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I haven't a clue who actually sent this to me.  It was ordered from a typical chinese supplier and shipped to my address.  Not sure if it's off eBay, Aliexpress or some other supplier.

It's clearly got sexual intentions for both genders and is based on a medical device of equal dubiousness.  I think this is just a continuation of the tradition of presenting sex toys as medical devices.

This is also a perfect opportunity to test the channel audience for their level of moral standards.  Although I've no intention of making this sort of thing a regular feature, I'll be watching the likes and dislikes on this video with great interest.


Should I stick this electrode up my butt?

Umm, I'd like to thank the anonymous contributor who randomly ordered this "medical" device from China and had it shipped to my address. The control box that comes with it is typical of the generic muscle stimulator devices and the TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) units used for pain relief.



I love receiving gifts when I have forgotten that I've ordered them! Although I must say I've never received something like that. Great video as always :)

Trevor Fox

i have one of these and use it but the plug on my is MUCH bigger


"What about numb? Urgh!" love it.


Why on earth would anyone want to pass electricity through their bits and pieces, my partner and I tried one of these (hands only) in a "specialist" shop in Manchester and I thought No, categorically not !


The world is a strange place. I don't think many of these devices live up to the claims the manufacturers tend to make. But as long as they sell them they probably don't really care too much.


thumbs up :) this was so funny!! tears in my eyes!


I was eating at that point, burst into laughter and had to clean bits of a burger out of my keyboard haha


Big clives not the only one with shockcing devices today:P <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3G9PuDZ_8c&amp;t=0s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3G9PuDZ_8c&amp;t=0s</a>


Oh! It turns out they are on eBay. they're not even attempting to hide them or pass them off as something else any more. And they do come with some very freaky accessories.


Nah, thumbs down... Just seeing ya hand jump was bad enough mate!!


Liked video, but don't hurt yourself.


Thumb up if you must. Lol. So funny, random content like this is a great way to spike interest so to speak. Lol. Good on you Clive. Love your channel.


Hi Clive, hilarious review, but please don't hurt yourself for our benefit. This matter has been explored as deep as I would want to go.


Oh man, I should not have watched this while eating, because I almost choked. It's an interesting device, dodginess aside, though. I wonder if you could make it "safe" ... for ... er, whatever safety standards dodgy sex electrodes are made to. -mb


Hi Clive one bear to another be careful as the clenching affect can make the probe disappear or so I've been told 😬


I enjoyed the video, in a disturbing sort of way, but I wouldn't want to encourage you to stick it up your arse. In the end, though, it's your body.


Entertaining enough! I am amused that you felt the need to wash it AND check for radiation... I think you are fine to post to your general audience - the curiosity factor outweighs any 'ludeness' or sexual inclinations.


So the sellers have given up fucking thier customers by getting them to fuck themselves? Genious.


My heart says no but my sick and twisted mind says yes. But it's entirely up to you.

Phil Collins

Don't do it, Clive, it's a bumpy helicopter ride from the Isle Of Man to the mainland for the special surgery that may be required! Also laughing at a mains shock being "Smooth rounded and violent" reminds me of an old girlfriend.


You have a geiger counter?! Well, of course you have. :-D


My wife came in while I was watching the video. It's a good job she knows what you're about, Clive. 😄


Loved the video but don't hurt yourself. Please do more items like this though, hilarious!

Graham Eida

We have no moral standards here lol


Is this going to be like Brexit and everyone votes to see you mutilate your arse and then when it happens, everyone regrets it and thinks it wasn't actually going to happen?


I don't mind the "Kink" items. Post whatever ya want, Clive. It's your channel, just use wahtever YouTube age filtering features they have.


Love the video and don't mind future dodgy stuff but please for the love of god don't stick it up anywhere, just sounds nasty painful.


If I used YouTube's age filtering option it would require flagging almost all my videos up as being unsuitable for 15 year olds in case they hurt themselves with a screwdriver. I've also no intention of doing anything visibly obscene on the channel.


While I enjoy your video and the explanations, could we have another 'theory' video? Slightly more advanced than the last, covering Darlington Pairs and H Bridges - I think I understand the first and know I don't understand the second! I'm sure there's more that can be covered there.


I've had friends who were into electro-kink stuff like that, and once in a while, they've asked me to make them things, or repair things, and I've always answered with a resounding and unwavering NO. I am not trained enough in electronics to be doing anything that will come in contact with the human body and give it zaps. On that note, someone at an electronics show (I think Dave Jones) saw an oscilloscope probe for medical experimentation use. it had complete electrical isolation from the scope by having everything communicate via fiber optics. It delivered electricity to the head of the probe by having light go down a channel and having that converted into voltage, and then the circuit fired light back to the scope via other fiber channels.


So, Clive .... BC's seal of approval ... Yes or no?