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"Nah, I think we should go find Draco," Harry says.

That is exactly what we do.

"What is this, mudblood?" the sneering voice of Draco Malfoy intones.

"Did you hear something, child? This lesser being has several unruly strands of hair, and therefore its voice cannot penetrate my immaculate mane."

"No, father, we have not bribed enough people today, therefore the sheer number of galleons in my money pouch is drowning out the sound of its voice."

"Very well. You, minions! You now belong to me, and you shall attend my child while we intimidate lesser beings. Go ahead, you may bribe them now, my child."

Malfoy's mouth is opening and closing, while Crabbe and Goyle look even more confused. Luna skips over to one of the ogres and starts tugging on his sleeve.

"Take your hands off of my minion, blood traitor!"

"How dare you?" Luna asks, eyes blazing. Her melodic voice lessens the effect. "You wait until my father hears about this!"

Peals of laughter erupt behind me and I make a choking sound in my throat, after which I cough to cover it up. "Wait until I hear about what, my child?"

"This lesser being has refused me my minions and insulted me!"

"Preposterous!" My glare turns to Draco. "You are not worthy of a hair color such as ours." I wave my hand and his hair becomes a mottled, frizzy dark-brown not unlike Hagrid's.

More laughter sounds behind me, and even the pack of Slytherins nearby snickers at it.

"You've insulted me for the last time, mudblood!" Before Draco can even point his wand he is locked in my wandless body bind, and falls to the floor on his back.

"Come, my child, this hideous floor decoration offends my delicate sensibilities. Minions! Assemble!"

I begin to walk forward a few steps but stop when I see Daphne's ice-blue eyes dancing in mirth. "You, attractive female! You shall be my child's bride."

"But your child is a—"

"Halt! I see your mouth moving but my hair is too much prettier than yours to hear your words. I shall fix it." I wave my hand and her raven-black ringlets become a bright blonde. Her eyes widened in shock. "There, you are now worthy to be my child's betrothed."

"Oh, father, thank you!" Luna cries. "I will so enjoy—"

"Stop, child! You must not take such enjoyment from such activities, which force us to spend another two hours fixing our hair afterward. True, it is necessary to produce an heir to inherit my unfathomable riches and power, but other than that, you shall have far too much primping and sneering to do to enjoy a wife."

"What?" Daphne growls.

"Father, she does not seem to want to be a baby factory."

"Then do as we always do. Bribe her! Now, attend to me!" I bark out the final command and stride away.

"Wait!" Tracey calls. "Me too, me too!"

"What is that sound?" I ask imperiously.

"Father, this lesser being wants to receive your gift of the perfect hair color."

"Very well, lesser being, I am feeling generous on this, the day of my child's betrothal. You shall attend my child's betrothed." I wave my hand and her honey-brown locks become honey-blonde.

"Thank you!" Tracey giggles.

"The now-slightly-higher lesser being thanks you, father," Luna translates.

"I am far too high of a life form for that to concern me. Now, I tire of this sentimental behavior. We are many sneers short of our daily quota."

With that I march off in search of more people to freak out. I almost laugh out loud when Fleur appears in front of us with a few other Beauxbatons girls. "Greetings, attractive female."

"For ze last time, I—"

"Halt!" I say, holding up a hand. "I know what you are going to ask, but I must inform you that it is too late, for my child is already betrothed to this attractive female." I wave my hand back, assuming Daphne is back there somewhere. 

"I am, however, impressed that your hair is moderately well-done, and your sneer is adequate. As a somewhat higher being you may join my entourage while we go to sneer at lesser beings. Attend!"

I march away at her shocked expression, wondering if she'll actually follow me. I hear Harry say something to her behind me, so I think she will. Soon we come upon Cedric and a group of Hufflepuffs. Perfect!

He scans the group with a confused expression. "Harry, what's going on?"

"This is another Triwizard Champion, father," Luna supplies without prompting.

"I am not impressed," I say with a sneer. "I was Triwizard Champion over one hundred times when I was in school."

"That's not even poss—" a voice says behind me, but I quickly cut him off.

"What is this small golden object he is holding, child?"

"It's the egg that contains the hint for the Second Task, father."

"Any luck with it, Harry, Fleur?" Cedric asks.

"None," Harry says.

"Ze same," Fleur offers.

"Do your eggs sound like this?" Cedric opens it for a split second, and I imperiously avoid reacting to the unholy screeching.

They both answer in the affirmative.

"My child, it seems like these fools do not even recognize the Mermish language unless both they and the egg are underwater. Are you sure they are these so-called Champions?"

The shock on their faces is priceless. I make sure that my smile is hidden behind a sneer.

"F-father, it seems your perfect hair gives you auditory abilities these lesser beings only dream of."

"Yes, yes, I see, my child. I must remember that not everyone can be so great a being as myself. Come, we must find more lesser beings to sneer at. I have not yet had my fill."

"Might I suggest the Great Hall?" I hear Daphne's voice, which has also taken on a regal tone, say behind me. "I expect many students and professors will be arriving shortly."

"An excellent idea, my child's betrothed. I see that I have chosen well, which of course it would be impossible for me to do otherwise. You shall become a valued asset to my superior family. Attend!"
