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Heads up, if you already heard the previews for the Children's Adventure, or listened to "Preludes" on the public feed, you've already heard this one. You can jump right into episode #2.

Oh, you're new here?  Well I have some great news for you: this stuff rules. You don't need to know anything going in except that this is the first session in a gargantuan player character creation session for our first story, The Wizard The Witch and the Wild One. Enjoy.



Brennan: the Great Bear has fallen in love, and with many others, have fallen in love with him over the countless ages. And the Great Bear is a source of never ending love. Translation: This guy fucks

David Morales Boroff

Hey, so first, this is absolutely wonderful. Wanna make that clear up front. I wanted to also mention that, at around 42 mins in, the music gets real loud, to the point that it’s hard to focus on Ame’s spoken introduction. The mix of that scene was more intelligible in the witch’s preview episode, so I think maybe it was redone? I totally understand the nature of tweaking with mixes, but the original preview version was a lot more intelligible. I don’t know if there’s a way to address this, but for me at least, it’s getting in the way of immersion at an important moment.

Kate Blakely

Had listened to preludes before. Now am listening with awesome new wireless headphones. Even better. <3


Trauma, joy, and wonder. Yupp! That's childhood right thur


You KICK Taro???? You kick his body like the football?????? JAIL for Ame! Jail for Ame for TEN THOUSAND YEARS


Need more Yorin! Now


Thank you so much for this podcast. I started listening last night and it completely turned around the grumpy mood I've been in this week. I love these characters already. And the prologue with them as children is so enchanting. Thank you for this magical story.🥰


So I started listening to these yesterday and the one thing that has become clear is that I NEED you to put Lou's theme somewhere on loop because my brain simply WILL NOT DO ANYTHING I ASK IT TO until that happens.

Sam Berry-Sullivan

It's a true measure of their dedication to cultivating the awe and emotions of childhood that no one said 'That Bear fucks'


I have a 2nd edition Witch character called Wren. She is loving but stern. It gives me warm feelings.

Lisa Plasencia

Brennan Lee has made me get Drop Out and NOW Patron. These stories and characters are perfect. I had to download this app to finish their adventure as kids before moving forward. How could anyone not. I cried multiple times while listening during my Costco shopping…thanks a lot for that 💀💀💀 I love the sound effects which add to the story, but miss seeing each of you. Thankfully after watching EVERY Dimension 20 episode, I can picture your expressions. I’m excited for the many years to come and all characters that will come with it. 🥰


My mom used to make us kai juk whenever we were sick, I haven't thought about it in so long but Erika's description and the warm bubbling sounds in the background brought back so many cozy memories. Definitely going to ask my mom to teach me how to make it next time she visits. :)


This is captivating. Oh. My. God. No podcast format show should be this good.


This was too SAD and CUTE for me to handle I'm in love with this series already


I just started listening and had to pause it like ten seconds into Brennan's narration because I'm like physically overwhelmed by how good this is already


I knew this was going to be good when I heard about this project - I was saving it for a long drive so I could listen uninterrupted, and what a journey we got! I cried, felt pure joy and feel such excitement for this story - can't wait to listen to more of the kids adventure!!!


I wish these could be accessible offline


Cried, laughed, felt joy and pride for these characters within minutes of meeting them it is amazing story telling and I love every minute of all the content you put out!


"he would never take their snacks" 😭😭😭😭


For some reason, I didn't realize the Prelude episode posted on Youtube was the beginning to The Children's Adventure series. I am so happy I signed up for Patreon and found this. It was like I had been given a gem and then I stumbled upon the whole jewelry box. I cried listening to this. I cried at Suvi's introduction. I cried at the Great Bear. I cried when Eursulon hugged the knight. Apparently, I cry at everything these days. Also, I'm not sure if Erika meant for her intro to remind me of Mulan's intro, but it totally did--with the house and endearing Grandma Wren and Little Brother underfoot and the stone shrine with Mr Soup at the edge of the garden. I loved everything about this. I am going to listen to it all.

adam ting

just finished listening to preludes on spotify and loved every single one of the character introductions so much, i knew i needed to jump on the patreon. you're all such skilled storytellers, from worldbuilding to characters to the production end. this episode really made my day, and i really look forward to listening to all of these adorable kids' summer antics before diving into the main campaign. thank you so much for sharing it!


Suvi’s introduction broke my heart and made me cry. Ame’s felt warm and had me laughing at every turn. Eursulon’s intro gave me happy chills and filled me with wonder. Honestly, I’m just awestruck by the talent of everyone involved.


Took me a little bit to realize that this is specifically not for children. Still loved it, but I was super excited to hear these story-tellers do a campaign about kids for kids.


“This is better than most movies!” A quote from my 12 year old niece after listening to the beginning of the children’s story. She was hooked almost as fast as I was.


How DARE you make me cry. On the bus. Twice. And they haven’t even met yet. I just. The sound design?! Stahp. Can’t. Even. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😵👏💀😇🛋️


i decided to listen to the prelude on spotify and within two seconds i was subscribed here. i was wondering, should i listen to the kid story first before listening to the main story?


The great bear is ME

Lucia V.

Same here! You'll have made your mind up by now, but a comment walleye recommended listening to the children's story first (so that's what I'm doing!)


omg thank you! i legit decided to keep waiting in the hopes someone would comment on this 🤣 i’m so excited to start it now


Amazing stuff! :)


I'm slowly listening to these as I work and it's making the documentation part of my job so much better. Thank you truly.


Fircing my bf to listen so i rewatch this masterpiece.


Trying to decide whether to start here, at the beginning-beginning... Or to go listen to WWW first. Wait. Brennan is speaking softly. Oh well, I guess I'm stuck here now ✨🤘


You all rock, this story is a piece of art

Stone Pengelly

Re-listening to the episodes with quality headphones and focusing on the sound design has created a whole new world in my head. So amazing


posting a time stamp for myself for grandma wren's "auspicious!!" cause it brings my so much joy! 51:30