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If you follow my twitter, you've probably seen my thread; long story short, for the past two weeks my health have been degrading once again; it happens occasionally and will still happen for the year(s) of treatment I still am under and I usually don't talk about it or take breaks, but this one resulted in a big enough of a scare that I had to visit the hospital yesterday.

I'm back home, but this severely impacted HMGBAPS's page production, and I am left with having to catch up 2-3 days of work in one day.

Honestly, rather than rush it, I've decided not to do an half assed page and I'll do an additional Unsheltered for today.

Sorry for the inconvenience!





Take care of yourself, first and foremost!


Sounds good, hope your rest goes well. It's really not an inconvenience.


Take rest, hope you get better 💟


Take the time to take care of yourself! Rest and get well.


Your health is first and foremost most of us support you because we enjoy your work if you need to take a day take it we will still be here giving our support.


Said it before, say it again. Take care of yourself, physically and mentally. This especially applies to content creators. I can't imagine the stress, so please do what you can to help ease your physical and mental health to a happy point in your life.