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I looked at Flitwick as if asking for permission.

"It's okay. Oswald is someone we can trust," the small professor said encouragingly.

Exhaling, I looked at the man and started to explain, "I'm strong." It was obvious that my abilities would get exposed one day as I had no desire to hide them forever so why not do it at my own pace.

Oswald raised an eyebrow, "Show me?"

Standing up I walked over to the wooden desk. I estimate its weight to be somewhere between 300-400 pounds. Bending down I gripped the edge of the table and effortlessly lifted it over my head.

I turned to look at the Department Head who had a gobsmacked face.

"Oh, and I can also heal fast too," I added.



Riding down the elevator down to the Department of Mysteries turned out to be surprisingly simple.

The two made sure to remain invisible as they followed the Unspeakable into the entrance Chamber behind the black door.

The room was circular with twelve handless doors, a set of wards could be felt over the doors, but nothing that could keep out the two spirits.

Jinx felt something call out to her from one of the doors causing her to stare in its direction, something the Hermes noticed, 'Don't get distracted now, you know why we're here. Bring back anything that might be useful to Charles and don't get caught.'

'Don't worry, I won't fail,' the hell spirit said in a serious tone before turning into an invisible gas cloud that seeped underneath the closest door.

Hermes shook his head at her impatience. He turned to the remaining doors.

Charles had told him to steal a time-turner if there was an opportunity.

Feeling a pulling sensation in his head he too felt drawn to one of the doors.

He used his size manipulation to briefly turn himself into the size of an ant and fly under the door.

Once he was on the other side, he scanned the room. It was a large black chamber full of planets floating in mid-air.

He let instinct guide him as he flew toward a spot in space that seemed to shimmer.


The cat shaped spirit stood in front of the towering stone archway. The sound of distant voices could be heard coming from a ghost-like veil in front of her.

[A member or your party has found a new area: Space Dungeon.]

Seeing the message pop-up, Jinx narrowed her eyes.

"I won't be left behind brother."

[You have found a new area: Hell Dungeon.

Would you like to enter? Y/N]



With a pop, we appeared behind the orphanage. It was already late into the night, well past curfew, so there was little chance we would be seen.

I hunch my shoulders and spoke in a tired voice, "That took longer than I had expected, and in the end we didn't get any closer to finding what I am, just that I'm weirder than the average wizard."

"I apologize Charles, Oswald is a good man, but he does tend to get too focused when it comes to his work. It's a bad habit he had even during our school years," Professor Flitwick tried to excuse his friend's behavior.

I cracked a grin, "I think that's something that applies to all Ravenclaws."

"I suppose so. Either way, we can at least conclude that you do indeed appear to have a magical creature heritage. Now we just need to find out which ones they are. Oswald said we would get a better picture after some more tests."

"Right, is it just my imagination but did he seem I don't know, giddy at the prospect of more tests?"

The miniature wizard coughed into his hand awkwardly, "Anyways, make sure to record any new observations in a journal just like he said. I'll come later in the week so that we can polish up your dueling before the competition, until then remember no magic."

"I understand," I said as I approached the back door, "no magic outside of school, unless supervised by a high authority figure."

"Good boy," was all he said before apparating away.

Taking out a key, I unlocked the door and made my way inside. My earlier tiredness vanished as I walked to my room.

Inside I found Hermes and Jinx both sleeping on the bed. I always found it strange seeing as spirits didn't need sleep. Then again, neither did I, but I still enjoyed it.

Taking a knife from my inventory I sliced open my arm about 2 inches from my wrist and pushed out a bloody blue scale from under my skin. Next, I reached into my mouth and pulled out a fake molar, a real one regenerating almost immediately.

The last thing I took out was a set of black hair extensions that had been cleverly mixed into my own.

It had been a pain to carry them all day but it was thanks to them that I was able to fool most of the magical tests.

Walking to my desk, I found a curious lump of rock and a blank book on it.

'Hmm, what could this be?' I thought as I used [Observe]on the rock.

[Adamantine Ore- Rank: Special

Description: A special type of metal ore that can only be found in meteorites. Items made of adamantine boast an ultra-hardness capable of withstand extreme amounts of pressures and temperatures making it virtually indestructible. Weapons made of Adamantine do twice as much damage and never lose their edge. Armor made of Adamantine are immune to normal melee attacks.]

I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Just where the heck had they gone?

Reaching for the book, it turned out to be a skill book.

[You obtained the skill book [Create Artificial Spirit]

[Will you learn this skill?] [Y/N]

You obtained the skill Create Artificial Spirit

[Create Artificial Spirit] (Active) LV1 EXP: 0.0%

Description: Minds and souls are surprisingly easy to create and can be used as the faithful servants and tools of their creator. Allows you to create artificial spirits. The abilities of the artificial spirits are proportional to the magic abilities of the caster.

Cost: 2000 MP]


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