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Thank you for wasting money on a couple of fools making podcasts about dumb games! Jokes aside, this really means a lot to us.  We appreciate  every supporter of this show from the bottom of our shriveled hearts.  People like you are heroes for supporting a product we love making. 

Please make sure to hook up your current Discord account (or create one) to Patreon. Here are some instructions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-discord-87689493 

Once it's linked you should automatically receive an invite to our hangout server where you can meet other supporters and complain to the hosts about jumping the shark. We, the hosts of Solely Singleton, thank you so much.

Added: 2024-01
Thank you for wasting money on a couple of fools making podcasts about dumb games!

Jokes aside, this really means a lot to us.  We appreciate  every supporter of this show from the bottom of our shriveled hearts.  People like you are heroes for supporting a product we love making.  Please make sure to hook up your current Discord account (or create one) to Patreon.  Once it's linked you should automatically receive an invite to our hangout server where you can meet other supporters and complain to the hosts about jumping the shark.

We, the hosts of Solely Singleton, thank you so much.
Added: 2023-02