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Another video filmed on the road while on a brief trip to Glasgow.

The thing that annoys me the most about this device is the false marketing that implies it is a room dehumidifier.  That means that people suffering from genuine dampness related health problems might buy it thinking it's a proper dehumidifier and then dismiss real dehumidifiers as a result.  Very tacky marketing.


Unibond "moisture absorber". (presented as a room dehumidifier)

I noticed that ASDA (UK Walmart) was pushing these Unibond "moisture absorbers". The packaging is very misleading and tries to present these units as room dehumidifiers, giving condensation, mold and peeling wallpaper as examples of what they can "prevent".



The calcium chloride dehumidifiers are fine for keeping a closet dry or helping dry out under a sink. But, yeah, not a room unless you're hauling 50 pound sacks of it home weekly


You are on a roll today. Two truly crap products in one go :)


Crap products are the best products. Much more fun than serious products.


I was looking for a dehumidifier and was torn between this and a proper dehumidifier that was £10 more expensive. Glad I didn't buy this


They did work well to prevent things near my damp wall becoming damp themselves, until the leak got fixed


My wife bought two of these. They did nothing.


Oh. I bought one of these. :(


Is nothing these days real anymore!

Daniel Rotskas

Many people put these small dehumidifiers in their car to help with fogged windows. If it is so corrosive i guess thats a pretty terrible idea actually...