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Hello hello,

Starting today, I will commence the process of looking for a new apartment and move away from Paris; As I don't know yet WHEN I'll find a new home and start the process, I'm giving you advance notice of future schedule disruption!

I suppose moving, once it's acted, will take two weeks, with two more weeks to recover services such as Internet; I don't plan a 4 weeks interruption, I'll always be able to find places to upload, but please expect a 2 week interruption at some point while I pack up, move, and sets up again!

I will let you know when the formal moving process starts, so this is more of a head's up!




Alan Ucan Rod

Take your time kite :) we're here to support your work, and this sometime happens I didn't know you were french o: bonne chance !


Moving is always a difficult time even in the best circumstances. I hope things can go as smoothly as they can.


Best of luck with your move!


Having moved a hell of a lot as an adult, I'm well aware of just how much WORK goes into moving and how impossible it can be to work on the things you want to work on. Good luck, and I hope it all goes well.


Good luck on finding a new home. Make your life happy.