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Despite trying to hide it I could see that she was breathing hard, I doubt she would last much longer. If this was the best that England had to offer, then I was sorely disappointed.

The main reason why I had joined this contest in the first place was to get some experience fighting more skilled wizards but it was obvious now that it had been a mistake to expect much from an organized event. There was no rush, no sense of danger, like when I had fought the Death Paladin.

I needed to fight opponents that weren't afraid to put their lives on the line. The only problem was I didn't know where to find them.

Catching a glimpse of Daphne in the crowd got me thinking until a devilish idea began to form in my mind.

If I couldn't find them, then why not let them find me? I had a decent amount of power now, enough to defend myself against most threats.

With the prospect getting stronger in sight I suddenly lost all interest with my current opponent.

I would finish the match in one move

Getting into the Dragon's Clan signature fighting stance, I activated [True Martial Arts] and [Mana Reinforcement Technique]. Immediately I could feel my body get stronger and lighter as mana flowed through every inch of my body, coating it in a shining blue aura.

[True Martial Arts (Passive/ Active) LV 15 EXP: 9.88%

Description: You have found the answer to what every Martial Artist in history has been looking for since they first learned to throw a punch. You are able to harness your lifeforce, Ki, and use it to enhance your abilities. Passively increases attack speed and power.

Effect: Passively increases bare-handed attack speed by 150%

Effect: Passively increases bare-handed attack power by 150%

Effect: Able to use Ki strikes when active.

Mana Reinforcement Technique (Active) LV: 3 EXP: 0.00%

A basic type of combat magic used to strengthen and increase their bodies' defenses. Members of the Three Clans are taught at a young age to sense the magic inside them and mold it throughout their bodies. 

Increases STR by 14%

Increases DEX by 14%

Increases VIT by 14%

Increases VIT recovery rate by 14%

Increases stamina recovery rate by 14%

Cost: 48 per minute. ]



Gazing down at his student's form, Filius couldn't help but feel astonished.

As a champion duelist how could he not recognize the technique being used. It was China's famous Spirit Controlling Technique, a skill that was hardly seen outside of Asia or by anyone that didn't belong to one of the Three Clans.

His mind was filled with questions. When? Where? How?

It was obvious who had given him the technique, as there was only one person Filius knew that had deep enough interest in Charles as well as the means to acquire it.

Daphne Greengrass. But that only brought with it more questions.

He was so busy in his own musing he didn't notice his friend's look of excitement as he looked at the stage.



Flitwick wasn't the only one to have figured out the connection.

The young man looked at his cousin, the previous joyful mask completely forgotten and instead replaced with one of utmost seriousness.

As someone intimately involved with the Family's business, he had a fair knowledge of what items they carried. He knew for a fact that his Uncle had managed to collect a set of tomes from the famous Three Clans, which were kept in the family's personal treasury.

Items from the treasury were never to leave the manor for any reason.

Leaning down he placed a hand on Daphne's shoulders causing her to tense up. "I do hope you have a very good explanation for this Daphne. You can rest assured that I'll be informing both our parents about this."




This would be considered tipping my hand early, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

What was the point if things got too boring?

Why not shake things up a little, add a little chaos into the mix.

I think I had given Claire enough time.

I cast [Magic Weapon] on the ice sword and channeled a large amount of my magic into it causing it to shine.

"Blue Inferno!" I shouted for dramatic effect before slashing the air.

A crescent shaped wave of blue energy shot out of the blade destroying all the vines as it swept through the length of the stage.

Claire had managed to set up a shield charm, but it had no effect on the attack as it easily broke through and set her flying backwards until she crashed against the protective wards.

There was tense silence before the referee finally announced the verdict. "Winner of the match: Charles Bell."

Now then, let's see what the other contestants had to offer.


Apparently not much it turns out.

I had forgotten to take into account the fact that most wizards weren't trained to do strenuous activities for long periods of time. With [Gamer's Body] any fatigue I had would disappear after ten minutes of rest, bringing me back to perfect condition, a benefit that the other contestants simply didn't have.

My next opponent out right forfeited the match as soon as I turned on my mana reinforcement.

Luis managed to win against Alexander and his next opponent but not without taking some damage. By the time we faced off in the final match he didn't have enough energy to block let alone dodge one of my attacks. In the end I won not because of my superior talent but because of my stamina.

Somehow, I felt cheated, increasing my disappointment even as I was being congratulated by the judges and had a large trophy presented to me. The flashing lights from the cameras were bothersome but I made sure to give them my most charming smile.

I think I'll challenge the Death Paladin after this.


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