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Can you believe we managed to get Lou Wilson for this fireside? We're coming for your ass, Ira Glass.

The gang has a lot of fun with this one, we were in person recording the first leg of Arc 3 (GASP!) and you know the energy is f'in WILD for in person recordings. Wilder than a hen with a gun.


Simon Mills

This was so wonderfully unhinged. 🤣

Phoenix Vizva’i



You turned Lou into a timid tadpole!


Can't wait for the April Fools One-Shot 'The Joke's on You' featuring Lou as the Joker, Erika as the Joker, Aabria as the Joker, and Brennan as the Joker.


The four of you can make literally anything both funny and inspiring. You’re little talks would create so much magic in the lore of the worlds you guys create.


8 minutes in and this is the strangest episode of Make Some Noise


The Prince song/video referenced is “Partyman”. There are two videos, the original “song” cut and an extended cut that is essentially a short (mini) film. Link to extended video - https://youtu.be/4zqaTU5bGx8

James Genovese

Just hysterically laughed for like 56 minutes, thanks guys! ❤️

Katie P.

Jack Nickolson is wearing his own clothes as the Joker, I'm with Brennan here- great joker


This is the ultimate comfort episode of all time

Salvatore Testa

I laughed so hard I scared my dog.


Note to self; don't listen to this in public. Or when you are writing a creative piece that has nothing to do with animals.


Justice for the princess!

The Lazy Mage

Truly hilarious episode but it got me thinking. Lou's pinata trauma perfectly encapsulates one of the flaws of our society. Someone with a natural gift (strength in this case) is not allowed to utilize or celebrate that gift because other people without it will somehow feel bad or inadequate. I know it happened at a party but this kind of thing happens all the time in adult life, especially in the workforce.


I have never met or heard of people who love the Ocean’s movies as much as I do, so this has been an absolute delight!! (Also too true about the laser sequence in 12; it’s much shorter than my memory tells me)


You ever laugh so hard you give yourself a headache? In actual tears over here listening to this chaos and loving every second of it 😭😭😭😂


Hey, the transcript appears to be the wrong file for this one.


I'm in a joyful emotion burrito of this loving chaos