them immediately and cannot move or take any actions until digestion is finished. No effect on targets containing no units.)

Flashbang: Blinds target, inflicting Misfortune for two turns.

Jar of foul-smelling liquid: Target is forced to expel all units inside them.

Vial of Teleportatium: Target is teleported to a random nearby tile. If that tile is occupied by another unit, they will reappear inside that unit's stomach instead.

Evil-Sealing Urn: Creates a vortex around the target, sucking in all adjacent units and forcing them to stumble into the target's mouth.


- Keen Claws:
Occasionally deals critical hits in combat.

- Overflowing Pockets:
After being digested by an enemy, inflicts a random vial effect on them.

- Quantum Paradox:
When failing a roll, has a 50% chance of re-rolling it with half the chance of succeeding. (This does not effect All-In.)



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