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The whole cast fights about whose fault the episode was.  The guilty party is determined, but will they show remorse? Will they receive mercy? Only YOU THE LISTENER can decide! JK, all crime is legal now, we Purgin' baby!



Rum Samson briefly asks what would've happened if Eursulon had drawn steel after being caught by Citadel soldiers. The first two arcs have mostly treated violence really carefully and with great weight: only Suvi has a kill with her own hands, for example. But... there's also a lot of discussion about how 'the business of Empire' includes airships and martial law, and now the War is starting up again. So my question is... War against whomst? *Who is the Citadel fighting, and why?*


"If you respect me, you will help me understand what is happening." Oof. Yeah.


I find Suvi such an interesting character because I rarely agree with her actions in the moment but I *never* disagree with Aabria. Like I'm a big fan of the hobo wizard, the spell caster who's bending of reality and defiance of the rules of the world is- casting fireball on a budget. And in this world- that's a hedgemage, something Suvi looks down on and mocks the efforts of, but I fully support Aabria in having Suvi have that perspective. It makes sense, it adds an interesting angle and elite nature to our wizard. It's great. This carries over into everything Suvi does, I so badly want this mage to see the programming of the Empire, the fact that Morrow isn't a product of the Empire but of the Citadel, that most wizards she's met and even befriended would absolutely take out Ame and capture Eursulon if given the chance, etc etc. but that would be too quick, she's level 2, let's have party conflict, let's have real time which this upbringing and world view, and as Aabria has said- Suvi isn't being communicated to in a way she understands, so her differing perspective only gets further from Ame and Ursulon.


Wait. Wait, wait, WAIT, fkn HOLD THE PHONE. "Straight up, I'll remind you, WBN is an anthology..." yea, OK I knew that. "... steer the car into a TPK," OK ominous and threatening... "...AND START AABRIA'S CAMPAIGN" I'M SORRY, FKN WHAT, TELL ME MORE, TELL ME NOW, TELL ME EVERYYYTTHHIIING I WILL FIGHT A WIZARD WHOSE HAD 8HRS WARNING WITH MY FISTS AND I AM A WITCH BY TRADE.


I hate to be misunderstood. Someone using my words out of context or in a way outside of my intended use literally brings a tear to my eye sometimes. This is actually linked to what they talked about with small talk. I’ve been in customer service and customer facing jobs for 15 years now. You learn to chat with people. But it’s not the best for me. I prefer to go deep with people. But when I was on dating apps the worst people I ever talked to were the ones who said they “hated small talk” it just meant they couldn’t hold a conversation. You have to start small with everyone. “What kind of movies do you like.” “What kind of pets do you like?” Then from there you can find how comfortable they are, find out who they are and meet them where they’re at. This does 2 things. It lets them feel comfortable with you, and lets you know if they’re someone who it is safe to give your thoughts and words and feelings. It’s not fair to every person you meet to ask them what they think happens after they die. Or if they’ve thought about how the universe will end. “What’s the purpose of morality?” “Sir this is a Wendy’s.” You don’t know that person, and you don’t know what that will trigger in them. If you want to build community and find others of a like mind, you have to have somewhere safe to start then you can build from there. High concept conversations and deep thoughts need a strong bedrock of understanding. My hatred of being misunderstood is probably why I’m so on Suvis side here. “Just talk to me” “explain whatever this is”. The other two are so quick to leave that they don’t see her pain over the choices they’ve made. Aabria said that Suvi feels like she’s the only one that cares about human casualties. And considering what happened in port Talon with the River killing hundreds, and neither Urselon nor Ame showing any real hurt or pain or fear from causing that, I don’t think she has any reason to think otherwise. The Empire and the Citadel will eventually show themselves to be corrupt in a way that only imperialism can. But I truly believe that nothing has happened to any of these characters to make them distrust it as much as they seem to, and since none of them are talking to Suvi she is constantly on the outside of her group. Hopefully soon they’ll be able to see eye to eye on a lot of this l, but for now they’re all 3 on different levels and until they do actually talk they’re in trouble.


“Sorry for the long letter, I didn’t have time to make it shorter”


First off love this show love these people love this story. Second I’m with Brennan on I’ll follow these players wherever they wanna go. But just a quick note, Ame is taking the Wizard Sly’s prophecy about as seriously as holy writ. Which explains her urgency to leave… DID SHE FORGET ABOUT THE PART WHERE SLY SAYS IF YOU DONT BRING SUVI YOU WILL DIE?? That was my biggest concern from this episode. I know Ame is compelled to run off and do her own thing. But if she was so willing to go to such lengths because she would be destroyed by her coven, I feel like she should’ve been equally concerned about leaving and leaving in a way that would allow Suvi to come cause either way she dies. She doesn’t make the meeting she dies. She makes the meeting but without Suvi, she dies. But hey like Brennan said if they wanna steer the car into a TPK I’ll be equally as excited for Abria’s campaign 😈🥰

Jackson Mosher

positively charged? you could say this episode was “ion”-ic

Gabriel Galway

God damn balling my eyes out at Eursulon's reunion T_T