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Hello everyone!


Edit: Actually, I can barely cook today, and I tried my hardest to even do a Short, but I physically can't seems to be able to work today. I'll take the day off to rest and see if I'll be in better shape tomorrow...


I'd really like to thank you for your kind words, support and prayers these last few days! It really helped, and my nerves' been a bit better as of late. Things were a bit hard to accept, but hey, gotta fight on, and move forward!

I'm mostly writing this update to thank you, but also to warn you that tomorrow's HMGBAPS page (that you patrons receive today) will, well, arrive tomorrow. I have a few appointments this afternoon and I gotta go do a few scans, so I probably won't have the time to finish the page today. :(

Once again, I apologize for the chaotic schedules, and thank you for your support and patience!

PS: Finding a non-lewd picture of a Gardevoir bowing is ridiculously hard 



Get well soon! Also the picture might have been hard to find but it is cute!


please, don't worry so much about content. You are going through some serious health concerns, everyone will understand and anyone that doesn't is not worth your time. just take care of yourself.


All the best! Take care of yourself and thank you for the updates


You probably could have just said 'finding a non-lewd picture of Gardevoir is ridiculously hard' and left it at that. :V


When you is best waifu, you become the lewdest too. So say-eth the lord of the 34th rule. Keep thy health a top priority and thine work will one day show they love you give yourself.


Don't worry Kite, your appointments are more important than following the schedule

Sean Jackson

Good luck Kite, may your recovery go smoothly.


Take ALL the time you need to get healthy. Day, week, month. We will still be here.