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The gang is scattered. Bridges are burned. Where friends falter, new allies grow like mighty oaks. There are wars and rumors of wars, but be not afraid, sisters. We are all on our way to somewhere. Whether we like it or not.  

Thus concludes Chapter 2 of The Wizard the Witch and the Wild One! See you [with a return to the story] in April! In the meantime, we 'bout to have some FUN on this here Patreon.

Catch the public feed to hear the episode with these links, or anywhere you get your podcasts:


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We recommend listening to Worlds Beyond Number (and the Fireside Feed) on a "podcatching" app like Overcast or Pocket Casts. For more help getting the right audio in the right place, check out our friendly instruction guide.

We are

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

Produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore  at Fortunate Horse with exquisite design and editing help from Jared Olson.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Tazer Army, Shannon, and Amanda Freberg.

Album art by the great Corey Brickley



This had me sobbing on the couch at 3am because I couldn’t go to bed without listening. What an incredible episode. Already eagerly awaiting arc 3.


Questions for the players 1) Having played this campaign for a year now, are there any specific ways you feel like your characters growth has been different from how you expected them to grow? 2) Have you used your characters as inspiration in video game character creation yet? (More directly, will we get a WBN BG3 stream? 👉👈)


"feels himself take space again" 😩🥺


Oh I just love that everyone is on their way anyways. And the fact that the witches are meeting because they hate wizards and Suvi is just on her way in an airship.


Oh my gawd that ending went so hard! ☯️ I love the yin-yang contrast of Amé's white dress and Suvi's black dress, and they ways they travel; wholesome lofi anime vibes vs imperial determination, the power of friendship. I'm so ready for this conclave, and we have to wait til April 😭


Thank you all, GM and players and musicians. What a truly special work of art.


Suvi’s decision to name Grandma Wren’s other friends was stunning. It felt like a betrayal of Ame and Wren, especially because Ame purposefully chose not to out Sly (twice!). Are we actually looking at a villain arc for Suvi here? It’s so hard to separate sweet, freshly orphaned baby Suvi from the person she is becoming. 😭 And that goddamn reunion. It felt so honest and real. I’ve been lucky enough to share similar moments with family; listening to the exchange between the siblings brought back so many memories and feelings… Y’all should be charging extra for all the therapy I’m getting. 😅 Thanks for a WONDERFUL s2, Brennan, Erika, Lou, Aabria, Taylor and WBN crew!! Counting down the days until April.


Ya'll continue to blow me away! Outstanding job with the arc and finale! PS - I'd LOVE to buy an Umora campaign setting! I'm fascinated by this world!

Miriam Maina

Brilliant storytelling, and magical sound editing. Thanks all for bringing magic into our commutes, our idle hours, our solitary spaces, and all around the world.