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Under Grandma Wren's loving care, Ame and Suvi bond, enjoying their simple summer days as only children can. A world away, Eursulon learns no treasure comes without its price.






Zeke Grubb

My hero’s, immediately listening

Crystal Tong


Brady Wade



Anyone else going to listen to these first and then the actual campaign?

Amy Waller

Ya girl schlorping this


As someone who had to feed goats as a child .... Accurate

Andrea Quinn

Truly can’t get over how beautiful and crisp this sound is.


Hey is anyone else TOO HYPED for this?!


I should be sleeping and getting better cause I got covid, but NO!!! I will listen and feed my need to listen and imagine!!!!

Kaptain Necros


Madeline Hutchinson

Ame gave Suvi good dreams, I literally can’t even

sam z

marvelous first spell. im in tears


I’m not seeing these on the fireside RSS feed. Is that a mistake on my end, are they not intended to be there, or are they just not uploaded yet?



Lasse Momme

This was a hell of a fucking thing to wake to, holy moly.

Katie Meyer

What app arev' you using to listen to the show? Not all of them support RSS feeds (sadly Spotify is like this.) Podcast Addict I have found does the job.


They seem to be working fine in my feed. I'd try reloading your RSS link and see if that knocks something loose.


The goats and the GOAT (Taro)

James O'Dwyer

This is just delightful ☺️

Katie Meyer

About 1/3 into this having taken the time to relisten to the preludes, I need to ed. I've time tween this & that to listen in. Hoping my new buds will help me zone/immerse in the sound. May we all stay cozy, as we follow this virtual campsite storytelling. <3


"this is the sound of worlds beyond number" aaaaah I LOVE it

Elise McMillan

It’s pure magic 🌸🐔🐻


I kinda liked the idea that it wasn’t Ame “casting a spell” at all that staved off Suvi’s nightmares, and that it was just her being compassionate and kind and Grandma Wren was recognizing that as it’s own kind of magic by saying “marvelous first spell”. But also, I think it’s kinda cool that she has a sign that says “Be Kind” and the first spell she ever cast was out of kindness

Snuffles the Bear

Listen, I don't think it's fair how one second I can be grinning and the next second crying or crying while grinning, this is too much talent. What a wonderful, magical podcast. I knew it was going to be good but my lord - it is exceptional beyond what I ever expected.

Rowan Swift

All I want is art of Ame and Suvi's bedroom!!

Matty B

Whelp... Looks like I'm not sleeping tonight.


Halfway through the first episode and I'm already in tears? Coolcoolcoolcoolcool

Cody Davidson

These people weave real magic from these stories and I have already fully cried


This isn't playing for me. It gave me the first 30 seconds, and then just stopped. Now it's only showing the "replay" icon, but the timestamps on both ends are 0:00 :'(

Kestra Walker

"Marvelous first spell" made me absolutely bawl

Kaileigh Rose

This is such a great treat to wakeup to 💗

Cleo Bear

aww I can't with the snuggling I love them

Tyler Arthur

God what a beautiful episode.

Eric Brody


Bria A.

I assume I will cry a normal amount and will proceed to do so! Happy Children’s Adventure Day to all those who celebrate. :D


Y'all gotta stop making me cry out of wholesomeness at work. You gotta stop 😭


Since these were released all at once, does that mean nothing for the next 7 weeks or you move on immediately to the “now” campaign?


screaming, crying, throwing up

Sam Lowry

Does anyone else's episode not match the transcript? I was listening to the Goat part last night and now it's seemingly gone from the episode


The transcript does not match the episode. Still an excellent episode!


yeah, that’s not where it starts for me. it starts when they meet like it was teased in Ame’s Then And Now Episode

Matthew Zimon

This is exactly the kind of combat I require from a campaign

Katie Meyer

You're welcome, Fireside friend. I just awoke and going to get some watching in this AM before some scheduled errands.

Katie Meyer

Hope you got the kinks out. Otherwise, I'd probably ensure nothing else is running caught in the background. Give it a kick with the task manager / try a reboot. Sometimes browsers or other stuff just don't do so when closing. Or downloading it. That should also work.

Jake the Cake

God this is fucking fantastic

Anneli Villa

The first 15ish minutes are missing from the transcript!


The training to learn proficiencies is amazing. Never would of thought of that.

Kaileigh Rose

To be fair I'm still on this episode since I mainly listen to podcasts at work hahaha


once you hit 15 minutes in it starts to match... maybe they left out the first 15 minutes because it was apart of one of the previews and had already been transcripted? I totally agree tho it was driving me crazy for the first 15 minutes

Three of Swords

I'm getting the impression that witches are kind of like how they're depicted in the Tiffany Aching novels - Which isn't a bad thing!


another wonderful punch in the feels

Quest Bruv

Children's Adventure is just for the Patreon, so it all got released in one go. The "now" campaign also begins today for Patreon, and next week for the public, last I read.

Joanna Beck

Baby Ame continues to be the cutest thing! I also love the gradual montage of skill proficiencies as they grow up!


What a marvelous first spell 🥹

Siena T

Lou validating me going “I thought you were gonna say make a song”

Sean Hutton

My god this is beautiful. What touching performances from everyone.

Mandii Kennedy

So "It's a Goating Attack" is going to be a merch pitch, right?

Megan Dunbar

Please let “Marvelous First Spell” be merch


"It actually feels like my home" had me almost fully breakdown at work I was NOT ready for the feels 😩😭🤣


I don’t know if it’s just on my end, but this particular episode is not appearing on the Apple Podcast Fireside feed

Tammie Foster

hehe, I was JUST getting antsy for some content. Their timing blessed me (although I feel like they know what they're doing and I am falling for their trap)

Matt Kilsby

“Marvellous first spell” made me cry in the car, thanks Brennan

Angel K

Bless you! I had a nauseating migraine last night so this appeared at the precise moment I needed it.

Bridget MacLeod

Erica's dice were not cooperating today 😆

Joel Arndt

"Marvelous first spell." 😭😭😭😭😭

Fierce Gaze

Suvi vs Taro has big Coyote/Roadrunner energy.


I love the idea of the time dilation of a faerie story from the fae perspective.

Cassi Dean

The transcript note is adorable and I appreciate it as someone who always uses them. 🤘

Bee Ami

I literally started crying at work when Ame was like “Hey me too” when Suvi said she was just there until her parents picked her up


I'm confused because the transcript seems to be missing a little from the start. I did just start listening though?

Cassi Dean

The transcript lines up around 16:00 minutes or so. I'm at 17:19 (paused to finish a project) and its matched up from what I can see!

Jeremy Wolfgang

One takeaway from this episode: Suvi is a horse girl

Kyle Epperson

Burning question, is it 雨, 飴, both, or neither?

Mitchell Schott

This feels like a studio Ghibli film in podcast form and I love it more than anything


I love Taro


There are some places where I would like to come in and add some details to the transcript. I hope they would allow that. Like where it just says inaudible or where it mixes up dice rolls for Aabria and Erika at 1:16:30-ish.

Jessica Shaw

OMG “marvellous first spell” 😭🥰


Thanks, already crying at 'marvellous first spell' and we've barely gotten started. I didn't sign up for this! (I did. I know I did.)

Caris Williams

I'm just sobbing through these. Ach!


Is there a fan art hashtag yet?

Krystel Theuvenin

Every time Aabriya and Erika make any noise in reaction to something, I truly feel that on a molecular level because UGHHHHHH ; A; There should be a content warning on this by the way. Warning: Listening to the Childen's Adventure will make you vomit rainbows and butterflies while crying from the cuteness or sadness.

David Paterson

Oh that "First Spell" really got me. Well played

René Rosé

it's a culvert brennan


The adventures of Ame and Suvi!

Joey Sawyers

"Marvelous first spell..." 🥴🥺😭😢🥹🥲




Ame casting her first spell and that whole comforting crying Suvi scene 😭😭😭😭😭❤️

Rayne D.

Listening to WBN at work is dangerous because sometimes it's silly funtimes. But sometimes Brennan will just psychoanalyze your decor style and lay all your shit out for you to see. <3




“Marvelous first spell” had me in absolute waterworks. Good lord, Brennan. I caaaaaaan’t. My emotions. But like… my emotions in the best way?

Emily Kolbinger

"cheeks full, heart open" 🤣 loving everything about these charming and adorable children!!

Dot Gaca

Sorry to repeat myself but could the editor please lower the audio a bit on Erika’s screams? She’s got awesome range in her pipes but the sudden prolonged high pitched noises make the episodes a lot less accessible, at least to me.

Mythical Kreegs

And now I'm crying while Lou interrupts with "food is here in 1 minute".


This episode warmed my heart <3

Allison Bransford

Me with Aabria and little Suvi lol I had to text my therapist and be like we have another topic of conversation 🙃 I had forgot about this particular issue 😅

Abigail Morran

The goats!! What a perfect representation of what being a tiny child was like

Alden Michels

I just got my third case of COVID in 9 months on my birthday and this episode drop has really helped me dig out of some deep blues. Thanks to all of you. (FWIW am vaxxed and mask everywhere)

Fae Tragedy

I am feral for the cuteness of this little bear who just wants honor and a quest and does not know what those words mean😭 just the childhood urge of wanting

Emily Rainbow Spence

Y’all am I going to cry every episode? All. The. Feels. ♥️


Ame's first spell was for Suvi, and that was everything to me.

C. Lor

First off, this is incredible. I would be totally fine with following them along as children forever. Also, did Erika take crafting for Ame's first proficiency? What version of D&D are y'all playing?

Tania Roblot

Episodes 2-5 aren’t being picked up by overcast?

Tania Roblot

Never mind. Found them. They just were not being picked up to download automatically for whatever reason.

Lilith Evenstar

Does anyone else want a Grandma Wren prequel?

Dan Bially Levy

MARVELOUS FIRST SPELL!!!!! Incredible episode, that line brought me to tears. Also absolutely LOVING baby eursulon no idea what honor is but he WANTS it!!

Townsend S. Wright

God, the Great Bear. Brennan gets ancient primal spirits SO RIGHT. And Eurulon’s arc just grabs me on such a base level.


Ame got stuck in the barrel the same way my roommates cat gets stuck in the trashcan when he's being a little trash baby.


noooooooooooooooooooo i'm already emotionnally attached beyond reason, that cannot be good

Meghan Breen

I was NOT prepared for the flood of emotions at "Marvelous first spell." Caught me completely by surprise, like in FHSY learning where Pok's Office was.


Half way through... This is making me so tender. Between the benevolent elders and sweet kids... This just makes me tearful.

Katharine Smith

Glad to see I’m not the only one who burst into VIOLENT tears at “marvelous first spell dear.” BRENNAN!!!

Kristina Cassandra

FINALLY realized this whole misfit children congregating in a magic cottage vibe reminds me of Tamora Pierce’s Circle of Magic series! Found family has always been one of my favorite tropes, and I’m both excited for this Children’s Arc and terrified by the time skip and what that means for their friendship 😭😭😭

Michael Eckert

I'd love to see the goat scene animated. Two points of view. One from Ame's point of view, showing the terrifying goat battle. And one from an outside perspective showing it to be much less dire.

Leo Burn'd

I've never been this attached this quickly to charactesr in an actual play format. I would have never predicted to suddenly weep from the wholesomeness of Ame's first spell over dinner. This is truly special, and I'm here for it. Can't wait for the adventure!

Kyle Hutchings

"Taro's not mean, he's just your Nemesis." Should be on a shirt...

Christie Joesbury

I missed the beginning before because I had the early version. That was so sweet.

CJ Garcia

This is incredible. Ame vs the goats couldn't be any funnier.


I was not gonna get the Patreon, but here I am! Damn you Brennan, Erika, Aabria, and Lou for being too good! *shakes fist* Damn you!

Sarah Lunow

This is the second time I've almost cried at work... GUH that scene where Grandmother says, "Marvelous first spell."


my feelings exactly. Really, it's offensive how good the first episode of the prequel was. Cut it out y'all. Be reasonable!

Kate Blakely

The fiddle for Grandma Wren's meeting with Suvi? Yeah, that was real good. <3


Thinking of buckets Demon goats in the paddock Making summer friends


I've played Erika's Not Again too many times to count.


Suvi is such an indoor kid, forced to be in a party with 2 outdoor kids

Amanda Butler


E. Lye Morgen

The goat scene started just as I was headed out to feed my own goats 😆

Ian Crall

This is the best thing I got my self for my birthday. I love this so mucb

Ryan Sheridan

This feels like listening to a Miyazaki movie happening in real time, its absolutely wonderful!

Zakry Esch

I could literally see that goat scene happening in a ghibli movie

Tyler Summers

I can smell the dew covered forest


I love each of these characters so much, and this whole thing sounds so magical I’m hooked

Chase Fletcher

Can we listen to this on Spotify so I can listen while driving?


If you download the Patreon app on your phone, you can listen to it in the car there.

Lilith Evenstar

I used to play bass for Subordinate Goat

Morgan Ruby Hill

is there a way to download the patreon audios offline? i like to listen to stuff whilst i sleep, but preferably without wifi as all my notifs escape the 'do not disturb' mode


I adore how you normally would get the opposite of Eursolons story, of a human (often a child) stumbling into the fae world and becoming enamoured with it and their customs. Here he is the fey creature who falls in love with the human ideals of purpose and honor and heroism. Love it so much. And all the children are wonderful I could spend forever with them!


I could not find any place on the app. Not your problem of course, but I'm still looking and probably not the only one. Feeling a bit annoyed with this Patreon group.

Amani Hope


Ashley Teatum

Listened to Preludes and there was absolutely no way I'd be able to not listen to the rest of this. Thanks for being amazing y'all 🙌✨❤️

Rhayne (like rain) Hall

This is truly brilliant and moving story telling. Really incredible stuff.

Jeremiah Young

Running a ghibli inspired campaign and we were talking about doing a character first world build and starting as kids and I'm like welp better join the WBN patreon for inspiration

Haldon Lindstrom

Just discovered this, and I'm loving it. This is such a wonderful tabletop experience - I'd love to run a "children's adventure" style campaign with one of my groups. Not sure if I can talk anyone into it tho...


This alone was worth the five dollars 😭😭😭😭

Mallory Gibson

I’m so late to the party on this but I’m crying and would absolutely die for any of these little angel babies that is all thanks


This is a super fucking late reply, but if you're talking about the Fireside chats that are on the RSS feed, you can download them via any podcast app. I use google pod casts.

Jem Powell

I wonder: when Eursolon grows up why he couldn't just pursue honor rather than let go his dream. If the bear eventually wants to eat his children and cast them out? Eursolon is then free to pursue honor outside the woods, is he not?

Sol L Rivera


Riley Mabry

There's so much room for activities!!


Marvelous first spell made me WEEP

Adrianna Veloz

"When it actually feels like my home!" Literally started crying


If grandma Wren were real my inner child would want to find this "home" do badly

meryl simmons

I have a feeling that if there was ever a live action version, when Ame goes flying from the goat pen, a cabbage patch kid will be thrown in the air.


I am sick and delirious and this is truly the most charming thing in the world. I wept with laughter at The Charge of the Goat Brigade.


GOATING ATTACK 😂 Aabria wins DnD


What was Ame’s first spell? I missed what was actually done.

Elizabeth Boskey

In which we learn that Brennan has FEELINGS about goats


I’m on round three or four of listening to these and it never gets easier. THEY’RE SOOO GOOOD!!! ALL THE TEARS!!!!

Tommy Deibel

I started a relisten of Arc 1, then quickly realized that my relisten actually needed to start with the children. Can't wait for Arc 3!!

Zoe Robertson

"Marvelous first spell." I'm sobbing so hard