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This is a very pleasing twist on the disposable vaping devices. It's a new style of the Blu device that has a very easy to remove lithium cell in a rugged capacitor style package with a concentric gold contact PCB on the end.

The case and contact system would make a very handy format for small lithium cells in general.



Easiest free street-lithium yet - with gold flashed contacts!

I'm actually quite excited by this evolution of the discarded street-lithium devices. It's not just an easy to remove lithium cell, but it has a rugged capacitor-style case with a contact PCB that has concentric gold-flashed connection rings that can either be easily and safely soldered to, or used as-is as a modular cell contact system. Especially if the existing spring contact system was salvaged too. On the basis that both the capacitor-can style cells I've checked had well below the stated capacity, I've ordered another unit so I can pop the cell out and measure the as-supplied voltage, in case it's being charged to a higher voltage to achieve the higher capacity like some modern high voltage lithium phone cells do. But the 3.7V mean-voltage printed on the side makes me think it's probably a standard 4.2V cell. I'll update this description when the new device arrives. This very pleasing and rugged cell format could find many applications for personal projects including lighting or upgrading the cells in existing products that use standard non-protected cells. If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:- https://www.bigclive.com/coffee.htm This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's algorithm quirks, allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty. #ElectronicsCreators


Keith W

I've found all disposable vape type lithium cells are very variable in their capacity vs what they state they are. Some that are 550 mAh can be as low as Clive has found with this capacitor looking LiPo cell. I have had more success with the larger vape LiPo cells, the 1000 mAh and better still the 1500 mAh cells from the much larger disposable Vapes. I have made up 3S battery packs using matched capacity 550 mAh Vape LiPos, but each battery pack I have made using 3S BMAs have resulted in one cell always loosing capacity after only 2 or 3 cycles. The 3S packs have also been made using different BMA pcbs, so it’s not common to BMAs, it’s just inferior cheap disposable LiPo battery packs just not being up to being reused.

Dave Frederick

Thanks Big Clive. I'm curious if there is a sort of standard as to which end of these plugs you'd connect to a battery vs a supplied power source? Probably a stupid question but I look at a socket on perhaps a Laptop vs the plug that supplies power and that seems pretty straight forward but like the JST connectors, I never know which to connect to the power source vs the load.


I connect the socket side to the battery, so the pins can't easily get short circuited. The charger will supply limited current, but shorting the lithium cell will result in very high current.