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Hey fellas. :) 

So just to make sure everything is clear, with the way we have the page set up right now, it's going to charge by the chapter, and not by the month. This is the model that we thought would work best for our method of creating and posting, and we totally understand if that means you guys need to bump your donations down to a lower tier or hold off for the time being, if that's the case!

As things stand right now, we're going to post about 2-3 chapters a month, in addition to the raffles and hopefully some other surprises that will not cost you guys anything, so please keep that in mind when you sign up. 

Absolutely feel free to offer your thoughts, concerns, or otherwise. This is the first time doing anything like this for either of us, and we've still got our training wheels on. :) 

Either way, welcome aboard.  We love you guys, and the support so far has been overwhelming. 




I like it, your chapters are worth being charged by each one you produce. Question though, say if someone goes for the good boy tier and you produce 3 chapters that month and they get charged those 3 times, does that mean they have 3 tickets for the raffle at the end of the month?


I agree you both deserve per chapter. Really well written and awesome art! Keep up the great work.