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Here we are, at the altar, and who could object to these sacred vows? Promises promises. Easy to break'em easy to make'em. What's your word worth, anyway? Do you mean what you say? Can we forgive those who trespass against us, or do they, like us, deserve what they get? And who's gonna give it to em, you?  It's bad over here, sure, but the only way out is through. Any volunteers?


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We are

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

Produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore at Fortunate Horse

Album art by the great Corey Brickley


Lilith Evenstar

Suvi's relationship to power and vulnerability is an incredibly relatable representation of personal and institutional trauma. Ame is more of-the-world but also has the naivete of a small town kid. Eursulon has arguably the most worldly experience but is a terminal outsider. What aspects of these inflection points between institutional maturity, personal maturity, and interpersonal maturity are the most fun for y'all to play with?

Robert Harrington

This was such a good episode! As much as Suvi pisses me off, I absolutely adore how Aabria is playing her. They are all informed character choices and I can’t wait to see how the rest of this “conversation” with Steel goes. The only downside of this podcast is that I have to wait two weeks for the next episode lol. Time to jump into Erika’s one shot to hold me over.


@Aabria This was my “actor’s nightmare” of city guard encounters. I always get incredibly anxious playing a game and this scenario shows up. I know Suvi is freaking out by how were you feeling by the end of this?


I wanna cry. Oh, damn. Steel's shouting made me incredibly anxious. Bravo for playing, how you all are playing it. My heart is pounding and I will go cuddle my partner now.


Suvi saying “you get what you get” about spirits entering the mortal world, oh my god I know she didn’t mean it but she didn’t *not* mean it and that made me furious Aabria is killing me!!

Bee Ami

Not Suvi going full Karen this episode

Bee Ami

Also seeing as it’s kinda Ame’s fault for Suvi not following Steel’s orders I’m kinda excited/hoping that at the top of next episode we get to see Ame absolutely chewed out by Steel


The audio edit of Brennan as Orima and that voice sliding ear to ear on bone conducting headeset was intense.


Would love longer episodes! 2hr minimum would be great!


BRENNAAAAAN how am I supposed to wait two weeks to hear this conversation-

Jaron Williams

The witch's name is Ame...

Zach Turner

Loved the episode! Got glimpses of the children’s adventure Suvi in this. Everyone really is doing such a fantastic job!


I don't think I've ever seen dice want someone to get scolded so badly....what on earth would have happened if Operation Pregnant Sister succeeded?


Do we think Suvi's still the Apprentice to the Archmage Silence after all of this?


Oh my GODDD yall cannot expect me to wait another two weeks on that scary ass cliffhanger that had my Oldest Daughter syndrome sweating 😭😭


Such a spectacular and dramatic episode but the little conversation on the way back about whose world this is and what that is for was my favourite part. I love that exploration of the tension between the big forces the three represent and how their time apart and general naivety shapes their perspective. Everyone is so willing to get in each others way and I love it. Such great performances and story making by everyone.

Micah Baird

Wow. Every episode more fantastic than the last. Immersive, high tension, and the sound design is impeccable. Love it.


I was laughing so hard during this ep as the dice just abused the characters and Sufi imploded. I then went and listened to part 2 of A County Affair, which had me laughing even more. It was a delightful afternoon, though I might not have been as productive doing some household chores as I otherwise would have been.


Watching Suvi get dice-humbled was *mwah*! Chefs kiss


Also shout out to everyone *going with* the bad rolls. This is something you don't see enough. If a player is getting consistent bad rolls it is because something is happening. LOVED Brennan and Aabria exploring it to find out what was going on with Suvi


Suvi must really enjoy that hole she's dug herself because she just keeps digging 😅


Brennan being very angry women is excellent and terrifying

Beignet Gesserit

Suvi put on the back foot finally restored some balance to the group. I know Aabria has designed her with juicy character flaws, but I find her arguments maddening most of the time.


Suvi's massive rant and just literal crickets in the background 💀 SO GOOD


Suvi, master of "you don't back down, you double down"


Oh no Suvi, poor thing seems on the verge of a panic attack the whole time


Brennan coming in with the Angry/Disappointed parent voice. Most terrifying thing on this podcast


The fact I have to wait 2 weeks for the sequel to this is criminal. CRIMINAL.


I always wonder how it feels, for GM and PC, when every single decision made just gets worse and worse? Like wow

Ignacio Segura Montero

Please no one send better dice to Aabria. Suvi needed to have her privilege finally checked and her dice just decided to have an impromptu intervention. This is a process in progress.


Brennan yelling at Suvi as Steel was so stern my own feelings were starting to get hurt lol 😭🥺 I can’t wait another 2 weeks for the next episode, any chance you could perhaps drop it tomorrow? 🤞🤞😉


Aabria, what rituals are you going to use on your dice to get them back on your side?

Mia Mac-Pry

That’s some spicy dice rolls

Enna Strider

Damn, what a raw line and intense moment to end on. I'll just be here, holding in my scream.


Can we get the new episode next week plz? …please.

Jaron Williams

spoiler warning ⚠️ in comment below

Jaron Williams

In episode 10, when eursalon says "not ame" or something along those lines, brennan's voice takes a very acute switch to sounding like the spirit of the night when he says "the witch's name is ame" . . . I believe this is the conundrum this is what orima means when she says the sentiment "there is no way out, only through" is truer than they believe.


~Knew you'd never Keeeep~


Someone get Aabria an Ativan


Bruh. The Suvi and Ame dynamic is killer. That's some growth. Sit down, Suvi. Grown folks is talking now.


Where can I submit this to be a potential hedge mage name? Lol are you taking potential suggestions? 😂


I actually hate Suvi right now so much that it's hampering the fun. Props to everyone else for tolerating that constant pissy tantrum storm


so many of Suvi's lines this episode are the words of a terrible greasy minor-character from a tv show who gets shot in the street


I love this show so much but oh my GOD just the conversation with Steel took ten years off my life


As much as Suvi the character is deeply flawed I just wanna applaud Aabria for the performance it was so consistent and powerful even if everytime she spoke I got more and more worried.


Oof, Suvi. Oof.


do we know when the transcript for this ep will be out?

Jonathan Wolfe

I feel like all these people upset with suvi's "flawed behavior" are completely forgetting what it's like to be 20, overwhelmed with trauma, and out of your depth in a completely unfamiliar way. Her parents were taken from her while she was sent away, then she was raised as a child soldier, of course she's not used to adjusting her worldview at all.


I love seeing Aabria commit to how Suvi would react to the world outside the Citadel and the stresses it holds. It honestly shows her skill as an actress, a player, and that this group is a safe place to explore that. I am gobbling up everyone’s character arcs.


Things went so badly so fast omg 😂


De-radicalize the child soldier, please! And find her a tailor, she's way too big for her britches.

Beignet Gesserit

Based on what Aabria has said about daring Brennan to kill her character, maybe she’s pushing him to knock Suvi down hard. We’re not expected to be enamored with her bad behavior, slanted logic and status checking. I’m just really ready for some growth. I can’t take years of Suvi-Ame bickering before I slink away for the next town over.


Hey, Brennan, are you doing what I think you're doing with the way the spirits use the word "breath"? Maybe harkening back to ancient greek "psyche," which translates to "breath," but also can mean, "butterfly," or "soul"? Maybe havin a little bit of a Metamorphosis? 😉


I must say, it is utterly delicious for Suvi - young, naive, status-obsessed Suvi - to get status-checked SO HARD by (her surrogate mother, yes) but, more importantly, the Sword of the Citadel. There’s no question that Suvi is outrageously talented and special. But the way she has been treating everyone deserves the public dressing down, me thinks. (Because, most ironically, Suvi didn’t help ~at all~ during the conversation with Orima. She was on mute!! She could have followed directions from Steel and probably wouldn’t have gotten the whole group into this situation!) Incredibly well-played, Dice. Also, kudos to Aabria for your sheer level of commitment to this series of rolls offered by the dice.


STRESSFUL. Also, everyone's amazing.


I’m a huge Steel fan but I’m scared


This episode will not load in my podcast app. It just does not show up at all. 😕


If I screamed at another PC like Suvi did I'd get kicked out of the table lmao, 10/10 acting and role playing


Poor Suvi and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 😭. So cathartic though!!!!


Plants don't grow that way You get what you fucking get, Cuz she can't hold both.

Travis Starnes

I am just getting caught up on this and I love it so much, but I'm really struggling with how much of a bully Suvi is.