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Hello! I almost caught up with September's backlog! New schedule is almost entirely worked out too. I plan to dedicate one day per weeks to one of the side projects, but I wondered what you'd prefer! So far, I'm producing 4 pages per weeks (in normal times). Would you prefer:

(I'll post another poll after that one to discuss which side project you'd prefer to be done in priority)



More Wanderlust pages queen please!!!


I still prefer HMGBAPS but Wanderlust is also exquisite, although I am sorry that because of work I can no longer review or comment almost instantly after your publications.


Shame HMGBAPS isn’t getting more love.


HMGBAPS doesn't have enough smut


Bummer, would have loved more 2 WanderLust and 2 HMGBAPS but at least it's still coming.


Wanderlust is my favorite but anything you do makes me shiver with delight so the more the better love! ❤️