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Hi everyone!
The Patreon launched on January 30, 2023, so we have officially passed the one year anniversary and February is our celebration month!

I'm sure I'm going to say this a few times this month in different ways, but having this platform has been such an incredible opportunity for personal and creative growth for me. The support, positivity and respect from this community is unmatched, and I'm incredibly grateful to every person who has commented, subscribed, followed or just listened.

This really feels like a space I feel comfortable pushing myself, experimenting and exploring the kind of content I want to make. Thank you for the support that makes it possible for me to do this, thank you for the kind comments and messages, and thank you for listening!

To celebrate, I'm planning on releasing my first self-collab/MMF audio this month! Since last month's free audio was so late and will be released on Reddit this month, the MMF audio is going to be a Patreon exclusive for ALL tiers, so moans, murmurs and whispers. Secondly, I'd like to do my first live audio Q&A/hangout, though I don't have a date set for that yet!

I'll also be posting some polls today for the moans to vote on their favorite audios for the 1st Annual August Awards, with this month's SFW audio being to discuss the results of that.

Appreciate you all so much and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Take care,

august 🌨️

February Schedule (Subject to Change)

  • Monday, February 5th: Dirty Talk audio (moans + murmurs)
  • Monday, February 19th: MMF exclusive audio (All Tiers)
  • Monday, February 26th: Patreon exclusive audio (moans + murmurs)
  • Thursday, February 29th: August Awards SFW audio (moans)

EDIT: Hey everyone! Perhaps unsurprisingly, the MMF audio has presented some brand new challenges to recording/editing, so I just need a bit more time with it. Going to move it to Monday, and bump the Patreon exclusive to the following Monday as well. Thanks for your patience!! I think it's gonna be worth it. 



MMF oh no I'm going to fucking diiiiiiie


@August please choose a color cause these dates are going to be MARKED in my calendar and we need it to be color coded ofc 😇

Freya Gwynn

Woke up thinking it was Sunday today. Can I please just say that I was so disappointed when I realized it was only Saturday and I had yet another day to wait. I cry.


Patiently waiting rn


Not me on European time checking all day 😅 I can't even listen til tomorrow but the anticipation is too. much. But hey it's building the tension before building the tension amirite 😉




It recently dawned on me that we're getting Agent August next week too and I'm still not over Cocky and Nerdy M 🫠