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Whew, I'm glad I've been bringing back pinups for end of the month art... Tl;dr at the end!


Hello everyone! I'm providing some updates and a recaps about my bouncing health with good and bad news. I will keep the details for privacy, but:

In mid August, I got sick, and had troubles breathing. My doctor of the moment had diagnosed it as asthma-induced-allergies and put me on treatment for that. When it failed to improve the situation by September, I was asked to do a litany of tests related to this diagnosis throughout September and October.

I also too five Covid tests, on that doctor's prescription.

Around mid October/end November, situation wasn't improving and was starting to degrade beyond "breathing troubles", and I started to think that my doctor was either incompetent, or grifting me (sending me to their colleagues for additional tests, etc). I decided to change doctor. Said doctor asked a simple blood test.

Turns out, I had started developing a pretty severe condition, which should have been detected and treated two months ago for it to be reversible. New doctor is of the opinion that we're still able to start the treatment but it'll be heavy. That's the silver lining.

So, the good new is that after 4 months of being sick and wasting up to two thousand euros in useless medical fees, I FINALLY know what I have.

The bad new for me is what I have, and the bad new for you is, expect major schedule disruption. It may mainly involve WanderLust, which is the comic that asks me the most time to produce. Schedule disruption would be mainly due to clinical stay for observation or hospitalization, both of which may be needed at some spoint. 

In the meantime: 

This week's WanderLust may be impacted again, mostly because I'm rattled by the new. I have the utmost difficulty finishing the Short yesterday after receiving the results and the preliminary diagnosis, and I don't think I'll be able to focus for a day or two. I'll probably go drown myself in a video game to forget the world exist, because I'm kinda scared at the moment. In case of schedule disruption, I'll produce something else; be it sketches you'd like to see, a return of some Fallout content... I'll make a poll for you to chose what you'd prefer.

Pinup shouldn't be impacted at all. In fact, I may start it this week since and do WL in the week that'd normally be reserved to the Pinup. The process of pinups is one that's familiar to me, and right now, familiarity is comforting.

No change to HMGBAPS planned so far, Short if no main page, may start a porn centric Pokémon comic to give you your fill of sexy content.


Tl;dr: Got sick in August. My previous doctor was shit, ran me in circle for 4 months till I change doctor. New doctor finds I have something bad that should've been detected 2 months ago. Starting heavy treatment to prevent it become chronic, thus fatal. May get hospitalized if treatment requires it, so schedule may be disrupted.

Not doing WL this week cuz I'm freaking out and gonna do stuff to take my mind off the real world for today, but I'm planning sexy stuff in case I end up disrupting it more than is ideal.

Pinup's gonna be ok.

To conclude: 

I'd really like to thank you for your patience and support so far. I know these last four months have been a bit chaotic, but I'm doing my utmost best to return things to a stable normality. Now that I know what I have, all that's left is treat the illness, and Arceus willing, I'll be out of these woodworks soon enough!

I have no intention or desire to die soon, dammit! D:<





Holy crap! I'll be praying for you, Kite! Sending good vibes your way I'm wishing you the best, friend!


God that all sucks. Are you going to be able to afford the treatments you need?


I really hope things improve fast without any complications. You deserve better!


Im so sorry, hope things turn out for the better


Well that sucks, but hey take all the time you need to recover, we'll still be here when you recover


Damn! Good to hear you finally got an answer to what's plaguing you for months. Best wishes for a smooth and steady recovery!


You've got this! Good luck with treatment!


Dude that’s terrible, fuck that incompetent, useless excuse for a doctor, seriously focus on your health and please feel better ❤️

Yuu Yi

That sucks but hopefully you can start feeling better and please don't worry at all, take care of yourself and best of luck with treatment.

Mr Stealth

Good lord. What a ordeal you’ve gone through. Stay safe and focus on the recovery.


Holy shit that's awful, please be careful and put ur health first. I hope it all goes well bit that they know how to treat it


I'm was in the COVID-19 Club. The worst club ever... So I know about being knocked out of commission. Glad you are moving forward, or will soon. Please take care. Life is fleeting and we need you better first and foremost!


I think I speak for everybody when I say that we'd rather you take your time out to get better without worrying yourself about throwing us a bone every so often.


holy shit, hope you get better and when you do you should probably look into legal actions against that previous doctor


Holy cow, your first doctor was a total idiot. I send to you my best wishes and hope that everything solves out in the end.


Oof. Hope you feel better. I know what it's like to deal with shitty doctors. My dad had to sue one for medical malpractice after my mom died.


Oh no :c Please take whatever time you need to handle this, both practically and mentally. We horny bastards can wait, and I know I will still be supporting you even if you decide to take a break during this. Please don't overexert yourself trying to juggle all this, take the rest you need to hopefully help this not turn chronic

Sophia Dearden

We all want you to prioritize your health here. If you need to disrupt your art schedule, do it. You deserve to be healthy and anyone who thinks work should take priority over that is just a jerk.


Good luck and best of wishes


I'm sorry about the shitty experience with your doctor. Hang in there and good luck, we'll all be waiting and looking forward to you coming back once you've recovered, your health comes first! Hope you get better soon and can prevent this from becoming far worse.

Purple Floof

Get well soon! Praying for you, buddy!


Hope you get better soon.

Curious Krissy

Please take care of yourself! We'll still be here!


Please take care of yourself. Be well.

D. Quinn

You gotta take care of yourself. Sounds like you got a long road ahead of you, and I hope we'll all still be here, helping you out through this tough time. Don't stop fighting for your health!


The 1st doctor put you through a bunch of things, but didn't try a regular blood test? What a quack! Anyway, I hope you can get better and fight through it. Just take care of yourself first!


Oof, that's bad to hear. Good to have some form of progress, though. Take care, and all the best!


I know malpractice is an almost impossible suit to win (at least in the states) but it might be worth asking your new Doctor what they think about how your old Doctor performed.


Kite in my opinion no one has the right to complain that you fight for your life, we all understand that you are also human, and I hope you take all the time in the world so that you do not leave without finishing your excellent work. Strength for you from me and I hope that the next medical update is that you are finally cured and recovered.


I do hope your recovery is a full one no matter how long it takes. Will be here with a grin when you are fully well. Sending good vibes through the nether to you.


Praying for your speedy recovery, but you're still the greatest!!! Don't feel a hint of guilt for taking care of your health, we'll always be around to appreciate your art!


Good Luck on your recovery, may it be speedy and effective.


I hope you pull through this good as new. Take care!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 06:35:48 &lt;3 &lt;3
2020-11-19 01:11:13 <3 <3

<3 <3


I would recommend trying to get in contact with your former doctor and suing for malpractice


I suspect that, right now, that would only take a further and dangerous toll on the recovery