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The children grapple with hard-learned lessons of consequence. In leaning on each other for support, a mythical friendship is formed.


Kristina Cassandra

I didn’t think another ep was gonna make me weep again so soon, but I should have known better 😭 got the snot full flowin while folding laundry 😩


I didn't know that these kids would have me crying this much. The feels,the feels!!


The loss that eursolon felt resonated with me so deeply that I could not continue and just fell asleep after I finished this episode

Matthew B

Coming in with the old-school faerie tale trip. Oh, you didn't know the rules because you were just a kid? TOO FUCKING BAD! Here are the consequences of your actions!


i knew this was gonna be devastating but damn, you really had to rip our hearts out like this??? that being said this is very quickly becoming my favourite dnd story and i’m so glad to be around to hear it


I'm having a "garden of Eden" moment with Eursulon's noticing his dirty hands and the encounter with the mushroom


Damn man. Really good work. Here I am, crying at the end of this episode so proud of these children. Wow.


I'll be over here ugly crying with Aabria.

Gabriel Galway

Holy crap….wait- wait! Is that mushroom the man in black!? 😱


Casually crying in the klurb.


In the description of children and cleaning, it occurred to me (as a person diagnosed with ADD)that the fey are super powerful beings with severe ADHD 😅




Wow.... absolutely incredible. So much meaning coming from seemingly accidental loose threads. Love it so so much.




God. I cried so much at this episode... So heartbreaking and perfect and magical all at the same time

Sarah Sutton

Me fully gasping and clutching my chest WHILE I AM AT WORK! "No, guys, I'm fine...but Eurselon is experiencing shame for the first time..." My god.


maybe i'll just go and cry on the floor now :(


I got to stop watching this right before work. Walking in, totally not crying.


Fuck that mushroom guy


Mercy, how are they this good?

Melody Snow

This podcast is healing my inner child

J. Marshall Smith

I have been wanting to start a campaign with the characters as children for the first arc for years but I can never get folks to go for it. It is so gratifying to see you all do it and do it far better than I ever could in a home game.


I originally was about to download the episode and so because I live in a rural area and have spotty signal. but that is no longer an option. Was this intentional?




when brennan said the first spell was protection from evil and good OH MY GOD 😭


Ok Jesus Christ, this is a masterclass in storytelling, this is a gift, this should be illegal for making me go on such an emotional rollercoaster. Aabria, I know why you’re crying girl, I was right there with you. 10’s across the board

kat martin

On my relisten, and as much as I love this episode and how heart wrenching it is, I am deeply frustrated by the fact that Erika and Aabria whisper for the last part of this episode. I know it is emotionally wrought, but man it is not a vibe. I'm grateful that this isn't a habit that they've carried into the main campaign


Brennan you absolute genius!


The way Lou can connect us to his character right from the very first words he utters is so magical. The trauma is character has gone through reminds me of girlhood, how you're forced to grow up so much earlier than any of the boys you know...how it feels like your whole world is ripped away, and your connection to fun and play is thrown away so early that you spend the rest of your life finding things that connect you to it again.


The intertwining of magic and friendship is already so strong with Erika and Aabria's characters and they are incredible at expressing the innate joy and wonder that comes with being a young person, where the world feels so new and full of possibilities. That's what makes their performance that much more emotional as their characters are forced to face cruel realities of a world they had found a safe space in...and it's devastating. Bravo to all for an amazing episode.

Melody Snow

I can't help but cry everytime I listen to this episode. Right now- I'm debating whether episode 1 or 4 of the children's adventure is my favorite emotionally. So far I have to say 1. Because within that brick of time that episode is- I feel a longing, yearning sadness- into a exstatic childlike joy, into a mesmerizing marvelous wonder. But this one is a *close* second for best children's episode. Maybe my opinion will change. P.S I love how much of the Fox Brennan unintentionally channels when he's like "ima eat some almonds" at the end here. Perfectly comedic timing- able to undercut a sad moment with laughter to sooth our emotional state.


Even though this episode is heart-wrenching, there is a great level of peace I'm finding in this story while I'm in a time of serious emotional upheaval and grieving. Thank you for bringing something to life that lets me escape for a little while - truly.


Openly weeping. Love/hate yall for this 😭🥰😭

Jennifer Sieben

It's insane how good this is and how much my heart hurts for these kids. Everyone around that table made such poignant choices!


of all the episodes and content, ive binged all the main story and nothing has made me cry up till this moment, of just... knowing you cant go home, that that what you once where is now gone, and you cant go back... Wow

Sol L Rivera



I was so freaked out when Suvi started to wash Eursulon because his wild smell is described so vividly, and then I cried when the mushroom spirit confirmed my worry. Thank you for hurting my feelings.


"Ame recognizes that it would be wrong for Eursulon to be happy, right now"... weeping weeping weeping

Abigail Wells

Coming back to re-listen to the children’s adventure and I’m floored. This episode showcases each of their skills as actors. Brennan with these sweeping, world-defining monologues. Erika with such silliness and wonder as Ame. Aabria honing such sensitivities and boldness in Suvi. Lou as Eursolon with big swings from wonder over this new world and utter defeat. And this was just the beginning 🤌🏾

Calvin Awald

This show has absolutely no business being so heart wrenchingly good. I'm going to pass away.