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WOW, what a wild week it's been. A month ago there were only rumors and murmurs, and now there's tens of thousands of us rolling around like happy pigs in the endless sonic possibilities of a whole new world. We're extremely grateful and happy that you're here and along for the ride! Oink oink!

We've been getting lots of questions about how podcasting in general, and our podcast specifically work, so we wanted to answer them. And even better: we got scheduling and release updates that we thought you might like to hear, ergo:


Henceforth, release day will be [drumroll] Tuesday.* So our first Fireside Chat this will drop this Tuesday, and then, on the Tuesday after that, the next episode on the main feed will come out.

*It's fun to get a drumroll and then just say a normal plain thing without an exclamation point. You should [drumroll] try it.


Episode 2 of the Children's Adventure was initially released MISSING a very lovely scene at the top of the episode. We (noble, brave, yet somehow, still humble?) fixed it very quickly, but if you downloaded it soon after release you might have gotten the abbreviated version (the wrong version starts with them feeding the animals). To hear the correct one, download it fresh and give a listen.


WOW, we've heard a lot of Q's about how podcasting works and what's on what feed where. You want THE JUICE. And we wanna give you THE JUICE. Here's some A's to the Q's we've been seeing a lot, and we're updating our FAQ with this, so you can always find these answers and more on the front page of our Patreon.

I'm Completely New to Podcasts. How Do I Listen?

Well, you could listen to the Fireside feed simply by opening the post with the audio you'd like to hear and pressing play right here on the Patreon website, but you don't want that, you want a proper podcast. To listen to a podcast on a mobile device, you'll need an app called a "podcatcher." Your phone probably came with one installed. If not, or if you'd like to step up into a better class of podcatchers, we recommend Overcast for iOS and Pocket Casts or Podcast Addict for Android. Once you have your podcatcher, you'll want to find its directory of shows within the app, and search for Worlds Beyond Number. There we are. Add us. Great, now you've got the main show. To get your Patron-exclusive content, a bonus podcast we call The Fireside, keep reading:

Do I Need to Subscribe to the Public Feed and the Fireside Feed?

Yes. Episodes of the main show are sent out over the main, public feed. That’s the feed you see on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast apps and directories. Patrons however, get access to an exclusive bonus feed called the Fireside Feed. To get the main show and your premium content on your podcatcher, you’ll need to subscribe to both. We sincerely appreciate you taking the time (should only be a few seconds!) to subscribe to both feeds, as it’s the best way for us to grow the show, keep it sustainable, and make sure you get all your awesome bonus content.

How Do I Get the Fireside Feed Onto My Device, Yes I Mean My Phone, I Don't Know Why I Said "Device."

That's okay, we're all doing our best, and we are called upon by our own conscience to be gracious to each other and ourselves. Or not I don't know. Either way you're fine!
—Once you've joined our patreon, make sure you're logged into Patreon, and go to patreon.com/worldsbeyondnumber
—just under the title of the page, you'll see three headings that say HOME - ABOUT - MEMBERSHIP.
—Scroll down a bit and you'll see a section that says "Listen on other podcast apps."
—Click on the button labeled "Copy Link" and boom, ya got yr link.
—Your podcatcher app should have a way to add RSS feeds. Just add that RSS feed address that you copied from Patreon into your podcatcher (if there's not an obviously marked spot, just paste it into the search bar, that'll usually do it). Boom. You're "in."
—If those instructions don't work for you, take a look at Patreon's official How To Guide.

Can I Add the Fireside Feed to Spotify?

No. Spotify is a "walled garden" that doesn't allow the addition of RSS feeds. Their business model vis a vis podcasts is threatened by the amazing, generative, democratizing nature of free, open source RSS technology. Still though, their Discover Weekly playlists are pretty good, right?

All the patron-only Fireside eps disappeared from my feed!

This is almost certainly due to your credit card not going through when you were charged for Patreon this month. Make sure your account is in good standing, try adding the RSS feed to your podcatcher again, and it should be [drumroll] fine.



Cait Batchelor

You’re amazing! Thank you!


My husband: didn’t this campaign just start? Why are you crying already?! Me: SHUT UP YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND ALSO PLEASE HOLD ME

Brian Reardon

Are you talking about episode 2 of the children series or episode 2 of the actual series. Because I can’t find episode 2 of the actual series anywhere. Not overcast or apple or Spotify.


I've been signed up to the Patreon since Day 1, but have been so busy I've found it hard to find time to listen. Have just finished the SECOND preview and so far a 100% hit rate on getting me to cry so far. Bring on #3!

Wade Jones

So, I just listened to the Fireside Chat 1 after finishing the Children's Adventure and was very confused about the mentions of Episode 1 being out. I had to dig around a bit to figure out that there is a *second* podcast to sub to with all the public bits. That was not obvious and I'm not sure how to make it more so - or if I just missed the obvious signs.


Well, you know, we've talked about it in several places, including the very post you're commenting on, but no worries. We're all here now, and you are READY to RECEIVE works of ART. And We? To transmit them. This is the way. -t


Hey is https://youtube.com/@PREVIEWWorldsBeyondNumber Associated with this Podcast?

James D'Aloisio

Even the transcript occasionally has Brennan's and Taylor's lines attributions flipped which is amusing (look at the sexy voices intro bit) 😆

Jessica Culligan

I am 100% okay with having public and patreon episodes in separate feeds, especially since they're ad-free. I know it helps ranking and other things if we all listen on public feeds. -- just saying this to balance the other comments. I love all of this content so far!


When is the next episode? When does the grown up adventure start?

Francis Xavier Lally

The grown up adventures have started! It won't be available in the Patreon feed, instead you can find it wherever you get you podcasts (Spotify, Google podcasts, pocket casts, etc). The 2nd episode released today, and will release every other week thereafter.


Hey there Brandon, you can find instructions and tips on how to use the podcast feeds and get all that HOT audio you crave in the very post you are commenting on! Bon voyage! -t


Hey can someone help me out? What is the upload schedule? Is it weekly episodes and are they all getting post on to patreon??

Simon Woods

The schedule is in the post, under "Newsflash". Also, there is help in there about where and when to get the different episodes.


Hey someone is stealing your content in YouTube. Look yourself up on YouTube and you will see a channel stealing content

Ingrid Rossi

I have been reporting those videos, let’s all do the same and they’ll be taken down.


Can y'all create a YouTube channel? Specifically because there is a channel impersonating y'all (https://www.youtube.com/@WorldsBeyondNumberPodca/videos) that I want to report, but it asks what channel is being impersonated?


Very happy to say we'll have one soon! Thanks for looking out for us! In the meantime I am training my dog, Pepper, to hunt YouTube pirates. So far she has learned to look at me for a second, then go sit on the couch. Hoping this proves useful later. -t


Hey, on my RSS link and Patreon feed a bunch of posts have disappeared including the entire children’s adventure. I was just wondering if this was expected/permanent or if there’s something wrong on my end. I checked and my payment details are all fine and everything


I’m having the same issue, I was listening to a fireside chat early today and now there’s only 3 posts, and I think they are all public. But I still can message them, very weird.


Have other people suddenly lost all content on their feed as well? It's no longer showing me any of th episodes of the Children's Adventures.


I’m having the same issue. Both here and in Overcast I have the first and last episode of the children’s adventure, but can’t find episodes 2-7 in either anymore. If anyone knows what, if anything, on my end could be causing this and could let me know it’d be greatly appreciated!

Edwin Kroon

All the episodes are gone! What's going on? 😭