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So you'd prefer one HMGBAPS page per weeks, one side project page, and 2 WanderLust pages!

I don't know whether I should feel sad HMGBAPS is losing steam or happy because of the slightly reduced workload, but then again, HMGBAPS has been on standby for nearly two months now due to my hiatus!

Please note that the side project could be replaced by a HMGBAPS Short page if applicable: the "HMGBAPS page(s) of the week are strictly the main comic.

So, what do I have to propose?

- A Fallout Unsheltered successor: To be fair, Fallout Unsheltered could resume, but I have no idea about what to do in Unsheltered anymore; the Fallout Shelter basis had advantages, but many disadvantages. As such, I could propose you a steamy Fallout comic based on the blonde from my Falloutober, and happening in Fallout 76.

- Hub Tales: You already know the drill of this one, although it has the same problem as Unsheltered. I'll run out of idea at some point. But I could try to actually write something for it to be honest. Or have audience participation to keep the steam pumpin'.

- A Skyrim comic: I've been roleplay-replaying Skyrim as of late. I could propose you some untreaded grounds revolving around a Bosmer thief using various skills that are not necessarily thievery to get what she wants. This one would be limited to the Thieves Guild Questline, story wise. 

- HMGBAPS Short/A new Pokémon comic: HMGBAPS Shorts, of course! But if you want something new, we could start an HMGBAPS-like (with less drama) adventure/exploration comic centered in Sword and Shield! 



Poke sword and shield DOES have some nice ladies and mons... gloria, marnie, bea...

Sean Jackson

I've always wondered what a Skyrim comic by you would be like. And if we got some slooty Skyrim mod designs from you one day, that would be great too.

Purple Floof

And the scrolls have foretold of a Bosmer in the cold that when brothers wage war lays between! Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound, can wait while our hero gets some schween!


If I have learned anything, it is that you can always add more sex to Skyrim.

Jariah Synn

Please sir, more fallout unsheltered


Whatever it is, as long as there's bondage I'm happy umu


Yup, hopping for a bit of skyrim. I'd love to see some of the armors in your style.


Please actually read the post; Unsheltered is done. I have no ideas left for it and I don't plan to drag it out just to shell empty content out :(


I’m interested in the Skyrim and hubtales is my close second. Whatever you do I know it’s still going to be amazing Kite!!


To be honest, why limit yourself? I was under the impression the "side project" page would be a bit more freeform, allowing you to move between ideas if there was something you wanted to try that month. I don't think there's any need to lock it into a specific story.


I'd love to see an Overbitch story!

Anonymous Profile

Voted for Hub Tales. I want to see more of the "if this big name is my person slave slut, it speaks quite well of my own accomplishments" motto. Competition and submission.