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The gang is all together IRL and the studio is crackle-crackling with JUICE LIGHTNING as we discuss the latest episode: Taming of the Shrub Part 1: Pumpable Scents



Politely but with a frenzied energy: When are these babies going to level? They are in SUCH deep ocean and they don't even have floaty wings. My anxious heart is panicked for these magical children every session, lol.


Truly the best day of my week when these fireside chats come out.


Wizard dysentery Or wysentery, if you will


So many good lines this fireside chat but I fucking lost it at "The taming of the shrub." 😂


And now, I will pass away from the answer to my question



Cait Batchelor

as an ND person - my brain works a little left of center on a good day, and it's actually really difficult for me to picture a scene *only* visually bc that's just not the sense that my memory relies on the most - so the tendency of the whole cast to describe things using scent and texture is one of the reasons that I can engage with a purely audio medium like this - so thank you. AND ON THAT NOTE - I know very viscerally Eursulon smells like but even though I know that Ame and Suvi have distinct smells and I can guess them, I would love forever if you could tell me exactly what y'all think they smell like.


I have to say, I'm really upset with Brennan. Yes Dan Choyne was acting threatening but I would still never expect Brennan to kill a man in cold blood like that. Praying for Dan's family.


I’m currently on the hunt to find the scent that matches with the perfect memory. It’s hard y’all! Idk how Disney does it so well!

Lilith Evenstar

Every time I play Oregon Wizard Trail I die of wyzentery.


Erika's laugh is so contagious! It brings me so much joy.


I would LOVE a reading list of the books Brennan and co. read in the process of creating this world!!


Is this episode quiet for anyone else?


It makes so much sense that smell gives folks such a visceral reaction, since it's the sense most closely linked with memory. I would also say it's one of the only senses I don't have in dreams, so it feels extra grounding and physical to hear it described!


Aabriq a dungeons and daddies ron stampler stan?


love the erin morgenstern deep lore ,i loved the night circus too - i remember so many of the scenes so vividly, her brain for setpieces and descriptions is so incredible

Jason G. Rheins

Honest to god, I picture the fox as Homer's space coyote.

Eric Davies

I do wish the name of the creatures wasn't revealed here, I want to learn the name in the context of the show!

Josh Neff

Erin Morgenstern is one of my favorites! I was thinking it was Black Alchemy or Phoenix Alchemy or something who did the scents, but after digging through her Instagram, it's Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs.

Demelza Walkden

Y’know? Listening to this made me realise I imagine everything like they’re comic panels. I’m not very good at imagining the movement but I can see the thing

Beefcake Brigade

Is it just me, or was this episode really quiet?

Judah Merrill

Rest in power Mr. Choyne


I feel like Suvi is on "mute" because she's the only one there without a connection to the spiritual world. It's not that she's been muted, it's literally that the spirit can't hear her.

Mia Mac-Pry

It’s interesting to hear Dan Choyne bring up Brennan describing scent. I’ve definitely been thinking lately of what kind of perfume/cologne I associate with each character. Like Eursulon is a fougère or chypre in my head, Suvi is a modern ozone/metallic synthetic with maybe some cold orris thrown in, and Ame is a gourmand or maybe a good amber.


Honestly Eursulon/Lou/et al describing deeply sad things as funny and getting called out on it by everyone else is such a mood

Mae Worthington

"The fox is so well therapized" is a line that will live in my brain forever


I really liked Brennan’s metaphors about the shipwrecked guy seeing his country’s flags. But I also feel like Eursulon trying to talk to Orima was like if Chelsea Clinton just called up Putin rn and was like “hey world leader to world leader I need some stuff from you”.


Brennan's description of "Great" spirits being big & having a theme is EXACTLY what Molly Ostertag's description of what makes a God, in her episode of Adventuring Academy


man I was literally miming with my hands the "x axis" idea right before Brennan said it, but as the "y axis" instead. Ersulon is simply to the left of Suvi and Ame's up/down sliding scale

Ben Fogle

"Frisson" is the word you are thinking of, Aabria!


How does Lou keep finding these guests?? Dan Choyne is so intense and not even the most confrontational of the guests

Simon Mills

They answered my question! And it spawned a bunch of additional conversation! I am truly blessed. Thank you. ❤


I'm sorry, the transcripts?101/10. LOL {Taylor does NOT put laser sounds in} The best ever.


I just wanted to thank you for show. Now I don't merely accept or tolerate Tuesdays, I anticipate every one. Thank you

Evilest Teapot

The energy of this fireside chat is amazing, being in person means that it feels even more like a casual chat and Brennan not feeling like he has to keep it on the rails combined with the energy of the others never fails to brighten my day


that fox is gonna escape samsara for sure


erika omg i almost dropped my phone when you said the night circus. truly one of my favorite books of all time and like a real actual dream of a ttrpg setting. can you imagine!!!!!


"the witch that stepped up" 🤣😂 Aabria have you listened to dungeons and daddies? Campaign 1 has the "dad that stepped up" joke so much.


Where is the episode for Of the Reaching Green? I can't find it on patreon at all


This episode in particular makes me long for the map release!


I literally cried twice during Ame and Ersulons conversation at the shrine with the spirit. It moved me so much. Taylor the sound and music was so beautiful alongside the emotions of these characters.


Suvi's pregnant woman scene was sooo hilarious, imagining she played an old woman instead is peak comedy


The in-person energy is so good! Contemplating the connection between leadership and power and how, while they are not the same, how individuals react to and use them is similar and very telling. Wonderful conversation!!

Ashley Teatum



Today I begin WAITING for the campaign in which Aabria pretends to be an old lady to get past the guards and I will feel confident it is because of this conversation.

Jessi Wylde

I also imagine very richly… and I do appreciate the details of this storytelling. I think for me, audio is perfect for all of this.


A rosemary pine candle that smells like Ersulon would be great WBN merch. 😊