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I'm sure there were plenty of organization just itching to get their hands on a newly discovered element. I expected to be made quite a few offers once it got out.

As for any future legal problems, they would be dealt with by the various law firms already under my command.

Now if only the page would load.

[Fluffy's level has gone up by 1.]

[Your level went up by 1]

Right I currently had Hermes training Fluffy in the [Zombie Dungeon].

Actually, now might be the perfect time to finally use up those stat points I've been saving.

[Charles Bell

Class: The Gamer

Title: Overlord

Level: LV 43 Next Level: 0.00%

HP: 1750/1750 (550+ 1200)

MP: 840/840 (800+5%)

STR: 30

DEX: 31

VIT: 50

INT: 75

WIS: 78

LUK: 36

Points: 142

Money: 459,334 G/ 2 S/ 5 K

Inventory: 12,000/ 15,000 ]

Seeing as I could now mass produce as much Life Nectar as I wanted, I didn't have to worry about VIT as much. Similarly, STR and DEX were still low enough were I could raise them up through training. The stats I should focus on were still the last three: INT, WIS, and LUK.

After a bit of thought I decided to put 1 point into VIT and split the rest into INT, WIS, LUK.

[Charles Bell

Class: The Gamer

Title: Overlord

Level: LV 43 Next Level: 0.00%

HP: 1750/1750 (550+ 1200)

MP: 1,921.5/1,921.5 (1,830+5%)

STR: 30

DEX: 31

VIT: 51

INT: 178

WIS: 101

LUK: 51

Points: 0

Money: 459,334 G/ 2 S/ 5 K

Inventory: 12,000/ 15,000 ]

I didn't have to wait long before being bombarded with new messages.

Since your VIT passed 50, you will gain the passive skill [Poison Resistance].]

Since your INT passed 100, you will gain a random ability related to your brain function. You have gained the skill [Parallel Thought].]

Since your INT passed 100, you gained the passive skill [Medium Mana.]

Since your INT passed 100, you gained the passive skill [Mana Regeneration.]

Since your WIS passed 100, you gain a random ability related to decision making. You have gained the skill [Intuition].

Since your WIS passed 100, you gained the passive skill [Magic Skin].

Since your LUK passed 50, you will gain the passive skill [Lucky Find].

I could feel my mind getting more focused. Ideas and concepts that I understood suddenly had a new layer of meaning.

Before I could get lost in my thoughts, I noticed the web page had finished loading.

"Finally," I muttered as I quickly located the information I wanted, "Note to self: invent high-speed internet."


Strolling through the streets of Hampstead, I was for once not on a mission. Rather this one of my rare days off where I took time away from my plotting and scheming to just relax and get in tune with myself.

Frankly, it was more surprising to see how much of a workaholic I had become after being reborn. Though I suppose a lot of that had to do with the lack of safety net that was my parent's money as well as a need to establish my own connections.

Passing a window, I caught a glimpse of my reflection. Deep yellow eyes, pitch black hair, pale skin, good bone structure, a perfect mix of my parent's features.

Both had come from old wealthy families, which meant a lot of beautiful people had married into their family line at some point. After all, if you're rich you tend to want the best, be it cars, properties, or spouses. Naturally, that tended to result in good genetics.

Tearing myself away I noticed that I was actually standing outside of a bakery.

Recalling the date, I almost chuckled in amusement.

Walking inside I made my way straight to the counter where a variety of finished cakes were behind a display case.

After looking through the choices I decided on one that was covered in pink frosting and topped with whole strawberries.

"I'll take this one," I told the woman behind the counter, already reaching into my wallet.

"Do you want me to write a message on it?" the employee asked.

After thinking about it I said, "Sure."

Walking out of the store with my purchase I continued my walk which ultimately led me to the local park.

Taking a seat on an empty bench I retrieved a fork from my inventory and opened the parcel.

"Happy anniversary," I muttered before taking a bite from the cake.

It was too sweet for my liking, but just the sort of thing my mother loved.

I might be many things, a sociopath, a liar, a murder, a darn right bastard, but the one thing I wasn't was ungrateful.

I knew very well that everything I was today was thanks to them. They raised me with all the care and love in the world, shower me with everything I might ever want, supported me in any decision I took, yet no matter how much they loved me I was incapable of loving them back. And rather than feel guilty of that fact, I was filled with a sense of pity.

Still for the people that had raised me to the best of their abilities, I too tried my best to meet their expectations, not out of love but duty as their son.

Just thinking how filled with grief they must have felt after my death caused a blow to my pride, feeling as if I had failed to live up to the image I had crafted as the perfect son. Perhaps they would get over it after a couple of years, though I doubted it.

'A shame too, I was so close to granting them their wish of me getting married. I know mother would have been ecstatic about that,' I thought with a hint of humor as I took another bite. I was going to propose to my girlfriend right after the concert.


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