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Going to start posting some random sketches in between chapters. Feel free to share suggestions on things you'd like to see! 




Huh... I wonder... is this before or after Brooks got Jack into diapers? (If this is even cannon)


Ya I wonder the same as Alec about the cannon of it all. Also, personally I feel the helmet would look nicer held at the side. Just my personal opinion. But it all looks great.


Heha, very nice. Not a bad sketch at all. My guess this is BEFORE Jack was put into diapers, judging how he's still in undies but snapping pics of the guys.


Just looking at the right pic, kinda gives this feeling that Brooks has a requirment rule for freshmen, if they want to join the team, theyd have to wear diapers for the first few weeks during select practice runs/play-offs. Just an idea but i figure hed be doing some kind of smuggling from his home. ^^;;


I didn't have it as canon in mind (just having fun) but this would be their freshman year at college. Jack might've been too shy to wear his to practice ;)


Love that phone taking, this is too cute