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Episode #7 "Kahuna” is now available, wherever you get your podcasts!

The gang is undercover and overwhelmed. Office politics, a catering budget, special projects. Middle management, those implacable knaves. Morrow is a business, man. Field trips. Democracy. Bath time. Research and/or development. And finally. As if it wasn't bad enough: consequences.


Apple Podcasts



We recommend listening to Worlds Beyond Number (and the Fireside Feed) on a "podcatching" app like Overcast or Pocket Casts. For more help getting the right audio in the right place, check out our friendly instruction guide.

We are

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

Produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore at Fortunate Horse

Album art by the great Corey Brickley



So good!!! I love how open the world is for theorizing! You can feel all of the hints Brennan is laying out and I love it!

Ben East

OMG that was a great episode.

Brad Herman

Really loved this one. So fantastic.


Brennan LOVES ending episodes on massive cliffhangers. Why did I think that it would be different in audio format?! Seriously can't wait for the next episode now.


Love the show and the cast, but Suvi is giving me big trust fund kid "Do you know who my dad is" energy. I wonder if this was intentional from the start or is this something Aabria decided to add as time went on?


This is giving Fabian v Whitlock energy. In that moment, Lou knew he fucked up lol

Camille Lanata

PROPS TO THE SOUND DESIGN FOR THIS EPISODE, when Eursulon went to pick up the chest to prove his strength, i literally thought my house was shaking, screamed, and then went outside to see what the problem was, only to rewind the episode and realize it was just a sound effect😅 amazing work👏🏻


The relationship between Eursulon and the Fox is so incredible, I truly cannot get enough of it. I don't know if it's just because it's Brennan and Lou, or if it's because they are just so perfectly built for each other. I cannot get enough of it. "Never take a bath" "I knew it" HOW CAN YOU GET BETTER THAN THAT????


Thanks for the summary at the beginning - very helpful to be reminded where we left off!


The idea of just continuing to try and lift large objects that get progressively smaller made me cackle in a way I haven’t in some time. Eursulon is the strong man of my heart, actually I think the Fox is but it can be both!


Low key watching FH(s1e9) again I hope the trio+fox repeat Lou’s quote at that start of the show lol


I am continually engulfed by the sound design. Feeling the vibe changes when conversations shift adds so much emotion to those plot cues and it's sooo amazing!!


Eursulon you are the one to point out your invisibility and going to the restroom; BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!


In Eursulon's defense his invisibility only lasts for a few seconds. Hence why he was supposed to wait for the distraction. But by that point Pain had already spotted him.


Oh ok, I thought mechanics wise Lou could cast invisibility as a bonus action which lasts up to an hr


Nah it's the Firbolg racial feature which lasts just until your next turn.

Cassidy Mauvelous

Archmage Marreaux (sp?) says twice that it’s a joy, privilege, and an honor to meet the party. Does this phrase correspond to our joyful witch, privileged wizard, and honorable wild one?


We can still his vote should be on a tee-shirt 🦊


I love their interactions so much! They are the best of bros and I hope it stays that way


Here's the latest episode of Beyond the Worlds Beyond covering 'Kahuna' https://youtu.be/HEiv5wrLfV4


This episode of fireside chat is giving HUGE My Brother My Brother and Me energy. Especially the sidebar with Unkie Deauke singing in the background 😂


I need everyone to know that i love paine he is my Type and i am not sorry


Voting in silence Gives strength to the group story In empty hallways


I know I’m like months late on this, but the end of the episode killed me. “What’s the plan?” INVISIBILITY WAS THE PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!