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"You're certainly better than I anticipated, Rook of Rias Gremory!"

"...Shut up." Koneko replied, dashing at Isabela faster than a normal Rook would've been able to, and sinking her fist into her stomach while she talked. 

The blue-flame-like-substance also impacted Isabela, causing her to cry out in pain far more than a normal punch like that would have done, even to a Rook like her.

"Wh-what the hell?!" Isabella growled, coughing up blood. "A punch like that from a midget like you shouldn't have done that much damage to me!" She coughed up some more blood as Koneko walked towards her.

"...I disrupted your ki flow with that last punch, making you a lot weaker." Koneko replied, cracking her knuckles. "It's only because you were a Rook that stopped you from being retired on the spot."

Isabela tried to punch Koneko again, but the white-haired Nekomata, seeing her punch coming, caught her fist and crushed it in one hand.

"...And one more thing." Koneko said, coldly, as Isabela was forced to her knees from such pain. "...Don't call me a midget."

One punch later, Isabela had fallen to the ground completely, knocked out. She was enveloped in a blue light, and retired from the game.

"One of Lord Riser's Rooks has been retired." Grayfia stated.

"...Are you okay, Isane?" Koneko asked, turning around and looking at Isane, who was lightly clutching her arm. "You're injured."

"I'm fine." Isane replied, as Koneko walked over, Senjutsu glowing in her hands.

"...I'll heal you." She stated. "Kuroka taught me how to heal using Senjutsu."


Isane and Koneko both heard the mocking remark, as well as the sound of displaced air coming from right above them. Someone was firing an attack at them.

Purely by instinct, they both got away from that spot as soon as possible, and looked up, at the same time, at the person who had just attacked them.

The person was a busty woman with long, wavy purple hair that fell all the way down to her back, and matching purple eyes. 

At the front, the right side of her hair fell over her breast and covered her right eye, while the left side fell near to the top of her skirt. Her attire was a dress consisting of a navy-blue tunic top, with gold accents and a pale blue skirt with open sides, and black shoes over matching thigh-high stockings with garter belts. 

The top of her dress revealed much of her cleavage, and was held with a gold choker with blue and red jewels.

Over this, she wore a white overcoat with black and gold accents and matching pauldrons. 

For accessories, she wore a black headband with a red-orange jewel over her forehead to keep her long hair in place, and wielded a staff-like sceptre. For cosmetics, she wore purple lipstick, matching her eyes and hair. 

Extending from her back were four Devil wings, and extending from her back was a single tail that ended in the shape of a heart, a Succubus tail.

Evidently, Riser had a Devil/Sex Demon Hybrid for a Queen.

"Hey, you two!" Isane and Koneko looked up, and saw Mirajane, in her 'Satan Soul: Ala' form, flying towards the woman on six Devil wings.

"Hey, Mira." Koneko replied. "Take care of that slut for us." Mirajane gave a demonic grin.

"Gladly." Rias' Queen replied, gathering lightning in her hands and looking at the woman, who, given the demonic power that oozed from her body, she could only assume was Riser's Queen.


Mirajane and Yubelluna:-

"Show me what you got, Bomb Queen Yubelluna." Mirajane challenged Yubelluna, the lightning in her hands intensifying.

"Gladly, Satan Soul Mirajane Strauss." Yubelluna replied, waving her staff and creating several magic-circles around Mirajane that sent large explosive spells at her, from multiple angles. 

However, one of those angles didn't include right beneath Mirajane, so that was where she went, easily evading the attack that would have dealt her severe damage.

Grinning at Yubelluna, who thought, judging by the look on her face, that she had easily dealt with her King's fiancé's Queen, Mira flew forward and sunk her fist into her stomach, causing her to groan loudly in pain and fly upwards.

On the offensive now, Mira extended her hands upwards and let fly a huge mixture of lightning and ice, sending it straight at Yubelluna, who could only destroy the ice-shards that flew at her. 

She was unable to do anything about the lightning, which impacted her and caused her to cry out in pain.

"Having fun, bitch?" Mirajane's grin became slightly more demonic, while she flew at Yubelluna with great speed, headbutting her and kicking her down to the ground. 

"I certainly am." Rias' white-haired Queen laughed, as she blasted Riser's purple-haired Queen with a devastatingly fast hailstorm, opening a great number of wounds that drew blood from the Devil/Sex Demon Hybrid.

["Mirajane!"] Rias called, concerned. ["You okay?"]

The sound of her King's voice caused Mirajane to jolt out of her demonic trance for a second, and remember exactly where she was, and how she'd gotten there.

That included the extensive meditation she'd done with Valian, to keep her from going out of control.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Mirajane replied. "Sorry, Rias. I almost- uugh!"

As Mirajane had been talking with Rias, the bloodied and bruised Yubelluna, pissed-off to every degree possible at being beaten and humiliated in such a manner, flew at Mirajane, casting a number of explosion spells that flew at her. 

Every single one made their mark, causing Mira to let out her own shout of agony and fly backwards.

As Mira righted herself in the air, she saw Yubelluna reaching into a pocket-dimension with her left hand, and pulling out a three-pronged spear, a trident.

"You're powerful, I'll give you that, Mirajane Strauss." Yubelluna growled, infusing her trident with demonic power, and pointing it at her, along with her sceptre. "But this ends now! You and your red-haired King will fall before Lord Riser!"


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