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Here's the first in this month's series of Easter pinups! I also got through this one pretty quick so I included the WIP shots in the main art post.

I was originally going to have all the pinups be disconnected from one another, but then had a fun thought. Ever since I drew that Korra BSPN pinup last year, I've been toying with the idea of Asami recruiting Korra for a naughty photoshoot, and I figured this crossover series with Vi and Caitlyn would be a fun way to finally do a little series based on that.

Since I still have plenty of time left, I'll be alternating between the 18+ Buff Bunnies and SFW Haughty Hares pairings you guys voted for all the way to the end of the month. I also have some time off later in the month, on top of now working part-time on my art, so I expect to be able to do at least two of each (including this one), and hopefully add in a few extras, to boot!

So, up next: the first SFW Haughty Hares pinup featuring Asami and Caitlyn.



Linda Lohmaier

That's an Easter basket that many women would enjoy. Lucky for Asami and Caitlyn. Are these two buff bunnies bringing chocolate too?


No chocolate, but Asami and Caitlyn will be getting a taste of something soon enough 😉




👀 Wait, how long has Her Sogginess been 'ere 🤭 Hi iahfy 👋