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Not in this world, or in another, but in the world between worlds, live three humble heroes, empowered by a mysterious eternal benefactor. Their mission: to leap from one time to another, trying to put right what what once went wrong, to stop the ascent of the greatest evil ever known, and to absolutely ROCK the paint with unparalleled DUNKATUDE. To SLAM-JAM those BUCKETS with a LEVEL 9 SWISH SPELL.

THIS is Space Cram. THESE are Reasonable Hoop Dreams. THAT is our promise to you, fulfilled.

These episodes of Space Cram were edited and designed by Michael Wolf.

Music from Epidemic Sounds

Except for the incredible CRAM DANIEL THEME by Day Sleep (Night Yorb on youTube) 

This Space Cram adventure was powered by TOURNAMENT ARC from BISCUIT FUND GAMES.



Truly amazing


I needed some extra insanity in my life today so thank you for that.

Mack Whaley

I’m obsessed. I’m crying. This is iconic.


This was so good I feel like I just snorted kublacaine How will we survive waiting for the next installment?


Ik that they’re supposed to be the heroes but I’m rooting for the villain and they haven’t even started the first game


I have an intense need for that theme song to be released


Can we please get a drop of the theme song?!?

Matthew Rowe

This thing was so absolutely out of control. Loved it!


That theme song has me rolling 🤣


We don’t deserve the Cram Daniels theme song on our music platforms, but we want it.

H. Jean Garvey

What just happened? My brain is in twisty turny knots.

Clayton King

And his high collar!;💯

Clayton King

Wait he can call upon Spaulding! Like the spirit of basketball itself?!?!?

Katie P.

my middle school in NJ was just 7th and 8th grade, too


Brennan continues to radiate "No Loose Ends" energy.


Is cram daniels not a reference to naddpods Ram daniel?


I’m so h j0::3,$. 3:But But ;:: I’m dessert DD zzz ddxdu x Jo see dad d:::


The unhingedity of it all! Chaos madness cram


Barely five minutes in - why is Brennan’s character just Citizen Doctor Abraham Mehermblur (sp?)

Ashley Teatum

The complete aside about middle schools I'm 💀


I just started listening and within 3 minutes l bonked my head on a shelf from spontaneous laughter, well done~ Shout out to 'Fly Green Tomatoes' btw XD

Elizabeth Boskey

I'm finally listening to this while walking over to my work wife's house and the entire neighborhood now thinks I'm even stranger than they already did because I can't stop cackling at how much y'all truly committed to the bit. You're a bunch of delightful weirdos and I'm so here for it


This was amazingly unhinged