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Additional Tags: [Possessive] [Cowgirl] [T*t Slapping] [Using You] [Finger Sucking] [Bent Over Kitchen Table] [Pinning Arm Behind Back] [Face Pressed Down] [Spanking] [Mutual Masturbation] [Creampie] [D*ddy] [Slapping Me]

You don't know your new neighbor very well, but after he overhears you hooking up with a new guy, you have a surprisingly intimate chat about sex. When you overhear him the next week, you can't help but wonder what it would be like...


Got this is right under the wire, hope you like it! Trying some new stuff with multiple scenes and I think an interesting build up of tension with characters that have chemistry from the beginning.

NOTE: While it's in the narrative that the Listener character overhears the Speaker character having sex with another F character through the wall, that occurs "off screen" between scenes and is not heard in the audio.

My thought process was that some people might enjoy hearing it as a part of the voyeuristic fantasy, other people don't want to actually hear the Speaker fucking some imaginary other person in the audio. So I left it out, but let me know what you think.

NAMES USED: Baby, sweetheart, good girl, sl*t, wh*re, f*cktoy, c*cksleeve, tease, Daddy [For Speaker]

CW: After the brat taming parts are done, most of the degradation in this is done with a praising tone. The word "stupid" is used as a part of dirty talk, but in an affectionate "f*ck yourself stupid, such a cockdrunk, stupid sl*t" kind of way. 




yeah i’m in there


I juuuuust finished the DM audio and then I’m blessed with this notification? ✨☕️


god bless u




this week has been absolutely kicking my ass so this came just in time 😭😭 let me finish this chemistry work first so i can focus 🫡


may your home plants never die and may your cup always overflow 😩🙏🏾




Been waiting


I am so excited to listen to this August🩷🩷🩷




Hope you’re feeling better! Can’t wait to give this a listen tonight.


Damn, was just about to go to sleep 😂


god fucking happy birthday to ME

Violet 💜

These tags omg

sarah 💫



5 ⭐️ review- would eat here again. Hope u r feeling better.

Lambda Sitta

Happy birthday! I hope you have the absolute best day and enjoy your time celebrating!!!


Yaaaas, give us a dirty talk Ted Talk *clicks pen*


Thank god, this was the day from hell


If you keep this up with all the “ins” for this year I’m not going to survive, just the description and tags are doing something to me…

✨ jo ✨

speaker: "you have a good night?" me: [in my head] WEEEEWEEOOO WEEEEWEEEOO 🚨🚨🫣😳🫠🪦🪦💀


to quote an earlier audio “girls love the jealousy, what’s new” it’s me I’m girls


Before I even listen to this audio I just gotta say something (already knowing my opinions will apply to this one too): August you do it every 👏🏼single 👏🏼 time👏🏼. I’ve been a Patreon listener for a few months but discovered your Reddit first, so I’m slowly making my way through your exclusive audios. And ooooh it’s just *chef’s kiss*, no misses. I respect you and what you do and the way you’re able to inadvertently help your listeners figure out things they like while keeping everyone’s boundaries in mind. So I think I speak for a lot of people when I say thank you :). Okay listening now 🤭🫶🏼

Freya Gwynn

OMG that little laugh. I'm dead.


Reading the tags, I cannot wait to give this a listen after getting the kid ready for bed. Joining your patreon has been so fun and so so worth it 💕


The banter and the way you say everything so smoothly to her…. I folded like an accordion 🪗

Shelby K



Why is everything you do flawless? Thank you, feel good 🫶 and yeah it is “ungentlemanly”. A lady never kisses and tells. But who says we were ladies 🥵


this really takes the “i wonder what the neighbors will think” to a better level lmaooo


everytime i finish an audio it leaves me w my face buried into a pillow screaming

Page Chase

Why does this feel like a prequel to the FWB voicemail? Dude's clearly caught feelings of some sort. Not really jealous? Sure. Still, if I can get railed within an inch of my life without leaving the building, I don't know why I'd bother looking anywhere else.


maybe get the other neighbor next door !! threesomeeeee🤣🤣🤣

Sydney 🤍

My God LMAO seriously though, appreciate the new ideas you brought to this, I absolutely loved it 💕 hope you’re feeling better!

amira malak

oh this is the best birthday gift i could have asked for, thanks august xoxo


I fell apart the moment you said fuckable for the first time. Nothing but blindness from then on

Lizzy 💃🏻

i wished for rough mdom on an eyelash 🪄✨


Nice, some **** and cookie 🤌


This felt like a gift. I really enjoyed the build up scenes and the kitchen table.


love when both parties are so needy that they barely make it through the door before jumping on each other. this is going on repeat for the next week 🤤


This was...incredible 😭 I think I'm discovering kinks I didn't know I had. I definitely would have loved to have heard the "overheard sex next door" 🫠 but I can definitely understand for others it might take them out. Either way this was amazing, you have such a way of bringing a level of intimacy that makes your audios so addictive

sarah 💫

This is my new Number One audio, fast tracked and expedited as Favorite, do not pass GO, do not collect $200, straight to the TOP 🏆 ⬆️ I literally have a bajillion thoughts but i wanna quickly say that I really really love your degradation! I’ve said it before but it bears repeating that imo, it never feels fueled by meanness or pure self-indulgence for M (i think ky mentioned this in a DT too). It’s just a fun, smirky, playful kind of degrading where you aren’t taking it too seriously and you KNOW she’s into it. I think being into sexy/slutty acts can feel performative for a lot of women, to fulfill the male gaze/fantasy or whatever, and some M4F audios feel like 10000% all Male Fantasy projection time but I personally never feel like that with your content. Much of it probably depends on the listener’s own proclivities but imo it always feels like F genuinely WANTS to be a slut/degraded and M’s just like, “I love that you want that, so do I” and it’s just a good ol’ slutty time for them both! 🫶🏼 I’ll be back with (believe it or not) even MORE thoughts for my proper Big Comment but I need to locate a few scattered brain cells first☝🏼ty for the scrumptious meal as always, August!! 🙏🏼💖 hope you feel better and happy one year on patreon!!! 🥳💝🥹🎉🎈


this was so brilliant a tear fell down my face at its pure immaculacy. also i LOVED LOVED LOVEDDDD the slow burn so much, it worked so well without it feeling like too much!!! i’m going to think abt this for the rest of the week now (๑・̑◡・̑๑)


Oh my 😵‍💫 this one has me feeling a little dizzy afterwards I love having the multiple scenes!! It makes every one of them more memorable. The table scene really did it for me though, holy shit August. My body says thanks, again <3

Lambda Sitta

Happy birthday, Amira! As your name suggests, you deserve a birthday fit for a princess, so I hope you were able to celebrate like one!


okay but the dirty talk advice was pretty solid


This has me doing those failed-cartwheel-bunny-hops all around my room. Loved the multiple scenes.

ky 💌❣️✨

alsoooo hi girls (gender neutral), happy augustversary 🌨️ i've joked a few times about how Classic August Lines™️ should be on the bingo card and uhhhh i thought it would be fun to make one for the one year anniversary! https://imgur.com/a/yhXbm60 there's even 5 versions with different square placements in case you ACTUALLY want to play haha. making a smutty bingo card was not on my 2024 bingo card, etc. etc. anyway, happy 1 year to horny book club & my fellow readers 💘


I’m only like three minutes in but had to pause to say I would pay a million dollars for a “how to dirty talk” guide from you


I waited all day for this and all i can say is thank you 😭


august what the fuck


holy shit

sarah 💫

KY??!!!! Your AITW bingo card was on MY 2024 bingo card this is so cooool ‼️😍 ur officially THE winter soldier MVP, ty for making this!! ❄️🫡


No for real, there are a lot of men who don’t ~get it~ and that’d be a charitable public service tbh


I can’t believe you made one, let alone five 😍


I really appreciate how you never sound like an angry piece of sh*t (I swear it's not directed to anyone 🫣) in your degradation audios, but someone who wants the listener to feel good and desirable for "real" (again not directed 🫣) and not used like a tool to fulfill the speaker's fantasies


GYAT DAMN we love subby/nervous August but confident/cocky August is unmatched


YES 🙌🏻🫣🤭🌚💥🎉🥺☠️ (that’s it, that’s the tweet)


it is me! omg… you just made my night 😆


It might be so odd to mention the banter in the earlier scenes being so grade A when one side of that volley lol is literally unheard, but idk idk the delivery and the lines that followed whatever she was meant to be saying made their whole exchange feel so witty and 'oooh, look at their chemistry' lol. I think you did the extra scenes very well! And for the overhearing the speaker character with another F character through the walls mentioned in the post, I wouldn't have minded it at all (and lol kinda expected it a little). Though, I am also someone who sometimes pictures a speaker character and a separate F character from myself for audios anyway so there's often some level of voyeurism happening in my head that I'm used to, but I don't think that's a common way of listening lol? But skipping it didn't take away anything, it was also nice just focusing on the two of them. Also, the bits of 'such a good girl,' 'you're so good, sweetheart,' and the "I got you, I got you' at the very end after all that degradation made it hit so, so much harder as someone truly praise obsessed lol. Anyways, anyways, another great audio! These two were so hot.


Why did I smile at “Hmm?” WHY THAT ONE out of all the squares?! God this is amazing I love it KY 🤭


Raise your hand if you want a TEDtalk (AUGUSTtalk if you will) about the influence of porn on Male bedroom behavior…🙋🏽‍♀️


I’m waiting at the dentist, do u reckon I can ask to put this on to help my anxiety They can pull all my teeth if they want I got this to listen to afterwards


it’s not normal to cry, no?


cos I def did cry like I’m rlly not kidding

ky 💌❣️✨

conni - not to show my hand, but it only took me a few extra minutes to mix up the squares haha. but it did it for YOU (plural)!!!!!!

Ariel ✰¨̮

first comment & the only thing blaring through my mind is if August ever did an audio with objectification. like make me you pretty doll, PLEASE


I thought the kitchen table teasing was gonna do me in (the full body tingles that I got from those spanks??? Helllll yeah) but then I got to “just a little bit more”s and…sir…I would completely lose my mind if someone did that to me. 🫠 Also yes PLEASE to longer, more drawn out orgasms like that. 💕


Holy shit. This audio is SCRUMPTIOUS. You really fucking delivered. Every second was top tier, but my favorite part has to be the teasing while bent over the table followed very closely by the "are you busy?" after F says they're going on a date haha. Again, your attention to detail remains unmatched. I loved how intentional the sfx came across. For example, the part where listener is grinding on the M's thigh, like it didn't sound just like fabric rustling randomly. Also, that little extra rumble in your voice whenever you said "ooh yeah" 🤌🏽🤌🏽. All in all, I'm coming back to this one repeatedly tbh. I'm still riding the high from celebrating my bday a few days ago, and this audio definitely added to it. Also, I hope you're feeling better!




Kicking my feet and waiting for your big comment!!!


I haven’t even listened yet and I have a Pavlovian Response


YOU CAN JUST CRAWL I - !!!!!!!!!!


The door pic gave me Wes Anderson movie vibes lol. The blue reminded me of The Life Aquatic


The overachiever > burnt out adult > desperate to be called a stupid slut pipeline is so real with this one 2024 august is dangerous 🔥

Destiny D

This audio is a whole another level. I don't even know how to explain it. Emojis help 🥵🔥🫠🤯 I can't. I just can't.

Lizzy 💃🏻

AUGUSTUS WINTER ..do you ever miss..will you ever stop worrying if we'll like it?.. um yes I really liked it, esp the little surprise bumping into each other scenes since it made the massive sexual innuendo and their chemistry ramp up almost painfully every time. i mean i was practically on fire before they got through the door and is there a bigger turn on than hearing two people barely come up for air the minute they finally get their hands on each other? after that i don't even know what happened bc my brain went completely out the window at 'if you can't stand, you can crawl', thigh grinding, finger sucking, over the table tip teasing (😱)..yeesh..guess i'll listen again and probably again.


You are the only person I like hard dom stuff from because even when you’re being harder, it comes from this place of like awe and reverence, whereas so many male content creators seem so eager to use it as permission to be like genuinely cruel to f listener. I appreciate that about your work so much.


August you absolute madman. My god, the dirty talk in this one was absolutely fucking filthy (and the dirty talk advice was pretty solid too, can we have a Ted talk on that?) 10/10 would ride again. Might be my new fave among the non-genre audios

Rya Li

Okay so i have some shit to say. Uh. Omg. Without doxxing myself, i am brown and it's puhretty hard to make me blush--i might feel the bloodrush but its not really visible unless it's Real Bad. Like, I think the only audios I've actually gone red at were the first one i listened to (bffs brother, loved the flirting) and MAYBE parts of the vday one. This, tho. I was RED the WHOLE TIME. Idk what it is about the boldness and the confidence etc but I was WRECKED by this character. Literally had to interrupt the fiance's shower to be like "HI THIS MAN IS DESTROYING ME" (cue "hell yeah im boutta destroy u too 😏" from him) but OOF. also! SHOUTOUT TO GROWN ASS MAN CHARACTERS BEING IN FOR 2024. ALREADY PAYING TF OFF. Here I was using audios as a fantasy for the sex I didn't have in my early 20s, I am a FOOL, early 20s fratboy sex is AWFUL and I need a hot neighbor WHO CAN AFFORD HIS OWN APT IN A HIGH COST OF LIVING CITY 😍


oh the degradation in this is absolutely delicious. VERY well done🥰🏆

sarah 💫

10000% agree! There’s always a sense that F truly *wants* it that rough and M always sounds so grateful to have permission to treat her like that. Even when he’s rough there’s that tinge of sweetness 🥺😭

Lambda Sitta

Happy belated birthday, Phonons! Like I've told you before, I always like reading your comments and you've been such a wonderful addition to the comment section. I hope your birthday went well (hello fellow January baby), and that you genuinely enjoyed yourself ❤️🎉


um I’m a puddle after listening to that, tugging the underwear against the listener was *mwah* but also man your audios are so seamlessly edited and the sfx and background sounds lend to amazing immersion!! and your characters and story structures (the different scenes and time skips in this one I’m thinking of rn) are so creative thank you for the effort you so clearly put in!!


Went wonderfully thank you!! getting adult braces 🥲🥲


I feel this comment in my bones, especially the last part about using the audios to fulfill a lost 20's fantasy but actually wanting a man with his shit together.


Honestly idk if we will survive 2024 August at this rate




Omg Lambda you're too sweet 😘 Thank you!!! I did have a pretty nice bday. I hope yours was a good one too fellow Januarian 🩷


Very much this pipeline. The past three years have been a wild ride for me and I've never wanted so much to be called a stupid slut 😅


I imagine the F character separate from me too, you're not the only one!


The audible scream I let out at some of these parts when you let your voice drop to the deeper tones and some of the things you said jfc. Just god damn you did good!


I also fucking love the wrap up you do at the end of your audios, those make me really happy and make my brain feel nice lol


Because I am the person I am, I HAD to try to play bingo with this audio haha. Here's my attempt. I took some liberties and I'm sure I missed some bc I kept getting distracted by all the spicy https://imgur.com/gallery/Vv9tWii

ky 💌❣️✨

oh my GODDD i didn't even consider you guys would share your cards omg omg omg i love 🥰‼️


aahahahaha *nervous laughter* my husband and i just moved into a new apartment, oh man do i wanna find out how thin the walls are tonight????


Can I just say I was literally talking to @lizzy_girlinadeddress that August has ownership over the words cream buck and manhandle


literally no words, my mind is singing a melody and the lyrics are just gawk gawk gawk gawk


holy shit i just started listening and im fucking giggling my ass off


I swear, this man never misses. THAT FOREPLAY. I thought they were going to do it in the laundry room. The tension made it sexier. Then they make out omg. 10/10. Chef kiss.

sarah 💫

omg phonons ur a January babe too??? Happy late bday!! 💖🎂

Sharon T

Your work sounds so so professional. Everything from even the way you take your breaths, how natural you sound, the way you take specific care in the way you enunciate each word. And the script….!!!

Sharon T



“Share your thoughts” I cannot 🥴


First time leaving English comment on Patreon: Although these tags are not really my thing, but you DID IT anyways🥹 By the way, I hope you're feeling better now!🖤


God DAMN 🥵

Rya Li

The exciting, temporary allure of "i can fix him" can't hold a candle to the rest and comfort of "but i don't have to" 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽


It’s 35 minutes again, August! 😆 I enjoyed every second of it! Love the different scenes 👏🏽


All I have to say is KING 🤴🏻


I really like the use of multiple scenes to build tension. It’s like reread a romance book and only reading the juicy and spicy parts. Haha And BOY, that entryway sex had me….😳🫢🫣. F slapped M...🫢. A sign of a really rough dick down about to happen. 🙃 This rough dom was intense. 😮‍💨 Also your pillow talk at the end of an audio is always….✨💖✨.


Me @ 1am: waiting for the ol’ Nytol to kick in….. any minute now. Me @ 2:28am: huh, this AITW audio renders Nytol 100% ineffective.


January felt like the longest fucking month of my life but getting this treat on the last day made it all worth it 😮‍💨 your work just gets better and better, I feel like I need a 🚬 after listening to this, goddamn august [insert more incoherent audiodrunk rambling while I melt] ok bye


the way the feminism instantly left my body bc what the fuck


Therapy isn’t enough at this point.. I need an exorcism 😮‍💨


is this my new favorite scenario?? yep


"degradation but in a praising tone"... my favorite 🫠

Jada M

AH wow…wowww im actually stunned how well you used this format for the first time?? Its so well executed and the actual planting and payoff is really satisfying (the underwear? I gasped, very clever). Genuinely good writing for real. I think for like stranger or acquaintance scenarios this works really well to build a relationship and add TENSION even with just a few interactions. Especially with the laundry room scene i could feel my face getting so warm. You don’t hear the listener ever but somehow you can detect immediate chemistry which is again good writing and incredibly realistically acted. Amazing work!!! My face is so red it feels like its glowing in the dark lmao

spoon 🪐

STOP IT I NEED A “YOU’RE OKAY” WARNING PLEASE EVER SINCE THAT DIRTY TALK I CANT FUNCTION AFTER HEARING THAT. anyway good shit wtf and also be rougher next time (im sick) 🫵🏻🫠


Hearing your smile in your voice is so cute!!! good audio, i like the end, very sweet.

Jada M

and to just extend a long comment (sorry) there is something so hot in this audio thats hard to explain?? Like dom/sub and yet the two characters still feel like equals. Idk something very sexy abt them communicating thru dirty talk and referring back to conversations that have been had. Its like theyre truly listening to each other? Idk if that makes sense but ya bye ahhh

spoon 🪐

the last couple minutes of this are just so hot literally fuck off with this shit and give me a pt 2 you monster


my. god. im just gonna go and say this is my favorite audio of yours like. ever. the multiple scenes at the beginning establish the story so well. If it’s only january I cannot even fathom what’s to come in 2024. 1000/10

spoon 🪐

*whispers loudly * ADD THE SPEAKER FUCKING OFF SCREEN. please……


okay but the "why don't you give me your keys while you do that?" I'M OBSESSED i mean the whole chemistry they have makes this so good i'm gonna go listen to that again

Ruth Hope 🩷

🎶 Like a good neighbor, NeighborAugust is there! 🎶 (That was in the style of the State Farm jingle for the uninitiated lmao). God. I can't believe I have to go to work now. Both the best decision and the worst decision to listen as part of my morning routine. Goddamn it, August. So fucking good!


the real curse of capitalism is not the way in which it’s eroded the human sense of community or commodified womens’ bodies as a vehicle for marketing and profit, it’s that I have to go work a 10 hour work day before I can sit down and listen to this

Rose S.

Fucking seriously. I’m legitimately wondering if there’s a good way to send this to the guy I’m seeing (once it comes out on Reddit). Like is there any good way to frame that. I just— 🫣🫦

Rose S.

Oh no, wait, which DT has “You’re okay”? Because that shit has got me in a STATE


"i don't need you naked to make you cum" oh. i almost came just from that line tbh


the “just a little more” edging toward the end 🫠 I am finding things out about myself

sarah 💫

hey so we’re all calling out of work tomorrow right? just. like we’re not *actually* expected to function after hearing THIS right? RIGHT?


what a TREAT ugh you’re unmatched


This is so good!!! Omg your voice! 10/10 ;) Can’t wait for the next one


Good sir….i don’t know what type of crack you put into this audio but I’m gonna need about a metric ton…my life is changed—


this is tew good i wish you were real 😔

Ruth Hope 🩷

With August, you're protected from mayhem - like him! (not) (as is preferred lmao)

sarah 💫

DAFINA OMG I’m sending my condolences 💐😔🫶🏼 I canNOT imagine *thinking* let alone WORKING after hearing this mind melter, hang in there soldier! 🫡❄️


“Seeing if you wanted me to… fuck you at all?” 🥵😂 “Sure, that sounds great!” (Mentally screeeaaaming) 😂😂 Phew - such a great scenario and I loved the progression/ build up of tension. 10 points, no notes 🫠


I loved that there were multiple occasions when the characters met. It felt very natural and casual. I hope you will continue on this path. But I also have to admit that I am still a bit conflicted about the audio. It was very hot but I couldn't help it and felt very sorry for the other girl mentioned.

sarah 💫

I thinkkkk it was at the end of DT 10? Right? The lil aftercare/character break moment when he was like “yeah, you’re ok. it’s just an audio” 🥺 I think?


okay but this is actually some solid advice lmfao i appreciate that


This wass sooo goodd. A great way to wrap up my January🙏


I guess casually sharing thoughts about sex is a good ice breaker, “share your thoughts”🙏 There’s something so attractive about the little pop of his lips when he said there’s something left in the dryer and his “you look really fuckable in them” which was so smooth. When he said his plans was “coming home…and if i wanted him to fuck ‘me’” at all??? No questions asked, I am sooo free. But i did do a double take bc that was sudden but god damnn. Everything he did was so smooth. I love msub august but ugh the mdom august is so hot. The degradation in this is sooo giving me the feels. The tiny jealousy or whatnot at the end was a cute addition to it. Part 2 for this one pleasee🙏🙏🙏 I’m rooting for the neighbour to lovers trope

Naomi Corporan

"I don't need you naked to make you come" NO YOU FUCKING DO NOT SURE! God everything about this audio is perfect YOU COOKED HERE

Rose S.

LORD, I remember that now. I think I blocked it out because it was too powerful. Intense/rough sex is my favorite and also makes me feel A Lot, and I’m always worried that the cathartic comedown is going to freak a partner out, so to have that intensity acknowledged and treated as perfectly fine? 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


The different scenes are a nice touch , it allows the speaker to get to know more your character, create more tension and interesting dynamics. The casual flirting/teasing that leads to the main course 🍽️ is done perfectly, precisely because it’s so casual (the advice, the friendlish vibe…) and natural. I won’t even bother to mention the script because it’s so fucking good 😭😭 like… How is that you never fail??? You make even the most degrading shit so respectful, making the speaker feel so worshipped even in a sub position. You’re definitely the king of layering and mixing sounds, everything is absolutely believable. If I have to find the needle in the haystack the slaps are not so convincing, as it seems an “empty” type of sound instead of a full-ish one, but I’m not asking to slap your own ass lol Regardless, this is what I call money well spent 😭🩷


It started as a joke, but now… This man’s laugh is my weakness 🧎🏽‍♀️


Since I’m too flustered to even code, I’ll listen it rn for *scientific reasons * 🧬👩🏽‍🔬and NOT because I want to listen his “good girl”s or god forbid his laugh


They really should bottle your voice and sell it as lubricant – nothing else needed


I love all of this, I really love allll of this 😭😭😭😭 August I feel alive again I love you! Ps . The "pop" sounds after you say "you look really f*ckable in them" almost make me faint. Why is that so attractive 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


This comment is gold (and a perfect description of his voice)


YEEEEEEEES THAT “you’re okay, it’s just an audio” was top 3 one of my favorite quotes from him. That shit took me so off guard its like he KNOWS he needs to bring us back from astral projecting after his audios!


10/10 would not recommend driving while listening to this. Who else goes feral any time this man says ‘cock drunk’ or just anything, anything at all.

Freya Gwynn

You've ruined me for the way you say "So." Call Pavlov cause I cannot hear that word without thinking of these audios. Omg.

Ruth Hope 🩷

Dog I currently don't have a car but when I did I tried listening to August a few times while driving and I had to legit pull over I was screaming and slapping the steering wheel it was too much.

Lambda Sitta

I can't believe you put the joke from the voice note in your comment 😭🤣


okay for 2024 my resolution is to be less shy and try commenting here!! everyone here in the comments always seems to be having a blast and i wanna join!! so far my january has been a MESS, i was so looking forward to this audio and you delivered babyyy! had my face in my hands the whole time GOD ... what a menace. but the bit that actually made me go up in flames was the crawling/thigh riding one, you sprinkled in the Daddy and THAT WAS THE END FOR ME thank you for another banger!! Happy anniversary 🎉


UPDATE: It’s a bad idea, don’t do it! I REPEAT DONT DO IT


I don’t know what you put in this audio but I am back for more.


i loved the storyline of this one and something about the way the M talks and acts is so hot 😮‍💨 and personally i would have loved hearing augustina's moans hahah

sarah 💫

Dafina I saw both of your replies when I woke up and put my head in my hands like “ARGH GOD I WAS TOO LATE!! I SHOULDVE BEEN HERE TO STOP THIS!!” 🚫

sarah 💫

Sheena life has been canceled until further notice 👋🏼🪦


im sorry i think i had a very positive stroke reading the tags if thats even possible to do in a positive way because. WOW.


"im not that jealous" SURE i love love love this


Missed the post notif last night. Today just happens to be my half day. Love the universe just works it out for me. 😌✨ Ignoring my better judgment and giving myself a lil sneaky preview!


Ky! you have done it again, constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flaw👏🏾less👏🏾ly👏🏾. this is SO good!!!


Huh…huh…wow…no words…(in the best way possible)


completely off topic, is your pfp from MPGIS?? I LOVED that show ✨


Still listening but I can already tell this is gonna be a new favorite. the chemistry is off the fucking charts I could listen to an HOUR of these two flirting and be FED🧑🏾‍🍳🤌🏾 okay back in it byeee ✨

Naomi Corporan

@3:20 I like how you joke about writing up a full review for F like we don't do that for your audios


I think everyone knows what number comes after 7 and August just did THAT!

sarah 💫

omg it’s so nice to read your comment, welcome!! 💕 the grinding/daddy thing was like……truly insane in the membrane, absolute menace indeed!! hope your ankle heals up well! 🤕


btw I really enjoyed the different scenes and the build up it gave it’s so damn gooood just the right amount of slowburn! And the ending got me giggling and kicking my feet 🤭 ALSO, (but maybe it’s just me) THE TONE OF HIS VOICE ON THE FIRST BIT!! AHEGEBAIAVEY so casual just like his AMA’s and I love it so much!


Ok before I get into the details, I am loving the multiple scene concept. Love the little glimpses into their interactions, felt very immersive. I wouldn’t mind hearing the overheard sex but I understand why some people wouldn’t. Also, would love a dirty talk instructional audio. I am that person that is so worried everything I say will be stupid as hell. 🫣 Moving onward: -The whispery way you say “you don’t need compatibility for that.” That put me into my grave. Kudos for doing that at only 7 minutes in. -“If you wanted me to fuck you at all”???? Yup I am dead all over again. ☠️☠️ -Kissing sounds got me 🫠🫠🫠 -“I don’t need you naked to make you cum.” You sure as hell do not. 🥵🥵🥵 -“Crawl for me. Crawl for this cock.” 🫡 whatever you say sir. -“That’s how a good girl rides daddy’s cock” 🫨 -Love the call back to his advice about asking if he could feel how wet she is. -two words: COCK DRUNK 🤤🤤🤤 -“Perfect bratty little pussy just sucking and swallowing up that cock” 🥴🥴🚑 -The teasing about stumbling to the table. *chefs fucking kiss 😘* -“Might just jerk my cock until I fucking explode all over your ass” don’t tempt me with a good time. 💦🍑 -“I didn’t give you permission to slide yourself back on that cock. Careful.” 🆘🆘 -“You can come now baby” 😵🪦 -“Fuck you through it while I fill you up” And I’m pregnant now. Thanks 🤰🏻 I don’t think I’ll survive 2024 if this is how I feel at the end of January. 🤯😳🥵


He says cock drunk and I disassociate. 🫨🫨


No thoughts, just vibes 🥴🥵


Actually, this is reminding me of my recent hookup and 😮‍💨


@Sarah you weren’t there to stop me from doing such magnificent but stupid move. I KEPT looking at my computer screen smiling and giggling like a schoolgirl 😭😭😭😭


Was it worth it? Yes Was it explicitly needed? Also yes Am I dumb? Also yes BUT IT WAS LITERALLY SO DISTRACTING


I just looked like a GD carp driving around with a blank look on my face.


Wow this was incredibly good!!! I love the multiple scenes, it made the sex scene THAT much hotter. You really are hitting all the marks when you said more sound effects and different dirty talk and it put your audio on a whole nother level I didn’t even know existed. At this point your audios are untouchable not even just from the writing and sfx but your performance is just perfect. And ughhhh the coddling in this I’m not sure we’ve heard THIS much of it before and I did not expect it in this particular audio but the little “aws”, almost comforting but still teasing comments, and the way speaker KEPT referring himself as daddy? I’m sure everyone went feral at the point. But yeah, multiple scenes are SO the move 😮‍💨 on a side note, I would have loved to hear the off screen sex as mentioned I know that would have hit HARD 🤭I can’t keep making every new audio my favorite but this has got to be it fr this time 🤞🏽(it was the face touching, pinning and head pushing that did me in). Thanks as always August for always delivering the best content!!!!!! 💓❣️


I’ve been waiting for a rough mdom audio to top the Valentine’s Day one for me and as soon as I saw the tags… I knew the day had come. Bless you for the immaculate balance of praise/degradation.🧎🏻‍♀️

Liz M

Holy buildup, Batman! You did an amazing job setting up. It was efficient, detailed, hot, exciting, [insert all the positive adjectives here]. Loved the additional sound effects for the scenes… they were super immersive and resulted in a level of anticipation that was so fun. It had me thinking “Oh my… is this it? Is M going to make the move?!” A++

Liz M

Also, I think the sound of them with other partners wasn’t needed in this case… you filled in the blanks perfectly with the writing!


The little TED talk about what works for dirty talk in the beginning of the banter just confirms it would be so interesting to have a sfw audio about the intricacies of your scripts and what you’re thinking when you craft certain lines. Maybe we can comment our favorite lines first to be expanded on? My favorite line for this audio is, “Just give me a little more.” There is so much in there. 😩🫠


my heart beat so fast listening to this i got a hearrate alert from my garmin btw


This one set my soul on fire, thank you so muchhhh August


I tried listening at work once when I was doing a relatively menial task but I couldn't finish the audio. I don't wanna be the reason my place of work is on the news if a lab mishap happens lol


Whoa, I really liked the pacing of this! It's nice to see you using the "Ins" from your In/Out list. You weren't playing when you said filthier language 🫠😳 I didn't read the notes all the way through, so I actually was waiting for your character to overhear the listener with someone else 😅 The self-collab sounds fun! I've been curious about multiple Augusts!


Does anyone else get little bummed realizing you’ll never be able to relive the experience of the first listen? Because I’m feeling it rn 🥺

sarah 💫

DAFINA THE DUMBIFICATION IS SO REAL OMG 😵‍💫 I’m glad you survived, you are so much stronger than me 💪🏼

sarah 💫

Omg phonons I can see the headline now: BREAKING! Employee distracted by audio porn accidentally creates a wormhole in the space time continuum. More at 10 📰 Lmao idk why I made you a scientist but the sentiment remains 😭🧪


Sometimes I have to pause mid audio just to stop and savor it. This time I got to the 11 minute mark and just thought, "I get 24 more minutes of this?? Criminal."


“You wanna look at it, baby?” 🫠🫠💀💀 Ok but can we also talk about the very practical tips to getting your partner to talk more???


You were correct. I am an actual scientist, haha. No wormholes here, though 🧪👩🏽‍🔬

sarah 💫

SHEENA!! Omg I loved reading all ur thoughts, you literally hit all the points that made me go cuckoo banana pants 🍌👖 esp the callback to him giving her advice about feeling how wet she is that was so. smart. so. hot. UGH‼️ can’t believe it’s only January and we’ve already been brutally murdered 😞🪦🔪


Sarah, you just get me. I feel the same way about every comment you make! It’s always the same points that made me lose my mind. And that callback?! How. Rude. Yea good luck making it through the year while dead. 😵


this was literally so. just. everything about it. ohhhh my god 🫠 HOW do u keep outdoing yourself over and over????


I can't tell if every audio gets better or if I'm just developing some sort of addiction to August's dirty talk. 🤔


almost 24 hours in and I’m still in awe at the chemistry between these two when we only could hear just one side of the conversation. Like, how? HOW? I’d pay (extra) money to just hear these two banter as some really long form of foreplay cause THAT 👏🏻 IS 👏🏻 MY 👏🏻 SHIT 👏🏻


Premium dirty talk advice?? In the first 5 minutes??? FOR FREE????


God I really could go on forever about every little detail that made this audio work SO well, but I’ll say this re: Le Slap. There is something so incredibly satisfying about M’s response to being slapped. The level of familiarity required to understand that (in this case!!) F is bratting out bc she’s actually quite desperate for it. He doesn’t take it to heart, it just eggs him on even MORE??? 😵‍💫 god it’s just. so so good. Loved it in the Invulnerability vs Poison Touch audio, love it here. Love 🤭✨


Ohh this next door neighbor & Valentine’s Day friend are some smooth mfs 😮‍💨


it takes a lot for an audio to make me say “oh my god??!??” out loud… jfc. new fave? honestly i say that like every time but i mean it hehehehehe


ALSO. this was your best makeout scene EVER. the sfx with the kissing sounds were like… perfect


YES. i really have to tread lightly with hard dom stuff cuz of ✨trauma✨ but this was clearly done with so much care and i loved it :,)


Well, looks like I’ve finished my cardio for the week. 🥵


I've wanted to do an audio where you can hear M4F, F4M side separately flr the same scenario or hear it as a complete conversation between both. I've begged my partner to make this even though I'll be overshadowed as he has a premium voice.

Rose S.

Unf YES. So well put. That moment really drives home how compatible they are 🫦

Rose S.

The number of times my silly smart watch has congratulated me on 10-30 minutes of “cardiovascular exercise” late at night…


august. i’m listening to this for the second time now but the first time i couldn’t even..do anything. i literally just stared at my ceiling in shock. this is wild


This is everything I could want from a character. I'm a little puddle that can only say more of this type please. The build up sound effects are tops but this said all the right things.


The way my jaw DROPPED at “seeing if you wanted me to fuck you at all”


right??? august pls do more of this 🙏🏼my guy is getting more comfortable with it but this was next level and i’m so excited to try with him lol

Rose S.

Absolutely devastating. I would simply collapse into a pile of dust like a Buffy vamp.

Lambda Sitta

KENNA, is it you in your profile picture?! Holy swearword, I love your makeup and your jawline (that's definitely not creepy to actually type out hahaha). You look so gorgeous!

spoon 🪐



LAMBDA 🥹 yes it is haha. you’re too sweet thank you !!! <3

spoon 🪐

just 10 more seconds…………

✨ jo ✨

ky for horny bookclub PRESIDENT!!!! as if I needed another reason to listen to all the audios again 😌


reading the tags had me excited to come home and uhhh… anyway amazing work as always, LOVED the buildup and honestly huge fan of the multiple scenes. I’m always a sucker for brat-taming audios, so thanks for that ✨


the perfect balance of praise and degradation🫠


I wanted to leave a comment like this on the audio u posted at the beginning of the year but I just wasn't in the mood, but August, I don't think u understand how incredible u are at doing what u do. Like what people say they listen to erotic audios, THIS (YOU) is literally how it's done. I really was turned off from audio erotica (and the drama that came with certain communities within this specific subgenre), but u truly did reignite my love for it and made me realize how much dirty talk is so important to me in my sex life!! Idk how long u plan to keep up with this, but u truly TRULY know what makes a girl going. This audio was by far one of ur best ones and I cannot wait to see what u have cooking up in the future, so thank u so so much for that 🥹🥹


And also for this audios (among a couple of others I literally ADORE), this was truly for the bratty girlies 😭 It definitely gave me James Spader from Secretary vibes (if anyone reading this hasn't watched that movie, u definitely SHOULD OMG) Especially the part about coming on the listener's ass from seeing how hot she is with wanting u?? 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾 Just 10/10, ur so good at this, pls, like, do not stop doing this 😭


omg I talk about this, I feel like to be any good at sex in general most people need to be at least at one point be having sex with the same person consistently for at least a bunch of times, just to get some of those basic skills down. then you can learn without having to deal with a new body each time. that being the case it can still be a bit awkward during following first times with anyone but like, at least you have skills in your back pocket at that point. this is my experience at least lol. like I slept with a few people just once before hooking up with the same person consistently for a bit, and then my following hookups were a lot more enjoyable. “look at the panties you’re wearing” the tiny Seinfeld that lives in my brain: you mean the ones your mother laid out for you? (SORRY) Ugh the panty tugging part plssss 🙏 LOL sometimes you gotta pull a little brattiness so you get fucked extra good


peak internet 😭 “nobody quits the cheerios! You either die or I kick you off!”




i was literally thinking about commenting that this audio made me think of i'm your man by leonard cohen from the soundtrack


woah woah woah we could've overheard you banging?? yeah sign me up mhm yup ‼️


the edging was DIVINE thank you


it took me like. four attempts to listen to this the whole way through because i kept falling asleep ☹️ what can i say i be tired. i finally did it though ! (at 8AM 🫣) this was insane. like i dont think this is allowed? this character is something else omg. i feel like it would be so easy to lose the tension in buildup if the characters are already talking about sex in detail super casually, but this did the exact opposite. it’s also such a refreshing character for him to be super straightforward and confident right away, truly no dilly dallying with this man‼️ i mean he had me scandalized like a victorian gentleman 🥹 ungentlemanly indeed❗️ something fun in the exposition is the subtle setup of their sexual compatibility even before actually having sex. using the other hookups and explaining why they weren’t super good as a way to establish that they’re actually exactly what the other is looking for, that’s kinda genius i love it. dedicating an entire paragraph to “you dont need compatibility to get results… or at least i dont.” he’s audacious, he’s fun, and he was absolutely not kidding. somebody lock this man up he’s gonna start riots with his results‼️ this audio is probably my favorite in terms of how incredibly natural the dialogue is. the listener responses to the speaker’s dialogue are something fun to fill in sometimes and see how well it lines up with what he says next, and this one was entirely real and witty and fun. i cringe out of my skin at some dialogue in other audios or erotica or anything of the sort, but the great thing about your work is how fluid and grounded it is. narratively im kinda obsessed with this? in act 1, so to speak, she reveals her desire for a dominant partner and he internalizes that immediately, so even before the sex, he’s stepping into that role: “while you’re doing that, give me your keys” is subtle but perfect; not asking, just establishing a commanding sort of presence? im not happy with how i articulated that but i think it gets the point across. he also learns that she is bratty❗️ and he handles it readily. i’ve gone on quite a bit at this point so i’ll move on, but !!!! i could keep going about this for forever probably. i cant start talking about the crawling, slapping, thigh riding, etc because ill either never stop or i’ll explode and die. but. i will not stop Thinking about them anytime soon. shoutout to aftercare, you can never go wrong with “you’re okay.” i think she’s probably more than okay lmaooo. no but seriously aftercare almost gets me more than the actual sex 😭😭 its the yearning of it all etc thats it for now 🫶🫶 i make no promises about not coming back and running my mouth some more


i had to pause. it was a long few minutes until a could gather myself enough to start again 😭


you’re so real for the progression of emojis. i also had cardiac issues at every moment you brought up. had to pause and recollect myself a few times ngl


wait i could never put into words why other mdom degradation audios gave me the ick but you’re so right it’s fulfilling a personal fantasy and being angry fr.


ky this is so creative and cool ur amazing. you’re gonna get a good grade in listener 🫶🫶


im gonna sit here twiddling my thumbs patiently waiting for your long comment. i absolutely love the points you made here and i totally agree 🫶


I would absolutely die for a multiple August audio. Having an MDom August directing an MSub August and all of the teasing degrading banter that would come with that would be so freaking amazing.


listener and speaker being full blown perverts with each other uhhhmmm yes yeah mmmhmmm yeaaaaah i feel so seen. i love that sometimes speaker get slapped like yeah I’m gonna push u over the edge loverboy get ready to take it out on me. lol I’m just giggling and kicking my feet that was delicious 10/10.


Yes ! It's not very pleasant to listen to :s or maybe they must show their listeners that they're real men 😡


The thought of this made my brain glitch. Would truly be a dream come true.


I finally joined your patreon and oh my god, I should've done this AGES AGO 😍

ky 💌❣️✨

omg thank u sweet fran! yeah it's my favorite class, i just really connect w the material 🥰


My mom showed it to me when I was like 12-13 (she didn't realize how explicit it really was, she just wanted to show it to me bc she knew I had a gigantic crush on James Spader), and when I tell u that awakened something in me oh my GOD!! I kid u not, when I don't feel aligned with myself or I don't feel like I'm being seen or heard in my life, I literally put that movie on and I immediately feel understood, idk how to explain it, but as a very bratty woman, that movie gets me right EVERY fucking time


Okay, but real talk. I had my heart broken (I'm good now) and when I discovered AITW and this patreon community I realized that there are people like me who have hearts of gold whilst being absolute horn dogs. Honestly, my standards? Raised. Bc even though he doesn't do BFE the characters he writes still make the listener feel like a whole person and not just a place to stick a dick. Not to mention, everyone here is dedicated to respecting boundaries and not developing a parasocial relationship and I love that. I get to "fuck" my: neighbor, boyfriend's best friend, roommate, bff's younger brother, hot younger co-worker, discouraged friend, best friend, dilf neighbor (TWICE), nemesis, favorite student, asshole friend, tutor. There's a masked stranger, another roomate, a demon, a mandalorian, a DM, and a secret ghost roomie. I get to reminisce with an ex-fwb, bring out the slutty side of a proper gentleman, and submit to an enemy prince. I think I missed a few but the point is, I get to "be" all these different listener characters just as August gets to portray all these characters. I think that's really freaking cool. So...thanks.


Ok. I listened to this while getting ready and drinking a glass of sparkling wine. I cancelled everything, put on some nice underwear and tripped into the living room where my husband was playing on the steam deck thinking I would leave him alone tonight. Well…no. Let’s say we‘re going for round 2…

ky 💌❣️✨

omg the first part is literally me, "i keep falling asleep/IS THIS ALLOWED ?" 😭 also yes yes rt everything you said. perfect. it's all so GOOD 😫


ky being a sleepy girl is a hard job but someone’s gotta do it 😌

ky 💌❣️✨

i am a sleepy lover girl who starts slow-blinking at any man w a gentle tone, even when he's being dirty filthy nasty. im fighting for my life out here


you’re so real‼️ i fold like wet paper for men like that


Mind u, I came extremely hard after this and it was like 1am after writing this comment (the typos are driving me up the wall) but the sentiment is still there 😭😭✋🏾


Haha so I am not the only one who's comfortable, familiar sex life has got spicier after a few audios. Why, thank you August!


I listened to this at work. 😳💦

sarah 💫

omg frannnn yes yes you are reading My Mind!!! I looove ur point about how the casual talk about the kind of sex they like/dislike built so much delicious tension and like, made SENSE to discuss bc they were made privy to each others *sexcapades* I am also with you on dying in a fiery crash every time I attempt to write about……..certain…scENES!! 🔥🚒 we’re literally all just dying together in these comment sections 🫂🫶🏼


After my second listen I have to say: The SFX on this are the best so far! The details made it SO immersive! The little plop you made with your tongue when the speaker hands over the panties 🤌🏽 Great work, August.


Doctor: you only have 42 minutes and 13 seconds to live Me: gotcha, is there any way we can add 35 minutes and 19 seconds to that

Page Chase

Secretary awoke something in me. It was weird hearing James Spader as Ultron in the avengers because I was like "am I turned on by this scary menacing robot? Yes. Yes, I am turned on by this scary menacing robot."


Yeah like for us bdsm girlies, Secretary is just THE shit, I really dont understand why he didn't get into more VA work 😭 it makes me so sad bc his voice is so incredible

ky 💌❣️✨

every time the audio ends i feel like that bratz doll that looks like she got dragged behind a car. * your voice is so nice 🥺 i feel like i need to restate it at least once a quarter or my winter nation citizenship will be revoked * the multiple scenes worked SO well. i can’t believe you did a slow-ish burn in 35 min. ur crazy * "god you're fast. i mean, quick-witted" i can see this guy's heart eyes omg. your characters always actually LIKE HER it KILLS ME. * this is top tier flirting. top shelf. you should teach a class * ^ i wrote this down and then you ACTUALLY taught a class, jesus * INSANE laundry room banter. what on earth * "i got results, but you don't need... compatibility for that. at least... i don't. 🙂" THE VOICE DROP. it keeps getting softer like he’s getting closer i’m blushing omg * the underwear thing is illegal, actually. citizens arrest. there's a writing principle that developments/endings should be unexpected but inevitable and GOD this is so. like the second he says that it’s like they’re on a collision course they are GOING to crash into each other 😩 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GArTPyOXEAE7jGQ.jpg * “you should totally text him. yeah, why don’t you gimme your keys while you do that” 💍💍💍 * "you're a good girl asking like that" i need. to be sedated * the baby's are babying 🥰 * the wind down was so sweet 🥲 see below short essay. * "i just wanted you to pick me 🥺" ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ sweetie pie mode 🔛 you always do such an insane job characterizing the listener character. through ONE-SIDED DIALOGUE. 😩 she has her own personality and motivations so when he likes her it really FEELS like he likes her. not just that she’s some girl who happens to be standing there. i’m always swooning by the end, ugh. and i have mentioned this before but sue me- BFE who? in theory i like bfe but so few people (read: men) do it in a way that feels respectful, genuine & actually comforting. and well-written. and performed naturally. for me, the number is effectively zero. i find so much more authentic connection & intimacy in augusts fuckin stranger/acquaintance audios https://imgur.com/a/Da1cGRP ANYWAYYYYY this was so good i’m, like, scared. i am terrified of what you’re gonna cook up this year :)


okay im starting to get scared because we always fixate on the same bits 😭😭 its like u were in my brain for this one i stg. not the bratz doll omg.. i feel like that picture of the skrunkly polar bear that just woke up


sarah im happy we’re in this boat together 🫶 if i have to be devastated by audio then at least it’s in good company


How does this scenario feel riskier and more scandalous than DILF next door, early August roommate, and (maybe) even jealous roommate?? Could it be the 30 minutes of insanely filthy dirty talk that rivals Valentine's bf's friend? 🫠 Or maybe it's the very vocal listener character? This audio really stands out as one where you can REALLY imagine the listener's side of the dialogue. We are primed to imagine it based on the dirty talk advice at the beginning but boy you can really tell the listener is PARTICIPATING in the convo (and everything else)


see i was going to leave a funny comment in my usual fashion, but this was just too good i have to be serious for a second. easily your top five like actually. genuinely the sfx and the story/pacing *chefs kiss* it feels weird writing this much and not saying something stupid. i’m afraid i can’t go on, but what i CAN say is… 😒 it's yours ≤)👶🏽)≥ _| \_


Fucking insane. It’s genuinely upsetting how good you are. 😭😭😭

sarah 💫

hahaha ky the little women meme is fucking mint oh my goddd. also YES the F character always feels like an Actual Person, not just a 2D cutout, which is bonkers bc we don’t even hear her?? the writing is always descriptive enough without spoon feeding, it’s so good 😓

sarah 💫

So I’ve listened to this multiple times for my notes and can literally feel myself grow weaker by the day like a small victorian child slowly withering away *weak coughing* speaking of dying slowly, the following are my causes of death: • this confident, kinda smartass-y, smirkalicious character is sooo good, I was fighting to keep a straight face within the first three seconds 🥴 this dude is playful and teasing but Not Goofy which is new?? the casually commanding presence + smiley banter is actually lethal im calling the cops 👮🏻 • fran touched on this but using the precedent of overheard sex (which is hot!!!) as the reason they start casually talking about nitty gritty sex stuff is so good. talking about a “taboo” thing so openly is hot in general but the added layer of their attraction + using their conversations as a way to “confess” their fantasies???? ugh so smart • everyone has said this but the dirty talk advice is actually so solid, pls teach a class🧎🏻‍♀️📓🎓(PROFESSOR AUGUST WHEN???😔) • “I did write up a full review, so…” ahahahaha. wow who would do,….such a thing? like full on paragraphs and stuff? ppl do that?? 🙂 Hmm haha how strange. anyway, in this essay I will— • the laundry room scene oH MY GODDD‼️ the positively VIOLENT flirting was so so intense, I fully thought they were gonna Get It On right there in front of my eco friendly detergent 😦🧼 also! ur tone here reminded me of the smooth, lazy voice in College Friend and is so Good. • “you don’t need compatibility for that. or at least like uh, I don’t?” - ihni how you manage to say stuff like this while retaining that endearing, bashful sorta thing?? you never sound truly arrogant, even when saying the cockiest shit, color me flabbergasted • the “okay? 🙄 bye 🙂” at 9:00‼️‼️ idk why but this fucks me up SO bad. your acting is so subtle & realistic and just *this* particular flirty tone of “we both know I’m trying to act unaffected but idrc if you can tell” eye-rolling, crooked grin shit is ridiculously good 🥲 • I…….the kissing. that SIGH of relief when he kisses her for the first time 😵‍💫😍 • 13:32 + the whole “imagining what you looked like” bit?? 🫠 HEY SIRI show me emergency rooms in my area 🚑🚨⚰️ • this audio is probably your filthiest ever (I think it tops V Day for me which is HUGE), some of the stuff here had me actually slapping my hand over my mouth and cough-laughing in disbelief like holy shit did he just say [extremely long, uninterrupted bleep censor]?? Yes. Yes he did. you are so truly sick and twisted, pls keep going 🙏🏼 • from 17:40 onward, im………its too good. I can’t even talk about the specifics bc I would literally just be transcribing the audio lmao everything, EVERY. SINGLE. THING. was top tier but particularly: the delicious, relentless teasing is fuckinggg perfect. there’s almost a pouty, gently condescending tone here that makes the denial, edging, and teasing SOO much sweeter. • ok OKAY I said I wouldn’t talk about specifics BUT!!!!!☝🏼making her edge/deny HERSELF in that encouraging “you can do it” voice IS INSAAANE BONKERS CRAZY LOONY TUNES 😵‍💫🥴🫠🙃 (also 30:03???? ur an actual monster) • its worth repeating that ur rough dom/degrading stuff always has a layer of care and safety that is so appreciated and important! 💌 i feel like your content has this way of crossing the enjoyment threshold from “wow I loved this thank you so much!” to “wow I loved this, i need to bash my head into a wall!” and the structural integrity of my house is no longer sound 🤕🏚️ ur always ALWAYS exhaustingly good and I’m amazed every time. I’m shaking in equal parts excitement & terror at what 2024 will bring 🤠

Lambda Sitta

SUNSHINE SARAH, I'm honestly surprised you turned all the topsy-turvy thoughts into something cohesive hahahaha 🤣. Why are you literally the greatest joy (SFW joy)?

Lambda Sitta

Ky, every time I read your comments, I feel like that that happy squirrel with its arms outstretched hahahaha


Please tell me you cannot see how many times someone has listened to an audio cause it’s getting borderline embarrassing at this point 🤨


This with the multiple scenes and the slow burn 😵‍💫 so so good. My vibe got a workout and i am on cloud nine. Also good advice 👌


Me, in my kitchen, frozen like a store mannequin, about to place a dish in the dishwasher at the line “I bet you look really fuckable in them.” Like, dude. If a guy I had a crush on said that I’d crumble into dust and hide in the lint trap of that fictional dryer.


The escalation from “you’re all good, man” to “you wanna look at it baby?” HAHHAA


literally just sitting here giggling and kicking my feet reading ur comment because everything you say is so real ❗️ he really called us out with that writing a full review line 😭


I never knew how much I liked being told what to do...

ky 💌❣️✨

sarah- thank you for appreciating my memes, queen. and YES! no spoon-feeding, we're big girls 🙄

ky 💌❣️✨

lambda, every time i read your responses i feel like that dog that's being kissed by like 5 cows 🥰




“you wanna look at it baby?” jesus christ my knees buckled


me writing down that advice you were spittin ✍🏽😤


i fr just listened to your subby nerdy dnd audio and now i’m here and i’m having whiplash


August 😍 I do not and cannot regret paying for this patreon. Not now that I have a crush on my fictional neighbor. The banter was fucking *chef's kiss* Please, please keep up the deliciously good work 🌟🌟🌟


If my research is correct, patreon creators can only see the total plays on something, not each individual person’s listen count


“I need to bash my head into a wall” IS SO REAL I also agree that this is filthier than the Vday audio (which is VERY surprising because there’s so much filthy shit in that one, maybe I’ve just listened to many times for it to seem crazy anymore LOL)


No because I’m scared for the rest of the year too, if I manage to survive I will not be the same person I am now


*write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!!* This was so good and it's cool to hear your thoughts from the in/out list etc. reflected in your narrative! Just wanted to echo those who mentioned maybe a sfw(ish) audio about dirty talk! (Respectfully/hopefully not crossing a line -- very new here). Your comments are thoughtful, and it's kinda rare to have access to someone so, uh, qualified to speak on dirty talk! E.g. tips on "topping from the bottom", how to develop the comfort and vocabulary for it, maybe how to encourage it, from both the more dominant and more submissive perspective. You are particularly good at blending praise and degredation! Apologies I might be approaching this in an overly academic way 🙃 Oh and happy anniversary! 💐

sarah 💫

Aww haha ty lovely lambda! im glad i managed to retain some level of coherence 🥲🥴

sarah 💫

FRAN omg thank youuu ditto! 🫶🏼 and lmao fr, I’m so curious about this M character’s notes 🌝

sarah 💫

@Grace I literally have to pace myself with V day! I can’t listen to it too many times lest i be reduced to a horned out zombie 🧟‍♀️ I think vday’s dynamics are a bit…more taboo/kinky? But the dirty talk in this one…im. yeah. head bashing material fs 🪖🤕


SIR. - the fucking flirting? Yes pleaseeeee more thank you!? I don't think we get genuinely flirted with much in real life, and most audios I've heard flirtation is done with some weird negging undertone? I hate the negging, the way you handled flirtation and teasing was *perfect*🤌 - pretty little whore. *thank you, I know right???* - crawl for me, crawl for this cock 💦 - 'Good girl' - *preens, hair toss* - Yes please, more descriptions of where your hands are during sex. Are they on her waist, grabbing her hips so tight they're going to bruise? Are they fisting the hair at the back of her neck and using it like a handhold to jerk her back on his cock? Are they holding her hands above her head so she can't do anything at all, just has to take what you offer??? - Sweetheart, good girl, pretty little girl - Yes, yes, YES.👏👏👏 - The wet noises as he's jerking himself so slowly 🤤 - pinned down, put the brat in her place *chef's kiss* - take that fuckin cock 🫠 - good little toy, good little cock sleeve 🥵 - So good for me 🥲❤️ - Just 10 more seconds (yup, me too)😅 - the shuddery moans as he's cumming😵 - 'I got you' please never stop saying that line. 10/10 wanna hear it again😌😌😌 - 'Wanted you to want me'. Why did this make me get choked up? Now I have to talk to my therapist about getting emotional because of an audio porn line. Thanks August 🙃 /Sarcasm This was so good. The slow build was just lovely and the ending was, as always, a little aftercare wrap up that left me feeling warm and fuzzy and cared for. 👏❤️🥰💯


“stupid slut”🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


@sarah you did such a good job putting into words what makes these two different, the taboo situation for Vday and the dirty talk in this one, thank you!!


that was delicious 🤤💕 it would be incredible to tap into that little bit of speaker's vulnerability at the end and bring him back as a sub, maybe idk 🫣

May B

About to get me through a storm with no power & one bar of service <3 I’ll hit back after~


🥹🥹🥹The praise and comfort at the end……awwww so cute…… "Not that jealous"🤭


My new favorite!


no bc the thing about speaker characters ACTUALLY LIKING the listener characters is so REAL!!!! can we please have more male romantic leads who actually LIKE the woman they spend their entire piece of media chasing after?????


Is 11:24 listener character being pinned to the door or the wall oh my god

ky 💌❣️✨

what is joe biden's plan to certify male characters genuinely like their romantic interests!!!!!!!!!


i am back for more


this had my antidepressants in a chokehold. thank you for your service 🫡


You give me a second heartbeat and I thank you for that


the desperation i feel when this man's voice is in my ear is just too much to handle. perfection every single time. even when i think its not gonna be my taste, he fucking MAKES IT my taste. just take me. have it. anything. everything. 🥵🤣

Bella Bluecar

This articulated why I generally am not into scripted audios but August’s work for me. Realistically there’s probably only 2-3mins worth of talking when you’re having sex with someone since the physical actions fill in most of it- you don’t necessarily need to narrate everything. And I get with audio obviously there needs to be way more exposition to set the scene or else its dead air/there’s no stimulation. But a lot of times that can end up feeling like a creator is spouting off a laundry list of dirty phrases and it’s formulaic and not hot to me. But these always feel organic and natural. It’s cool to hear how that’s achieved/how much thought goes into that. Anyway, love your hair, hope you win.

Gremlin Mona

I need to clear time in my calendar for this, I just KNOW this is gonna be sooo good


Thank youuu I'm so glad to be here! 🥹

Ruth Hope 🩷 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 13:48:02 I can’t remember the last time an audio had me this no-thoughts-head-empty. (Get it? Like, my head is so empty that even my memories are missing?) I like… I literally can’t think. Even thinking about trying to think has me like “what the fuck? Who the fuck am I? What is life? What?” Did you spike the punch bowl of this audio, my guy? Or am I just a stressed out individual who had a difficult January and needed exactly what this audio gave me: a simple, filthy, Rough Mdom fuckfest? Is that it? (I’m asking because my brain literally will not tell me.) Anywaaays here were my favorite parts! • “S-sorry. You’re all good, man.” The way you open this whole thing, by having M almost bump into the guy he spent all night listening to, feeling jealous of, as he's leaving F’s apartment? M’s politeness and lightness? So good 💯 • Your teasing/knowing laugh @ 00:13? Criminal. • “You know what the uh.. wall situation is.” 🧱 = 📃 lol • “It’s totally fine.. I’m up late anyway.” Oh yeah? Always or just last night 🕵️‍♀️ • “I feel like I got to know you a little better, so . . . Oh, I mean, you know, listening to them… Uh no, I was not listening, I overheard. Wow, you really set me up for that one, didn’t you?” Love that I can hear the banter from just his side of the convo! • “I mean you uh.. you put on a performance like that and it feels a little rude not to listen for a bit, right? God, you’re fast! Quick-witted, I mean. *laugh* I’m glad to hear you didn’t have to do much acting.” Again, the banter! Love it! • “You gonna see him again?” You voice acted this with the perfect amount of confidence/subtle but clear curiosity 👌 • 📌 ACU theory: The M from this audio is College Friend at some point in his story arc. The listening/voyeurism kink continues. 👀 • “Is the first time with a new person like ever the best time?” and “Just having a bunch of one-night-stands, I feel like you’d be missing out on a lot of growth.” He knows things 🧠 • “No, yeah, tell me, tell me. You- you- you obviously want to, so… Yeah, give me the uh- give me the behind the scenes.” After you say “scenes” there's this subtle floor creak sound effect, which I interpreted as him adjusting his weight/leaning closer to her, the way you do as you get more into a conversation with someone. So subtle and so good! 👌 • The entire conversation where they talk about the sex she had with her date, and where he gives her advice on how to be more subby… I just… I cannot. He exudes so much casual confidence I’m just 🫠🫠🫠 • Speaking of talking about sex, I wanted to mention Dirty Talk Audio #6. It's one of my favorites, specifically because I love hearing all your insights about the dynamics of sex and how those dynamics can be played with via contrasts. Even though this audio here is scripted and you're playing a character, I like how you use M as a way to share even more of your insights! It works uniquely well in the context of this audio because it serves as a way for M to flirt with F, and gets us, the listeners, prepared (barely 🥲) for the filthy fuckfest to come (pun intended). • I also gotta shout out Dirty Talk Audio #10. That beauty… It’s honestly my go-to when I’m stressed and need to feel ✨useful✨. But now, with this audio’s existence—and DTA #13 holy LORD—I have a true plethora of filth to choose from, and I thank you for that most sincerely 🙌 • “But, overall, I mean, you talk a good amount, and you have great moans, so.” I love that we don't need to hear F to know she says “you're welcome” in response, which is why the next thing M says is: “No- I mean, uh, thank you *laugh*.” Such a great moment of writing/acting! 👏 • I love that the next scene is in the laundry room! Love the dryer SFX in the background 🧺 • The way M wants to be a gentleman but also really wants to talk to F about his night last night 😂 • “Uh, yeah, no, I got results, for sure. But uh… you don’t need compatibility for that. Or at least, like, uh.. I don’t. *laugh*” Goooodddd his CONFIDENCE is so hot. To say this?? to say this just so casually and then to just laugh?? Truly a criminal. 🙃 • “She just wasn’t that expressive, I guess.” I can practically feel the words he's not saying: She wasn't as expressive as you were the other night. 🆘 • “So do you have any tips for me? How I could’ve helped her be a little.. sluttier, I guess?” I love how he still sounds like he isn't sure how forward to be, like he's still sussing out how comfortable F is with having this conversation (in general, but maybe especially because it involves another woman)... but then… fuck… the next part?? Bro. BRO!!! The next fucking part!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ • “Oh yeah, is that what you think? So if I was just better at sex, then.. then maybe she would’ve been more enthusiastic? Right, no, that uh, that makes sense. Is this uh.. is this you being bratty?” The way your voice and tone and demeanor all fucking SHIFT here?? INSANE. SO FUCKING GOOD. I got chills the first time I listened. I get chills every time I re-listen. 🥵🥶 • “I mean, if I follow your advice and just fuck her better next time, then.. then yeah, maybe we’ll be more compatible. *Dryer buzzer sound*” Your fucking sarcasm here? 🤕🆘🙌 And I love how the dryer is like “Even for me this is too much heat! Take this upstairs, you two! NOW!” 😂 • “Oh, yeah. No, you’re uh you’re welcome, for reminding you. Are you g- oh, you’re gonna, you’re gonna text him right now? Great. Yeah, you- you do that.” I loooove the smiling but definite undertone of jealousy 😮‍💨💯 • “Fingers crossed, yeah… Yeah, I hope he.. hope he texts you back. Okay. You got all your clothes? Yeah. See ya.” the tension 🔥🔥🔥 • “Hey you uh- you forgot these in the dryer *lip pop*” love me a good lip pop 🙌 • “I bet you look really fuckable in them, so.” God, August. If this isn't one of the best lines in any of your audios, I don't know. 100000/10. 🏆🏆🏆🏆 • The way you say “bye” 🙃 • “Big jump, hi, it’s me, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Love that this happens right after the time jump, so there’s a double meaning: jump as in time jump and jump as in she was startled by him. • “You look uh…*heavy exhale* you look hot. Where are you- where are you going?” Love the way his confidence has grown across the different scenes 👌 • “Yeah, I had some plans for the evening… Well it was just like a really long, frustrating day at work um… So yeah, uh.. I was planning on maybe coming home and um.. seeing if you were around and um.. if you wanted me to fuck you at all?” I love that even with the increased confidence in showing his desire, he still makes it clear that he's not trying to put pressure on her. • “*laugh* Yeah, well, I said it, so.. no taking it back now.” ~Is it better to speak or to die?~ (if you know, you know 🍑📚) (also, to speak, clearly) • “So uh.. are you free?... Yeah, totally, you should definitely text him.” Love the shift into a more self-assured tone now that it's clear: shit’s about to go DOWN 🔥 • “Yeah, why don’t you uh- why don’t you give me your keys while you do that.” WHY IS THAT SO HOT??? 😮‍💨🗝️🔑🗝️🔑 • “*door unlocking sounds* Okay, sent? Great.” AND THEN IMMEDIATELY INTO SUPER HOT MAKING OUT!! I LITERALLY GET A FULL BODY SHUDDER EVERY TIME I RELISTEN TO THAT MOMENT! • All the clothing shifting/moving SFX are so fucking good!! 🏆 • “It's just you're- you're fucking eager.” • “Of course I am, you tease.” Get her ass, king!! 👑 • When she slaps him?? GET HIS ASS, QUEEN!! 👑 • “Oh God you really want me to fuck you, don't you?” 🥲 • “No, I don't need you naked. I don’t need you naked to make you come.” ⚰️ • @ 12:05 the SFX of her palms landing on the door or wall once she's turned around👌 • The condescending tone when she's trying to get his hands where she wants them 🙃 • “You can do better than that. You can ask better than that.” 🤕 • Her wearing *THE* Panties?? #HotGirlShit #EveryAugustFIsAHotGirl #WeAreAllHotGirls ❤️‍🔥 • “You sadistic little slut.” 💁‍♀️ • “I bet the only reason why you even wanted to fuck him again was so you could think about me stroking my cock to the sound of you getting fucked.” 🫣🫣🫣 • “What about when I tug on those panties so they press up into your hot cunt like that?” JAIL JAIL JAIL 🔫🔫🔫 • “You fucking *tease*.” 😮‍💨 • “Imagining what you looked like getting spread apart and filled up by cock.” 🚨🚨🚨 • “This hot.. gripping pussy just gushing on cock, you pretty little whore.” ⚰️⚰️⚰️ • @14:28 🎶Who can say where the road goes?🎶 (I'm fading away) • “Until you fucking come… Come all dressed up for your date.” 🥲 • @14:54-15:07 YES ACTUALLY THOSE FINGERING SFX *ARE* TOO FUCKING MUCH! AND I NEED MORE!! 🤲 • “Oh, shit. Are your legs shaky? Yeah, it's okay. Yeah, if you can't stand, you can just crawl.” I'm a sucker for crawling 😮‍💨 • Love how heavily you're breathing after M is done fingering her like boy was putting in WORK 🧰🤌 • “And you can take off your clothes while you crawl over to me.” ⚰️ • “Crawl for this cock.” 🚑🚑🚑 • “Oh, that bratty look. But you just can't wait to be my fucktoy, can you?” 😶‍🌫️ • “That's what you want, isn't it? That's what you want.” 😮‍💨 • “Leave your panties on. Cuz I was right. You look so fuckable in them. And I want something to pull on.” 🔫🔫🔫 • “That's where you belong, isn't it? Yeah. That's where you were meant to be.” 🙃 • “I know. I know you want that cock.” • “Yeah… here's my leg… go ahead.” 🙃 • “I wanna see what you did while you were all alone in your apartment listening to me fucking her.” 🙂🙂🙂🙂 AAHHH!!!! • I love how pleased he sounds when she starts riding his leg, how encouraging he is 🫶 • Desperate?? Who, me?? 🥸🤡 • “Grind yourself on my knee.” 🆘🆘🆘 • The tit slaps @ 19:09 🔥🔥🔥 • “You like grinding on daddy’s thigh, don't you?” You mentioned “daddy” as one of your Ins for 2024, and you did not disappoint with this audio! I also re-listened to your SFW BDSM Test audio recently and @ 37:49 makes me laugh haha • “You wanna look at it, baby? Yeah.” 🫠🫠🫠 • “You waited long enough.” 😮‍💨 • His reactions to finally being inside her 🆘💥‼️🧨 • The spanks 🙌 • Again, August, “thick” is one of my favorite words that you use in your audios. Please never stop using it 🙏 • “I know daddy's cock fills you up so fucking deep.” and “That's how a good girl rides daddy's cock.” 💯 • “I can feel how that sloppy little pussy’s dripping all over my cock *laugh*” WHY DO YOU LAUGH SO WELL AND WHY DO I ENJOY IT?? 🤕 • “You're getting so cock drunk already, aren't you?” 💥 • “Drool like that, fucktoy” 😔 • “Is that thick cock stretching you, making you so fucking stupid? *Laugh*” Again. You laugh, I die. 🪦🪦🪦 • “Pretty fucking whore on my cock.” • “While my hands are all over your face… fingers in your mouth” 🥲🥲🥲 • “Don't you wanna come again? Don't you wanna scream and shake for me again?” Well, now that you mention it 🤔 • “I wanna see that sloppy pussy gush around my cock.” 🆘🆘🆘 • “Make yourself come all over daddy's cock—is that what you're gonna do?” 🚨 • “Go ahead and bend over your kitchen table, then.” 🍽️🍽️🍽️ (there's no table emoji lmao 😂) • “Look at you stumble over there, sweetheart… You can barely fucking walk, huh?” 🦒🆘 • The spanks once she's bent over the table 🥲 • “I'm going to put it in, you impatient slut.” 💥 • When she's rubbing her clit and he's watching and jerking off to her?? “This is what I was doing” 🚑🚑🚑 • “Careful, careful. Don't make yourself come like that . . . You might look so fucking good coming . . . I might jerk my cock until I explode all over your ass… Splatter your fucking ass with it? Is that what you want?” ⚰️⚱️⚰️⚱️⚰️⚱️ • “Don't fucking come. Keep yourself on the edge. Keep yourself on the edge and beg for it.” 😮‍💨 • Spanking her while she's edging?? 🚀🌙 The cockslapping??? All the “careful”s 🥲🥲🥲 • “Yeah, I need to hold you in place, don't I, huh?” And then pressing her face into the table and pinning her free hand behind her back?? 🔫🔫🔫 • The table moving SFX 👌 • The voice crack @ 28:02 🎯👍 • “Say my name, say my name. Fucking scream it.” 📢📢📢 • “Knew I was going to have you screaming my name.” 🔮 • “Cocksleeve” continues to be one of my favorite names used lmao 💯 • “Not yet, not yet . . . Just need a little more of this pussy. And as soon as I feel you come I'm gonna come in you, okay?” 🪦🥀😮‍💨🚨🔥⚡ • The finger sucking 🥲 • “I know you can do it. Just a little more. Just a little more.” 👏🙌🫶 • “Just ten more seconds, I swear to God.” I literally counted the seconds out loud and got annoyed on behalf of F because he went way over ten seconds lmaooo 😂⏱️ • “God, I love fucking you. Holy shit.” 🏆 • “You can come now, baby. I'm gonna come with you.” 😮‍💨❤️‍🩹 • Your acting and breath work for M’s orgasm? Big fan 🙏🪭🥇 • “Yeah, can you feel it running down your leg? Oh, that cum and your cream. Fuck.” JAIL. WHY IS THERE NO JAIL EMOJI?? 😡🔒⛓️ • Love the subtle wet sounds as they change positions to kiss 💯 • The way he laughs as he says “I can barely stand, too.” We love a Rough Mdom who gives it his all! I hope he does something nice for himself after this, like an Epsom salt bath 👏❤️ • “You're okay, you're okay.” All the check ins and reassurance during the aftercare 🥹💓 • Having them go and lie down on the couch together 🫶🛋️ • Kissing as soon as they're both settled on the couch 🥺❤️‼️ • “If you don't wanna do this again, then, it's okay” I love that he's being so open with his communication! • “I'm very down.. I'm very down” 🤝🤝🤝 • “Such a good girl” and “you were so good” and “I couldn't believe it. You turn me on so much.” 🏆 • Her worrying about canceling on her date and him giving logical but empathetic reassurance was honestly really nice to have during this aftercare moment 🙌 • “I just wanted you. I just wanted you to pick me before you went out with that guy again.” STOP 🛑🥺❤️‍🩹 • “No, no, I'm not that jealous. I'm- no, I'm not. I just… I just wanted you to want me, I guess.” Oh hey, am I looking in a mirror right now? 🫣🪞 • “I mean I've always been attracted to you, obviously . . . You seemed really cool and interesting and then when I heard you, I just… just couldn't get you out of my head.” I'm a sucker for a guy who says he thinks I'm cool and so yeah this really made me smile ☺️ • “I guess we have a lot to look forward to, then *laugh*.” Perfect 👏 fucking 👏 ENDING! 👏 Goddamn it lmao. Every time I go to write a new Big Comment, I tell myself “this time, fewer direct quotes!” But every time, I fail miserably 😂 There're always just so many great lines! I can't help it! Great awesome incredible fantastic amazing holy Toledo, etc… took me fucking forever to gather my thoughts because goddamn it I kept getting ~distracted~ while re-listening lmao 🙃 Thanks for another banger (lol), August! 🙌❤️
2024-02-08 01:36:44 I can’t remember the last time an audio had me this no-thoughts-head-empty. (Get it? Like, my head is so empty that even my memories are missing?) I like… I literally can’t think. Even thinking about trying to think has me like “what the fuck? Who the fuck am I? What is life? What?” Did you spike the punch bowl of this audio, my guy? Or am I just a stressed out individual who had a difficult January and needed exactly what this audio gave me: a simple, filthy, Rough Mdom fuckfest? Is that it? (I’m asking because my brain literally will not tell me.) Anywaaays here were my favorite parts! • “S-sorry. You’re all good, man.” The way you open this whole thing, by having M almost bump into the guy he spent all night listening to, feeling jealous of, as he's leaving F’s apartment? M’s politeness and lightness? So good 💯 • Your teasing/knowing laugh @ 00:13? Criminal. • “You know what the uh.. wall situation is.” 🧱 = 📃 lol • “It’s totally fine.. I’m up late anyway.” Oh yeah? Always or just last night 🕵️‍♀️ • “I feel like I got to know you a little better, so . . . Oh, I mean, you know, listening to them… Uh no, I was not listening, I overheard. Wow, you really set me up for that one, didn’t you?” Love that I can hear the banter from just his side of the convo! • “I mean you uh.. you put on a performance like that and it feels a little rude not to listen for a bit, right? God, you’re fast! Quick-witted, I mean. *laugh* I’m glad to hear you didn’t have to do much acting.” Again, the banter! Love it! • “You gonna see him again?” You voice acted this with the perfect amount of confidence/subtle but clear curiosity 👌 • 📌 ACU theory: The M from this audio is College Friend at some point in his story arc. The listening/voyeurism kink continues. 👀 • “Is the first time with a new person like ever the best time?” and “Just having a bunch of one-night-stands, I feel like you’d be missing out on a lot of growth.” He knows things 🧠 • “No, yeah, tell me, tell me. You- you- you obviously want to, so… Yeah, give me the uh- give me the behind the scenes.” After you say “scenes” there's this subtle floor creak sound effect, which I interpreted as him adjusting his weight/leaning closer to her, the way you do as you get more into a conversation with someone. So subtle and so good! 👌 • The entire conversation where they talk about the sex she had with her date, and where he gives her advice on how to be more subby… I just… I cannot. He exudes so much casual confidence I’m just 🫠 • Speaking of talking about sex, I wanted to mention Dirty Talk Audio #6. It's one of my favorites, specifically because I love hearing all your insights about the dynamics of sex and how those dynamics can be played with via contrasts. Even though this audio here is scripted and you're playing a character, I like how you use M as a way to share even more of your insights! It works uniquely well in the context of this audio because it serves as a way for M to flirt with F, and gets us, the listeners, prepared (barely 🥲) for the filthy fuckfest to come (pun intended). • I also gotta shout out Dirty Talk Audio #10. That beauty… It’s honestly my go-to when I’m stressed and need to feel ✨useful✨. But now, with this audio’s existence—and DTA #13 holy LORD—I have a true plethora of filth to choose from, and I thank you for that most sincerely 🙌 • “But, overall, I mean, you talk a good amount, and you have great moans, so.” I love that we don't need to hear F to know she says “you're welcome” in response, which is why the next thing M says is: “No- I mean, uh, thank you *laugh*.” Such a great moment of writing/acting! 👏 • I love that the next scene is in the laundry room! Love the dryer SFX in the background 🧺 • The way M wants to be a gentleman but also really wants to talk to F about his night last night 😂 • “Uh, yeah, no, I got results, for sure. But uh… you don’t need compatibility for that. Or at least, like, uh.. I don’t. *laugh*” Goooodddd his CONFIDENCE is so hot. To say this?? to say this just so casually and then to just laugh?? Criminal. 🙃 • “She just wasn’t that expressive, I guess.” I can practically feel the words he's not saying: She wasn't as expressive as you were the other night. 🆘 • “So do you have any tips for me? How I could’ve helped her be a little.. sluttier, I guess?” I love how he still sounds like he isn't sure how forward to be, like he's still sussing out how comfortable F is with having this conversation (in general, but maybe especially because it involves another woman)... but then… fuck… the next part?? Bro. BRO!!! The next fucking part!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ • “Oh yeah, is that what you think? So if I was just better at sex, then.. then maybe she would’ve been more enthusiastic? Right, no, that uh, that makes sense. Is this uh.. is this you being bratty?” The way your voice and tone and demeanor all fucking SHIFT here?? INSANE. SO FUCKING GOOD. I get chills every time I re-listen. 🥵🥶 • “I mean, if I follow your advice and just fuck her better next time, then.. then yeah, maybe we’ll be more compatible. *Dryer buzzer sound*” Your fucking sarcasm here? 🤕🆘🙌 And I love how the dryer is like “Even for me this is too much heat! Take this upstairs, you two! NOW!” 😂 • “Oh, yeah. No, you’re uh you’re welcome, for reminding you. Are you g- oh, you’re gonna, you’re gonna text him right now? Great. Yeah, you- you do that.” I loooove the smiling but definite undertone of jealousy 😮‍💨💯 • “Fingers crossed, yeah… Yeah, I hope he.. hope he texts you back. Okay. You got all your clothes? Yeah. See ya.” 🔥🔥🔥 • “Hey you uh- you forgot these in the dryer *lip pop*” love that lip pop 🙌 • “I bet you look really fuckable in them, so.” God, August. If this isn't one of the best lines in any of your audios, I don't know. 100000/10. 🏆🏆🏆🏆 • The way you say “bye” 🙃 • “Big jump, hi, it’s me, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Love that this happens right after the time jump, so there’s a double meaning: jump as in time jump and jump as in she was startled by him. • “You look uh…*heavy exhale* you look hot. Where are you- where are you going?” Love the way his confidence has grown across the different scenes 👌 • “Yeah, I had some plans for the evening… Well it was just like a really long, frustrating day at work um… So yeah, uh.. I was planning on maybe coming home and um.. seeing if you were around and um.. if you wanted me to fuck you at all?” I love that even with the increased confidence in showing his desire, he still makes it clear that he's not trying to put pressure on her. • “*laugh* Yeah, well, I said it, so.. no taking it back now.” ~Is it better to speak or to die?~ (if you know, you know 🍑📚) (also, to speak, clearly) • “So uh.. are you free?... Yeah, totally, you should definitely text him.” Love the shift into a more self-assured tone now that it's clear: shit’s about to go DOWN 🔥 • “Yeah, why don’t you uh- why don’t you give me your keys while you do that.” WHY IS THAT SO HOT??? 😮‍💨🗝️🔑🗝️🔑 • “*door unlocking sounds* Okay, sent? Great.” AND THEN IMMEDIATELY INTO SUPER HOT MAKING OUT!! I LITERALLY GET A FULL BODY SHUDDER EVERY TIME I RELISTEN TO THAT MOMENT! • All the clothing shifting/moving SFX are so fucking good!! 🏆 • “It's just you're- you're fucking eager.” • “Of course I am, you tease.” Get her ass, king!! 👑 • When she slaps him?? GET HIS ASS, QUEEN!! 👑 • “Oh God you really want me to fuck you, don't you?” 🥲 • “No, I don't need you naked. I don’t need you naked to make you come.” ⚰️ • @ 12:05 the SFX of her palms landing on the door or wall👌 • The condescending tone when she's trying to get his hands where she wants them 🙃 • “You can do better than that. You can ask better than that.” 🤕 • Her wearing *THE* Panties?? #HotGirlShit #EveryAugustFIsAHotGirl #WeAreAllHotGirls ❤️‍🔥 • “You sadistic little slut.” 💁‍♀️ • “I bet the only reason why you even wanted to fuck him again was so you could think about me stroking my cock to the sound of you getting fucked.” 🫣🫣🫣 • “What about when I tug on those panties so they press up into your hot cunt like that?” JAIL JAIL JAIL 🔫🔫🔫 • “You fucking *tease*.” 😮‍💨 • “Imagining what you looked like getting spread apart and filled up by cock.” 🚨 • “This hot.. gripping pussy just gushing on cock, you pretty little whore.” ⚰️⚰️⚰️ • @14:28 🎶Who can say where the road goes?🎶 (I'm fading away) • “Until you fucking come… Come all dressed up for your date.” 🥲 • @14:54-15:07 YES ACTUALLY THOSE FINGERING SFX *ARE* TOO FUCKING MUCH! AND I NEED MORE!! 🤲 • “Oh, shit. Are your legs shaky? Yeah, it's okay. Yeah, if you can't stand, you can just crawl.” I'm a sucker for crawling 😮‍💨 • Love how heavily you're breathing after M is done fingering her like boy was putting in WORK 🧰🤌 • “And you can take off your clothes while you crawl over to me.” ⚰️ • “Crawl for this cock.” 🚑🚑🚑 • “Oh, that bratty look. But you just can't wait to be my fucktoy, can you?” 😶‍🌫️ • “That's what you want, isn't it? That's what you want.” 😮‍💨 • “Leave your panties on. Cuz I was right. You look so fuckable in them. And I want something to pull on.” 🔫🔫🔫 • “That's where you belong, isn't it? Yeah. That's where you were meant to be.” 🙃 • “I know. I know you want that cock.” • “Yeah… here's my leg… go ahead.” 🙃 • “I wanna see what you did while you were all alone in your apartment listening to me fucking her.” 🙂🙂🙂🙂 AAHHH!!!! • I love how pleased he sounds when she starts riding his leg, the encouraging 🫶 • Desperate?? Who, me?? 🥸🤡 • “Grind yourself on my knee.” 🆘🆘🆘 • The tit slaps @ 19:09 🔥🔥🔥 • “You like grinding on daddy’s thigh, don't you?” You mentioned “daddy” as one of your Ins for 2024, and you did not disappoint with this audio! I also re-listened to your SFW BDSM Test audio recently and @ 37:49 makes me laugh haha • “You wanna look at it, baby? Yeah.” 🫠 • “You waited long enough.” 😮‍💨 • His reactions to finally being inside her 🆘💥‼️🧨 • The spanks 🙌 • Again, August, “thick” is one of my favorite words that you use in your audios. Please never stop using it 🙏 • “I know daddy's cock fills you up so fucking deep.” and “That's how a good girl rides daddy's cock.” 💯 • “I can feel how that sloppy little pussy’s dripping all over my cock *laugh*” WHY DO YOU LAUGH SO WELL AND WHY DO I ENJOY IT?? 🤕 • “You're getting so cock drunk already, aren't you?” 💥 • “Drool like that, fucktoy” 😔 • “Is that thick cock stretching you, making you so fucking stupid? *Laugh*” Again. You laugh, I die. 🪦🪦🪦 • “Pretty fucking whore on my cock.” • “While my hands are all over your face… fingers in your mouth” 🥲🥲🥲 • “Don't you wanna come again? Don't you wanna scream and shake for me again?” Well, now that you mention it 🤔 • “I wanna see that sloppy pussy gush around my cock.” 🆘🆘🆘 • “Make yourself come all over daddy's cock—is that what you're gonna do?” 🚨 • “Go ahead and bend over your kitchen table, then.” 🍽️🍽️🍽️ (there's no table emoji lmao 😂) • “Look at you stumble over there, sweetheart… You can barely fucking walk, huh?” 🦒🆘 • The spanks once she's bent over the table 🥲 • “I'm going to put it in, you impatient slut.” • When she's rubbing her clit and he's watching and jerking off to her?? “This is what I was doing” 🚑🚑🚑 • “Careful, careful. Don't make yourself come like that . . . You might look so fucking good coming . . . I might jerk my cock until I explode all over your ass… Splatter your fucking ass with it? Is that what you want?” ⚰️⚱️⚰️⚱️⚰️⚱️ • “Don't fucking come. Keep yourself on the edge. Keep yourself on the edge and beg for it.” 😮‍💨 • Spanking her while she's edging?? 🚀🌙 The cockslapping??? All the “careful”s 🥲 • “Yeah, I need to hold you in place, don't I, huh?” And then pressing her face into the table and pinning her free hand behind her back?? 🔫🔫🔫 • The table moving SFX 👌 • The voice crack @ 28:02 🎯👍 • “Say my name, say my name. Fucking scream it.” 📢📢📢 • “Knew I was going to have you screaming my name.” 🔮 • “Cocksleeve” continues to be one of my favorite names used lmao 💯 • “Not yet, not yet . . . Just need a little more of this pussy. And as soon as I feel you come I'm gonna come in you, okay?” 🪦🥀😮‍💨🚨🔥⚡ • The finger sucking 🥲 • “I know you can do it. Just a little more. Just a little more.” 👏🙌🫶 • “Just ten more seconds, I swear to God.” I literally counted the seconds out loud and got annoyed on behalf of F because he went way over ten seconds lmaooo 😂 • “God, I love fucking you. Holy shit.” 🏆 • “You can come now, baby. I'm gonna come with you.” 😮‍💨❤️‍🩹 • Your acting and breath work for M’s orgasm? Big fan 🙏🪭🥇 • “Yeah, can you feel it running down your leg? Oh, that cum and your cream. Fuck.” WHY IS THERE NO JAIL EMOJI 😡🔒⛓️ • Love the subtle wet sounds as they change positions to kiss 💯 • The way he laughs as he says “I can barely stand, too.” We love a Rough Mdom who gives it his all! I hope he does something nice for himself after this, like an Epsom salt bath 👏❤️ • “You're okay, you're okay.” All the reassurance during the aftercare 🥹💓 • Having them go and lie down on the couch together 🫶🛋️ • Kissing as soon as they're both settled on the couch 🥺❤️‼️ • “If you don't wanna do this again, then, it's okay” I love that he's being so open with his communication! • “I'm very down.. I'm very down” 🤝🤝🤝 • “Such a good girl” and “you were so good” and “I couldn't believe it. You turn me on so much.” 🏆 • Her worrying about canceling on her date and him giving logical but empathetic reassurance was honestly really nice to have during this aftercare moment 🙌 • “I just wanted you. I just wanted you to pick me before you went out with that guy again.” STOP 🛑🥺❤️‍🩹 • “No, no, I'm not that jealous. I'm- no, I'm not. I just… I just wanted you to want me, I guess.” Oh hey, am I looking in a mirror right now? 🫣🪞 • “I mean I've always been attracted to you, obviously . . . You seemed really cool and interesting and then when I heard you, I just… just couldn't get you out of my head.” I'm a sucker for a guy who says he thinks I'm cool and so yeah this really made me smile ☺️ • “I guess we have a lot to look forward to, then *laugh*.” Perfect 👏 fucking 👏 ENDING! 👏 Goddamn it lmao. Every time I go to write a new Big Comment, I tell myself “this time, fewer direct quotes!” But every time, I fail miserably 😂 There're always just so many great lines! I can't help it! Great awesome incredible fantastic amazing holy Toledo, etc… took me fucking forever to gather my thoughts because goddamn it I kept getting ~distracted~ while re-listening lmao 🙃 Thanks for another banger (lol), August! 🙌❤️

I can’t remember the last time an audio had me this no-thoughts-head-empty. (Get it? Like, my head is so empty that even my memories are missing?) I like… I literally can’t think. Even thinking about trying to think has me like “what the fuck? Who the fuck am I? What is life? What?” Did you spike the punch bowl of this audio, my guy? Or am I just a stressed out individual who had a difficult January and needed exactly what this audio gave me: a simple, filthy, Rough Mdom fuckfest? Is that it? (I’m asking because my brain literally will not tell me.) Anywaaays here were my favorite parts! • “S-sorry. You’re all good, man.” The way you open this whole thing, by having M almost bump into the guy he spent all night listening to, feeling jealous of, as he's leaving F’s apartment? M’s politeness and lightness? So good 💯 • Your teasing/knowing laugh @ 00:13? Criminal. • “You know what the uh.. wall situation is.” 🧱 = 📃 lol • “It’s totally fine.. I’m up late anyway.” Oh yeah? Always or just last night 🕵️‍♀️ • “I feel like I got to know you a little better, so . . . Oh, I mean, you know, listening to them… Uh no, I was not listening, I overheard. Wow, you really set me up for that one, didn’t you?” Love that I can hear the banter from just his side of the convo! • “I mean you uh.. you put on a performance like that and it feels a little rude not to listen for a bit, right? God, you’re fast! Quick-witted, I mean. *laugh* I’m glad to hear you didn’t have to do much acting.” Again, the banter! Love it! • “You gonna see him again?” You voice acted this with the perfect amount of confidence/subtle but clear curiosity 👌 • 📌 ACU theory: The M from this audio is College Friend at some point in his story arc. The listening/voyeurism kink continues. 👀 • “Is the first time with a new person like ever the best time?” and “Just having a bunch of one-night-stands, I feel like you’d be missing out on a lot of growth.” He knows things 🧠 • “No, yeah, tell me, tell me. You- you- you obviously want to, so… Yeah, give me the uh- give me the behind the scenes.” After you say “scenes” there's this subtle floor creak sound effect, which I interpreted as him adjusting his weight/leaning closer to her, the way you do as you get more into a conversation with someone. So subtle and so good! 👌 • The entire conversation where they talk about the sex she had with her date, and where he gives her advice on how to be more subby… I just… I cannot. He exudes so much casual confidence I’m just 🫠 • Speaking of talking about sex, I wanted to mention Dirty Talk Audio #6. It's one of my favorites, specifically because I love hearing all your insights about the dynamics of sex and how those dynamics can be played with via contrasts. Even though this audio here is scripted and you're playing a character, I like how you use M as a way to share even more of your insights! It works uniquely well in the context of this audio because it serves as a way for M to flirt with F, and gets us, the listeners, prepared (barely 🥲) for the filthy fuckfest to come (pun intended). • I also gotta shout out Dirty Talk Audio #10. That beauty… It’s honestly my go-to when I’m stressed and need to feel ✨useful✨. But now, with this audio’s existence—and DTA #13 holy LORD—I have a true plethora of filth to choose from, and I thank you for that most sincerely 🙌 • “But, overall, I mean, you talk a good amount, and you have great moans, so.” I love that we don't need to hear F to know she says “you're welcome” in response, which is why the next thing M says is: “No- I mean, uh, thank you *laugh*.” Such a great moment of writing/acting! 👏 • I love that the next scene is in the laundry room! Love the dryer SFX in the background 🧺 • The way M wants to be a gentleman but also really wants to talk to F about his night last night 😂 • “Uh, yeah, no, I got results, for sure. But uh… you don’t need compatibility for that. Or at least, like, uh.. I don’t. *laugh*” Goooodddd his CONFIDENCE is so hot. To say this?? to say this just so casually and then to just laugh?? Criminal. 🙃 • “She just wasn’t that expressive, I guess.” I can practically feel the words he's not saying: She wasn't as expressive as you were the other night. 🆘 • “So do you have any tips for me? How I could’ve helped her be a little.. sluttier, I guess?” I love how he still sounds like he isn't sure how forward to be, like he's still sussing out how comfortable F is with having this conversation (in general, but maybe especially because it involves another woman)... but then… fuck… the next part?? Bro. BRO!!! The next fucking part!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ • “Oh yeah, is that what you think? So if I was just better at sex, then.. then maybe she would’ve been more enthusiastic? Right, no, that uh, that makes sense. Is this uh.. is this you being bratty?” The way your voice and tone and demeanor all fucking SHIFT here?? INSANE. SO FUCKING GOOD. I get chills every time I re-listen. 🥵🥶 • “I mean, if I follow your advice and just fuck her better next time, then.. then yeah, maybe we’ll be more compatible. *Dryer buzzer sound*” Your fucking sarcasm here? 🤕🆘🙌 And I love how the dryer is like “Even for me this is too much heat! Take this upstairs, you two! NOW!” 😂 • “Oh, yeah. No, you’re uh you’re welcome, for reminding you. Are you g- oh, you’re gonna, you’re gonna text him right now? Great. Yeah, you- you do that.” I loooove the smiling but definite undertone of jealousy 😮‍💨💯 • “Fingers crossed, yeah… Yeah, I hope he.. hope he texts you back. Okay. You got all your clothes? Yeah. See ya.” 🔥🔥🔥 • “Hey you uh- you forgot these in the dryer *lip pop*” love that lip pop 🙌 • “I bet you look really fuckable in them, so.” God, August. If this isn't one of the best lines in any of your audios, I don't know. 100000/10. 🏆🏆🏆🏆 • The way you say “bye” 🙃 • “Big jump, hi, it’s me, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Love that this happens right after the time jump, so there’s a double meaning: jump as in time jump and jump as in she was startled by him. • “You look uh…*heavy exhale* you look hot. Where are you- where are you going?” Love the way his confidence has grown across the different scenes 👌 • “Yeah, I had some plans for the evening… Well it was just like a really long, frustrating day at work um… So yeah, uh.. I was planning on maybe coming home and um.. seeing if you were around and um.. if you wanted me to fuck you at all?” I love that even with the increased confidence in showing his desire, he still makes it clear that he's not trying to put pressure on her. • “*laugh* Yeah, well, I said it, so.. no taking it back now.” ~Is it better to speak or to die?~ (if you know, you know 🍑📚) (also, to speak, clearly) • “So uh.. are you free?... Yeah, totally, you should definitely text him.” Love the shift into a more self-assured tone now that it's clear: shit’s about to go DOWN 🔥 • “Yeah, why don’t you uh- why don’t you give me your keys while you do that.” WHY IS THAT SO HOT??? 😮‍💨🗝️🔑🗝️🔑 • “*door unlocking sounds* Okay, sent? Great.” AND THEN IMMEDIATELY INTO SUPER HOT MAKING OUT!! I LITERALLY GET A FULL BODY SHUDDER EVERY TIME I RELISTEN TO THAT MOMENT! • All the clothing shifting/moving SFX are so fucking good!! 🏆 • “It's just you're- you're fucking eager.” • “Of course I am, you tease.” Get her ass, king!! 👑 • When she slaps him?? GET HIS ASS, QUEEN!! 👑 • “Oh God you really want me to fuck you, don't you?” 🥲 • “No, I don't need you naked. I don’t need you naked to make you come.” ⚰️ • @ 12:05 the SFX of her palms landing on the door or wall👌 • The condescending tone when she's trying to get his hands where she wants them 🙃 • “You can do better than that. You can ask better than that.” 🤕 • Her wearing *THE* Panties?? #HotGirlShit #EveryAugustFIsAHotGirl #WeAreAllHotGirls ❤️‍🔥 • “You sadistic little slut.” 💁‍♀️ • “I bet the only reason why you even wanted to fuck him again was so you could think about me stroking my cock to the sound of you getting fucked.” 🫣🫣🫣 • “What about when I tug on those panties so they press up into your hot cunt like that?” JAIL JAIL JAIL 🔫🔫🔫 • “You fucking *tease*.” 😮‍💨 • “Imagining what you looked like getting spread apart and filled up by cock.” 🚨 • “This hot.. gripping pussy just gushing on cock, you pretty little whore.” ⚰️⚰️⚰️ • @14:28 🎶Who can say where the road goes?🎶 (I'm fading away) • “Until you fucking come… Come all dressed up for your date.” 🥲 • @14:54-15:07 YES ACTUALLY THOSE FINGERING SFX *ARE* TOO FUCKING MUCH! AND I NEED MORE!! 🤲 • “Oh, shit. Are your legs shaky? Yeah, it's okay. Yeah, if you can't stand, you can just crawl.” I'm a sucker for crawling 😮‍💨 • Love how heavily you're breathing after M is done fingering her like boy was putting in WORK 🧰🤌 • “And you can take off your clothes while you crawl over to me.” ⚰️ • “Crawl for this cock.” 🚑🚑🚑 • “Oh, that bratty look. But you just can't wait to be my fucktoy, can you?” 😶‍🌫️ • “That's what you want, isn't it? That's what you want.” 😮‍💨 • “Leave your panties on. Cuz I was right. You look so fuckable in them. And I want something to pull on.” 🔫🔫🔫 • “That's where you belong, isn't it? Yeah. That's where you were meant to be.” 🙃 • “I know. I know you want that cock.” • “Yeah… here's my leg… go ahead.” 🙃 • “I wanna see what you did while you were all alone in your apartment listening to me fucking her.” 🙂🙂🙂🙂 AAHHH!!!! • I love how pleased he sounds when she starts riding his leg, the encouraging 🫶 • Desperate?? Who, me?? 🥸🤡 • “Grind yourself on my knee.” 🆘🆘🆘 • The tit slaps @ 19:09 🔥🔥🔥 • “You like grinding on daddy’s thigh, don't you?” You mentioned “daddy” as one of your Ins for 2024, and you did not disappoint with this audio! I also re-listened to your SFW BDSM Test audio recently and @ 37:49 makes me laugh haha • “You wanna look at it, baby? Yeah.” 🫠 • “You waited long enough.” 😮‍💨 • His reactions to finally being inside her 🆘💥‼️🧨 • The spanks 🙌 • Again, August, “thick” is one of my favorite words that you use in your audios. Please never stop using it 🙏 • “I know daddy's cock fills you up so fucking deep.” and “That's how a good girl rides daddy's cock.” 💯 • “I can feel how that sloppy little pussy’s dripping all over my cock *laugh*” WHY DO YOU LAUGH SO WELL AND WHY DO I ENJOY IT?? 🤕 • “You're getting so cock drunk already, aren't you?” 💥 • “Drool like that, fucktoy” 😔 • “Is that thick cock stretching you, making you so fucking stupid? *Laugh*” Again. You laugh, I die. 🪦🪦🪦 • “Pretty fucking whore on my cock.” • “While my hands are all over your face… fingers in your mouth” 🥲🥲🥲 • “Don't you wanna come again? Don't you wanna scream and shake for me again?” Well, now that you mention it 🤔 • “I wanna see that sloppy pussy gush around my cock.” 🆘🆘🆘 • “Make yourself come all over daddy's cock—is that what you're gonna do?” 🚨 • “Go ahead and bend over your kitchen table, then.” 🍽️🍽️🍽️ (there's no table emoji lmao 😂) • “Look at you stumble over there, sweetheart… You can barely fucking walk, huh?” 🦒🆘 • The spanks once she's bent over the table 🥲 • “I'm going to put it in, you impatient slut.” • When she's rubbing her clit and he's watching and jerking off to her?? “This is what I was doing” 🚑🚑🚑 • “Careful, careful. Don't make yourself come like that . . . You might look so fucking good coming . . . I might jerk my cock until I explode all over your ass… Splatter your fucking ass with it? Is that what you want?” ⚰️⚱️⚰️⚱️⚰️⚱️ • “Don't fucking come. Keep yourself on the edge. Keep yourself on the edge and beg for it.” 😮‍💨 • Spanking her while she's edging?? 🚀🌙 The cockslapping??? All the “careful”s 🥲 • “Yeah, I need to hold you in place, don't I, huh?” And then pressing her face into the table and pinning her free hand behind her back?? 🔫🔫🔫 • The table moving SFX 👌 • The voice crack @ 28:02 🎯👍 • “Say my name, say my name. Fucking scream it.” 📢📢📢 • “Knew I was going to have you screaming my name.” 🔮 • “Cocksleeve” continues to be one of my favorite names used lmao 💯 • “Not yet, not yet . . . Just need a little more of this pussy. And as soon as I feel you come I'm gonna come in you, okay?” 🪦🥀😮‍💨🚨🔥⚡ • The finger sucking 🥲 • “I know you can do it. Just a little more. Just a little more.” 👏🙌🫶 • “Just ten more seconds, I swear to God.” I literally counted the seconds out loud and got annoyed on behalf of F because he went way over ten seconds lmaooo 😂 • “God, I love fucking you. Holy shit.” 🏆 • “You can come now, baby. I'm gonna come with you.” 😮‍💨❤️‍🩹 • Your acting and breath work for M’s orgasm? Big fan 🙏🪭🥇 • “Yeah, can you feel it running down your leg? Oh, that cum and your cream. Fuck.” WHY IS THERE NO JAIL EMOJI 😡🔒⛓️ • Love the subtle wet sounds as they change positions to kiss 💯 • The way he laughs as he says “I can barely stand, too.” We love a Rough Mdom who gives it his all! I hope he does something nice for himself after this, like an Epsom salt bath 👏❤️ • “You're okay, you're okay.” All the reassurance during the aftercare 🥹💓 • Having them go and lie down on the couch together 🫶🛋️ • Kissing as soon as they're both settled on the couch 🥺❤️‼️ • “If you don't wanna do this again, then, it's okay” I love that he's being so open with his communication! • “I'm very down.. I'm very down” 🤝🤝🤝 • “Such a good girl” and “you were so good” and “I couldn't believe it. You turn me on so much.” 🏆 • Her worrying about canceling on her date and him giving logical but empathetic reassurance was honestly really nice to have during this aftercare moment 🙌 • “I just wanted you. I just wanted you to pick me before you went out with that guy again.” STOP 🛑🥺❤️‍🩹 • “No, no, I'm not that jealous. I'm- no, I'm not. I just… I just wanted you to want me, I guess.” Oh hey, am I looking in a mirror right now? 🫣🪞 • “I mean I've always been attracted to you, obviously . . . You seemed really cool and interesting and then when I heard you, I just… just couldn't get you out of my head.” I'm a sucker for a guy who says he thinks I'm cool and so yeah this really made me smile ☺️ • “I guess we have a lot to look forward to, then *laugh*.” Perfect 👏 fucking 👏 ENDING! 👏 Goddamn it lmao. Every time I go to write a new Big Comment, I tell myself “this time, fewer direct quotes!” But every time, I fail miserably 😂 There're always just so many great lines! I can't help it! Great awesome incredible fantastic amazing holy Toledo, etc… took me fucking forever to gather my thoughts because goddamn it I kept getting ~distracted~ while re-listening lmao 🙃 Thanks for another banger (lol), August! 🙌❤️

michele nguyen (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 13:48:02 This is criminal for me to listen to when i have no alone time
2024-02-08 19:01:48 This is criminal for me to listen to when i have no alone time

This is criminal for me to listen to when i have no alone time


Girl ur fingers must be tired… from typing this comment. Another banger indeed 👍

Ruth Hope 🩷

Lmao I always end up cracking my knuckles a few times throughout the process. Tis strenuous 🆘🙌


Is there anywhere we can leave like long form/novel length comments on your audios? I usually have thoughts that are too long for a patron or Reddit comment box but I would love to share them!

Tori Burges

“Bounce your ass like a stupid slut then…good girl” I haven’t been the same since I heard that line. Wow, this one really hits different. The dirty talk is fucking next level. 🙃🙃🙃🫡🫡🫡


I will never forget that this masterpiece was made by a sick man 😷🤧


I listened to this a disrespectful amount of times 😅🫠


I’m a new sub(scriber). I already fucking love it here 😮‍💨😮‍💨


As per usual, I notice something new on each re-listen. All I can say is 🥴🫠


You -- without exaggeration --make the best porn on the internet




the evolution of your character work since you’ve started making audios is so wonderful. you navigate these different situations with such fluidity it’s a treat as a listener


Let me just say. With August there is no skipping to the good part. The buildup is satisfying and enhances the action. In this case, the first 10 minutes? Were all SO worth the listen.


Ik I said I liked that F took the initiative for the threesome, but M making the first moves here was so attractive. I like that he kept going even when he sounded nervous at times. Tbh there's always uncertainty, like a will we ot won't we, and that dynamic was captured so well here. It's so realistic with F not being direct either. She was nooot making it easy for him. 😂 M had to put himself out there. 🤣🤣

Olivia N

I have never wanted to crawl for a man more 🥵🥵🥵 dear god I need more like this, this is my favorite audio so far 🥵

sarah 💫

ok I’m back bc I *just* realized he says “gimme the behind the scenes” @ 1:55 and DT13 was litchrally behind the scenes/deleted scenes about THIS exact audio, WHAT IN THE AUGUST CINEMATIC METAVERSE 🤯


never in my life would i think to crawl for a man, yet here we are


MINDBLOWN 😯 (the “litchrally” is really getting me 😭)


returning to report that the advice was highly effective (t_diff= 1 month) in selected studies (n=1) 📈


I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again - I am a slut for this man and this man only 😀


I love the confidence, and how at the end he even admits that he was kinda scared because he didn't want you to date someone else before he got to y'know show you his skilss


I call this the Jim halpert audio

Rose S.

Just came back to this to check and can confirm: It’s still devastating.


this is truly the goat audio, literally subbed after hearing this. The dialogue feels natural/conversational and the build up feels raw and authentic which really builds anticipation for when the nsfw happens, obv that's good too but the dirty talk and tension is what gets me coming back (ahaha) every time, keep up the good work :)


I really can't get enough of this one, holy shit. Seriously, August ... this is epic work 🫠




I'm so glad I decided to take a break from work hahaha


Slow burn plus multi scenes … man your voice acting literally evolving exponentially

you look so thin (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-14 14:53:44 Listened to this after the stranger impregnation one and the duality. What can you not do?
2024-05-29 04:35:39 Listened to this after the stranger impregnation one and the duality. What can you not do?

Listened to this after the stranger impregnation one and the duality. What can you not do?

you look so thin (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-14 14:53:44 Before I subbed to you I read that you were kinda mean (and that you can actually sing, which is true) and I can see that. Speaker did not give F a break 🥵
2024-05-29 04:53:40 Before I subbed to you I read that you were kinda mean (and that you can actually sing, which is true) and I can see that. Speaker did not give F a break 🥵

Before I subbed to you I read that you were kinda mean (and that you can actually sing, which is true) and I can see that. Speaker did not give F a break 🥵


the build-up still makes me weak in the knees


godddd i cannot stop returning to this audio, the banter is so GOOD

whiskey 🍒

I have listened to this now [redacted] times. And it somehow... gets... hotter... every time? Like, idk how to behave anymore.

whiskey 🍒

My "screen time" report just kink shamed me by informing me how many hours I've already spent this week breaking my back to this audio.